Udo Erasmus, founder of the award-winning supplement company Udo’s Choice, shares the journey that led him to transform the edible oil industry, the power of essential fatty acids, and simple ways to support your body with the right kinds of fats.
I’m joined by Udo Erasmus, founder of the award-winning supplement company Udo’s Choice, to learn more about the benefits of essential fatty acids. For over 40 years, Udo has been paving the way for sustainable oils that have health in mind. In our conversation, he shares his inspiring origin story and the journey that led him to transform the edible oil industry.
After being poisoned by pesticides in 1980, Udo started looking into the quality of his food, water, and air intake. He gained a deeper understanding of the impact that oil has on mental and physical health, and even discovered that 99% of the population doesn't consume enough Omega 3. He and his team developed the first ever flaxseed oil and have since expanded the range to include optimal oil blends and other products like probiotics and greens.
Udo shares simple, tangible ways to improve health outcomes through diet. Lifestyle changes can feel hard to implement, but Udo is living proof that it’s possible to feel younger while growing older when you prioritize what you put in your body.
Listen in to hear our discussion about the power of essential fatty acids and how to start incorporating them into your diet.
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Dana Frost 00:07
Welcome to Vitally You, a podcast created to introduce you to the tools that will be your roadmap for feeling younger while growing older. I'm your host Dana Frost, a wellness expert, life coach and energy medicine practitioner. Here's what you can expect conversations about vitality from the inside out with guest experts in the field of health, culture and spirituality, and solo episodes along the way from me where I do deep dives into the topics of aging, heart intelligence, energy, medicine, and your innate capacity to heal. If you want to feel younger, while growing older, this is the place for you.
Dana Frost 00:52
Hi, everyone. Welcome to this week's Vitally You podcast. I'm Dana Frost, your host coming to you this week to talk about a sticky situation. Fats, our guest is going to share the truth about and power of essential fatty acids. And I'm going to tell you in terms of food and nutrition, the fats we consume have the greatest impact on our overall health. So you're going to want to stay tuned to learn more. Our guest Udo Erasmus is the founder of ludos Choice, and author of the book fats that heal fats that kill. This book sold over 250,000 copies, who traveled globally as a keynote speaker on brain health essential fatty acids, health, peace, nature and human nature. It was such a pleasure to get to know Ludo during our conversation, I'm so excited to bring him before you. His background includes studies in biochemistry, genetics, biology, nutrition, and he has a Master's in Counseling Psychology.
Dana Frost 01:57
He is a wellspring of wisdom, who also has a fascinating origin story, which he's going to share with you. Now before we get started, I want you to know that there's a very special gift from Udo after today's episode, you are going to learn a lot today. And it might feel overwhelming because I can probably assume that 99% of you listeners aren't consuming the proper balance of different essential fatty acids. And I can assume that probably 80% of you have stress that's built up in your body from the fats that you've eaten. Because we all know that we all love fried food. And most of us eat fried food on the road outside of our homes. And most of the oils that are used are really, really not good for us. So I would just don't want you to feel overwhelmed during this episode, I want you just to stay calm, because the gift is going to be supportive of what you can do to support your body with the right kind of fats.
Dana Frost 03:07
And as you know, the link will be in the show notes. So please join me in welcoming Udo to the show. Gudo thank you so much for being a guest this week. I'm excited to have you.
Udo Erasmus 03:17
Thank you for having me on.
Dana Frost 03:20
I'll tell you what Udo I really want you to start sharing your origin story. I heard you share your origin story on another podcast. And it really moved me and you know what I'm finding. There's so much wisdom in people's histories and their stories. And I think that sometimes in our fast paced modern culture, we really miss the wisdom that comes from people who have decades of experience. And so if you don't mind, do you mind sharing your origin story?
Udo Erasmus 03:55
Okay, so I was born during the Second World War. So that means next week, I'm going to be 81 and 1942. I was born we were refugees in the wild. I was in Poland, which was then part of Germany. My parents came from Latvia, we were refugees. I was two and a half years old in winter. And we were fleeing on dirt roads in horsedrawn, hay wagons, with the communists chasing us and tanks and trucks. And they were dead horses and dead people in the ditches and everybody's trying to get the hell out of there. And the allies, the good guys. Were using us as target practice. There was no military presence on those roads. So they were shooting us from planes. And my mother left the road because of a safer to go through the fields but she had six kids with her. So she had to leave four of them behind.
Udo Erasmus 04:49
Two of them were her own kids. I was one of the left behind ones and ended up in an orphanage and eventually we got reunited mice. My mother sister heard about it and she went came and found Lesson. So that was an I was so I grew up very shy, I love books, because books are safe. You know, there's no bullets flying in a war story in the book, right. And then when it came to studying, I wanted to know how everything works, because my, my young childhood was so chaotic. I wanted to know how everything works, because when you know how things work, you could that gives you some reliability, you can depend on it right. So I went into science, then I went into into Biosciences to find out how creatures work, then into psych, how thinking works, then into medicine, how health works, but I only learned about disease.
Udo Erasmus 05:43
So I went back into biochemistry and genetics. That's where I ended up in grad studies. And the all of this came out of as a conversation that I heard was adults arguing after the war, and they were really intense. And I thought the topic was trivial. So why are you why are you on about this? And that always made me uneasy, because I was like, very sensitive for it. And I said, Man, there must be a way that people can live in harmony. This little cocky voice, six year old, doesn't know how complicated everything is. hasn't heard yet that nothing can be fixed, said, I am going to find out how. So that's been that was my driver for doing everything I studied, because I wanted to know how people can live in harmony, I still think that's a really good question. Because we're not getting much closer. In fact, we're getting further away from it. It seems like and it's because we're not taking responsibility for cultivating the peace and unconditional love, that are the core of our own existence.
Udo Erasmus 06:52
So instead of going in and discovering that, and then expressing that into the world, what we do is we just go out into the world and then react to everything. And you don't build something that way, you got to bring something to if you want something better, you got to bring something better to it. Don't expect better to come from outside, expect that you have you're responsible for bringing back bring you better into the world. So that's it. And then what happened is I eventually left university because I hadn't found what I was looking for. So I kept on looking and and eventually I my marriage broke up, I got married, we had three kids, my marriage broke up, I wanted to kill something. And I took a job as a pesticide sprayer.
Udo Erasmus 07:36
And I was really careless. And after three years of spraying very carelessly, even people said to me, somebody said to me, you know, aren't you worried you're gonna get poisoned because you didn't wear a mask. I walked barefoot over the lawns, I had sprayed with pesticides. And I said, No, I'm immune, I'm immune. And three years later, I wasn't immune. got poisoned by pesticides. And then I began to look for how to heal myself. Because when I went to the doctor and asked her, What do you have for pesticide poisoning? She said nothing. I was like, okay, and I was like, oh, yeah, my health is my I knew my health is my responsibility. But I didn't really know it. When she said nothing, I really know it. And so I got into studying is the body is made out of food. So food, water and air. If you're something goes down with your health, then you need to raise your standard of intake of food, water and air, because your body turns over 98% every year.
Udo Erasmus 08:40
So if you raise your standard in one year, you can have rebuilt your body 90 98% to that higher standard. And so I started looking at everything minerals, and vitamins, essential nutrients and proteins and fats, and carbs and all of that, trying to figure it out. I got stuck on oils, because oils were so confusing. Because on one hand, I've read a study that said Omega six is an essential nutrient, which means you can't make it you got to have it, you got to get it from outside. If you don't get it, you will deteriorate until you die. And if you bring it back at while you're deteriorating, but before you die, if you bring enough back then all the problems that come from not getting enough are reversed. Because life knows how to build a body provided we take responsibility that all of the essential building blocks land in our body in optimum amounts, because then life can make an optimally functioning body.
Udo Erasmus 09:40
And so so that was so that was the study that one study, okay, Omega six is essential. It's an essential nutrient you got to have it. And the next study I read it said Omega six gives you cancer and kills you. And I'm going what? How can you something that is essential for your health give you cancer and kill you. It's like well, I mean I honest My head exploded. And so it's like, there must be something missing. You know, because I'm not assuming they're lying on either side is lying. I'm assuming they did a study. And that's what they found. So what is it? That's what is it that? How do I deal with that contradiction. And that forced me to look deeper and I started looking into how oils are made. They're the most sensitive of our essential nutrients.
Udo Erasmus 10:26
Omega three is five times more sensitive than omega six, but both are quite sensitive to damage by light by oxygen by heat. And then you look at how we make oils, how industry makes oils, they treat them with sodium hydroxide, a very corrosive base, phosphoric acid, a very corrosive acid, then they bleach them, then they turn rancid. And then to clean them up, they have to heat them top frying temperature by deodorisation, or molecular distillation. And then you have a colorless, odorless, tasteless oil that has a two or three year shelf life. That makes it great because you can make it and wherever you live, you can make it in that town and you can sell it in in Johannesburg and Tokyo, and Berlin and Moscow, right. So you have a global market, if you can get a long shelf life. By nature, oils don't have a long shelf life.
Udo Erasmus 11:17
So they so they. So in that processing, they do damage to maybe a half to 1% of the molecules. And I called up the oil chemists aside, I said, Why do you do this when you know it does damage to the oil? And he said, well, one of the reasons we do that is when we deodorize the oil at frying temperature, we can get rid of 50% of the pesticides in the oil. And my head exploded again. Like I didn't know they were pesticides in oils. And you're only getting rid of half of them and the other half stay in the oil. So I said to him, why don't you start with organically grown seeds. And it was long silence at the end of the phone. I guess he had never heard that question before I thought about it. And when he got back to me, I waited quite a while. I'm a good talker, but I can listen to when he got back to me, he was mad. He was really angry. I don't know what your problem is.
Udo Erasmus 12:13
The oil is only 1% damaged. It's still 99%. Good. And if you got 99% on an exam, you'd be damn happy, wouldn't you? So now I'm backing off. I said, Well, maybe 1%? Not much. So how do I find out? When in doubt? Do the math. If you have a tablespoon This is the math I did. If you have a tablespoon, that is 1% damaged by the processing. How many damaged molecules would be in that tablespoon?
Dana Frost 12:41
I'm not enough person. So I hope you're not asking me.
Udo Erasmus 12:45
Yeah, I'm asking you because you don't know just like everybody else doesn't know unless you've heard this story before. So just give it a guess. If you
Dana Frost 12:53
have one table and so not in that one tablespoon 1% damaged. So how many molecules are in a tablespoon? And that's kind of what I need to know which I don't know.
Udo Erasmus 13:02
And you don't? Yeah, so good. So give it a guess. I
Dana Frost 13:06
don't know. I'm a million. Okay. I have no,
Udo Erasmus 13:13
a million. No, no, I know. And I do this all the time. And there's a reason for doing it. So you set a million. That's a two that's a one followed by six zeros. The actual is a a six followed by 19 zeros. No 60 quintillion damage molecules. So, you know you go 4,000,003 More billion, billion trillion quadrillion quintillion. So you've got 12 molecules, plus one more 60 quintillion molecules. Why is that important? That's how much is that? That's, that's more than a million damage molecules for every one of your bodies. 60 trillion cells in one tablespoon. So your estimate is? What is it? 1213. So 1000 million, billion trillion. So 6 trillion 60 trillion times too low? Wow. So you underestimate the damage done by the industry by 60 trillion times? So now I asked another question. So you're going you're gonna fly home for the holidays. And you find out before you get on the airplane, from somebody who only tells the truth that your chance of crashing and dying is 60 trillion times higher than you
Dana Frost 14:36
thought it was you I wouldn't do it.
Udo Erasmus 14:38
Would you get on airplanes? No, I wouldn't. I told them and I told them in Ireland, I would canoe back to Canada. Because this is what we're doing. You know, because the estimates are always a billion times too low. We don't know how small molecules are. And we don't know we underestimate by always by at least at million times how much damage we're doing by using those oils?
Dana Frost 15:04
Well, I think looting where my mind is going with this, we estimate the power that oils have the how potent they really are. So as you're talking, I'm just going, they're just so very potent in their good, you know, in the healthy state and in the disruptive state.
Udo Erasmus 15:27
Yeah, so I'll get to that in a second. So you get one tablespoon, you get more than a million damage molecules for every cell in your body. But you usually people use two to four tablespoons a day. And there's pesticides in in the oil. So you take that in, and they're packaged in plastic, plastic leeches into oil. So you're taking plastic in and there's a lot of research coming out about plastics, getting into the body, in fish and, and foods and then getting into us. And you do that for 30 years. So you got to multiply that number by another 10,000, which is the number of days in 30 years. And if you don't have a major problem with your health by that time, then there's something wrong. Right? That's what we're doing. That's what we're doing.
Udo Erasmus 16:18
Because we don't know. So when I found that out, I said, Oh my god, I cannot get healthy with oils like that. We should make oils with health in mind, what do you have to do, you got to protect them from light from oxygen from heat from the time they're in the seats, through the pressing, the filtering, the filling, the settling, you know, all the processing, till they're in a brown glass bottle in a box, in the fridge, in the factory or the store or at home. So that no light, no oxygen, no heat, gets to the oil during all that time. And you have to make a very, very tight system to do that. That's what I did. I said, Okay, we need to make oils with health in mind. And so that's what I did. And out of that came flaxseed oil. That was my first oil. And, and Omega three was established as an essential nutrient the year after I got poisoned, so my timing was perfect.
Dana Frost 17:19
Giving us the timeline,
Udo Erasmus 17:21
I got poisoned in 1980 1981 it was established that omega three is an essential nutrient, okay? And, and so I decided, and then I found out 99% of the population doesn't get enough Omega three for optimum health. Omega three is five times more sensitive to damage than omega six. So it's a nightmare to work with. You want to get organic. So we started with organically grown seeds. And I said, Hey, if we can make organic flaxseed oil, any oil we'd ever want to make with health in mind would be a piece of cake. So we started with the hardest oil first. And we made it it's now a billion dollar industry. At wholesale.
Dana Frost 18:02
What year did your you come out? What year did you finalize your organic flaxseed oil?
Udo Erasmus 18:07
We started the oil in 1986. Wow. And we started and we went public in 1987. Wow. Yep. And we and then we did a tour 35 states 17,000 miles by road in the hottest months of the year July August half of June half of September 101 days 85 cities in a van without air conditioning to tell the tell the story about and we were on fire because when I realized, oh my god, if we could make flaxseed oil with health in mind and bring the Omega threes the missing back into people's diets. Oh my god, we could help almost everybody. And that was so exciting for me. Oh my god, there's something that feels really good from the inner heart. You know, when you when you when you help people, you know when you make their life better. It's like, oh my god, I have a purpose. I just found a purpose. Oh my god. And it was like literally we were so I had no business background. And we created a billion dollar business.
Udo Erasmus 19:14
You know, by enthusiasm by just because of being on fire. Oh my god could help so many people. And omega three turns out everything we know about fats is not true for omega threes. All the bad stuff, you know you they were supposed to make you fat and they're supposed to make your platelets sticky, and they're supposed to make your insulin sensitive. While omega threes making more insulin sensitive. They make your platelets less sticky. They turn on fat burning genes in your body and turn off fat production. So they actually help with weight management. You because people think eat fat get fat actually most fat comes from carbs, carbohydrate you eat too many carbs the body turns them into fats, but omega threes block that so you you want to make those your, your main source of energy, which means you lower your carb intake and you increase your intake of Omega three and Omega six in the right ratio, they need to be in the right ratio. And they mean to be made with health in mind and not damaged and not used for frying.
Udo Erasmus 20:21
Because that's the part I forgot when you fry oils, you damage them with light, oxygen and heat all at the same time. Make a complete mess of them. Frying is the dumbest thing we've ever invented in 200,000 years to do to ourselves through food. Absolutely, absolutely health destroying. And we should not be doing it. I say to people get your frying pan, you know, turn it upside down, hit yourself up to hide up the side of the head. So it's associated with pain at that throw that stupid thing out. And put oils in foods like get oils that are made with health in mind that have omega three and six in the right ratio that are packaged in glass that are refrigerated, and you add them to food after it comes it comes off the heat source. Use water for cooking if you're going to cook.
Dana Frost 21:09
And what's the ratio Ludo that you use, I use
Udo Erasmus 21:13
the ratio twice as rich in omega threes Omega six because that's where in practice we have over the past 3040 years that I've been doing this got the best results. flax oil is four times richer in Omega three. And I actually became Omega six deficient on it. I got dry eyes, skipped hearts beat skipped heartbeats arthritis, like pain and finger joints, and thin papery skin and fixed it by eating sunflower seeds, which have only Omega sixes in them to get the balance back. And that's when I decided I needed to make a blend rather than flax all by itself or sunflower oil by itself. There is no one oil that has the best balance.
Dana Frost 21:52
Yeah, we need to have, we need to be exposed to all of them. And I always like to think just the idea of something called Seed cycling, where every day and having you know different I'm including different seeds every day, you can do it to a woman's cycle, you can see it cycle and then a puzzle. So that doesn't, you know, I no longer do that. But that's an interesting way to get the different staff.
Udo Erasmus 22:17
But yeah, and the reason why people do the cycling is because they don't know what they're doing. So then that's, I call it a scattergun approach. Right? If If you shoot a bullet, if you shoot a bullet in enough different directions, you know, eventually you're going to hit something because people don't know how much Omega three is there in in in flaxseed or how much Omega three is there in sunflower in corn in in safflower in sesame, and almond in peanuts. So we don't know how much omega threes in and how much Omega six is in it. And every seed has a different fatty acid profile. So what we did is we tried to make it easy for people, we put it together with flax, sunflower, sesame, rice germ, oat germ, oh, evening primrose, tiny bit of coconut, lecithin, and GMO free lecithin and vitamin E. So we made the blend so that the ratio is taken care of. And you can literally use that every day until the day you check out. And you will never become omega 60 efficient, and you will always get good energy. Because we hydrated the Omega threes. They're called the God molecule because God is power. God is energy. And this is the highest energy molecule in our diet.
Dana Frost 23:33
Wow, that's so interesting. And and, you know, most people are just going to be listening to this because we only have two short clips. So I want to tell people, You look so young, like your skin is vibrant. You've got color, you look so healthy, in comparison to other people your age, like you look so vibrant. And I'm going to be just assuming that it's because you take care of yourself and you've got this perfect blend of the god molecule.
Udo Erasmus 24:01
Yeah, I yeah, I'll tell you what I did. I grew up just like everybody else did. We had a farm so I wasn't a real junk food junkie. But I I didn't pay much that much attention. That's like when you're young, we call that being poisoned by your own testosterone, you know, young men, you know, they do really crazy stuff until they until they get their first brush with death. And then they start to develop a little wisdom. But anyway, so the first the one thing the biggest thing I did is I threw out my frying pan. I don't eat fried foods when I go out to a restaurant. I don't I don't order fried food. Why? Because when you fry the oil unit fried oils, fry health. That's what you need to remember. Fried Foods for eye health because you're burning the food. You're changing molecules into something unnatural that never existed in nature. So your genetic program never had to your life never had to develop a genetic program to break them down. So then they pile up in your body. And if you put them in faster than your body can get rid of them, you become toxic or toxic or toxic or right. And then toxic is sick. Right?
Dana Frost 25:14
Yeah. Toxic. Yeah. I mean, thankfully, we're beginning to have the collective conversation around toxicity. And the fact that we're all walking around in a toxic soup. And so I think people are more open to the conversation.
Udo Erasmus 25:30
Yeah, there are two things we need to do. One is we need to bring in the good stuff. That's really important. All the essential nutrients because we die if we don't. Number two, we need to leave out the toxins. So you we need to make make wiser food choices. Organic is one of those choices, whole food is another choice. less processed food is another choice. Right. And then the third is we got to make sure digestion works. And I've worked with digestive enzymes and probiotics, and fiber in that regard. Because if your digestion works, doesn't work, you won't get the nutrients. And you'll create toxicity in your digestive tract. That's it actually, that's, that's as simple as it is in its basics. Bringing the good stuff, leave out the bad stuff. Right, make sure digestion
Dana Frost 26:16
works. And I think that I'm just thinking about clients of mine. And even myself when after I had my health crisis, and even though I had, I had eaten a whole foods diet, I was a you know, I love to cook and my husband and I started juicing in the early 90s before it was fashionable. But I still ate fried foods not often. But you know, I can't say that I still haven't eliminated them. But I'm really reconsidering that listening to you. The few things that I just love that I think they're so delicious. And I'm kind of I'm going to read, I'm going to revisit that decision of mine. But people really do struggle with changing their lifestyle, because it is it's a lifestyle choice that you make that has implications in terms of you know, it makes you a little more problematic when you're dining out with people when you're going to people's homes or when you're traveling. And, you know, I can't emphasize enough the importance of finding, finding the internal fortitude to really think about where do you want where do you want your health to be in a year from now in two years from now and five and 10 because these choices that we make on a daily basis have consequences for future health. And this the you know, the seed oils, this is a real critical decision that we have within our power to change the oils that we're taking in.
Udo Erasmus 27:51
Mostly we we have learned how to eat habitually learned from our mothers or mothers were bamboozled by the oil industry to fry food when I was a kid. Mostly cooking meant with water. Now when you say cooking, it's usually means with oil. So even the words have changed. And so we didn't fry, you know, the whole oil industry that makes the oils we use for frying. It only started about in 1900. Yeah, I
Dana Frost 28:19
have read that. And so I'm just trying to like my grandmother fried everything. And until she later in life, because of her health had to make some changes. So I definitely didn't grow up with cooking in water. So that's kind of I mean, other than, like boiling or steaming, for sure.
Udo Erasmus 28:40
Right. So then you have to break a habit and breaking a habit, you know, it's like habits or well, well trod tracks. It's it takes it takes guts to do that. It takes courage, it really
Dana Frost 28:52
does. So I'll ask you something. Well, number one, I just want to say, for the listeners, don't complicate how to find the right oil, just go to Udo site and purchase his oil and you commit yourself to using it for at least a month and just see do you notice a difference? Yeah, it will complicate it. You will. I will.
Udo Erasmus 29:15
You will. Yeah. We we worked with athletes, and within 30 days of taking a tablespoon per 50 pounds of body weight per day, mixed in food intake spread out over the course of the day within 30 days. If they did their sport to exhaustion, they had 40 to 60% increase in in performance within 30 days.
Dana Frost 29:38
Okay, I'm gonna put this in the show notes. One tablespoon for 50 pounds of body weight
Udo Erasmus 29:43
per day, mixed in food and intake spread out over the course of the day. So this is not oil to take off a spoon. It belongs with fruit. Yes. Yeah. And the other thing is that more health problems come from damaged oils than any other part of nutrition and more how of benefits come from giving your body the oil change that it needs. From the damaged oils to damage dirty oils to oils made with health in mind. The single worst thing, the second thing is sugar. But oils are worse than sugar when they're damaged. I'm thinking
Dana Frost 30:17
that maybe you have a you have a talk about an oil change.
Udo Erasmus 30:22
Yeah, I do have it. Yeah, your body needs an oil change. Just like your car. Yeah. And Dirty, dirty oil dirty oil out clean oil.
Dana Frost 30:29
Yes. Okay. Do you have as we're wrapping up? Because learning about you preparing for this podcast, I know that you have you are a deep well of wisdom. And do you have any like something to say to people who are struggling with making the lifestyle changes?
Udo Erasmus 30:48
Yeah, you are one decision away from making the change. You're one decision away. That's, that's all it is. And that decision means you actually committed to something. That's it, you know, that here's the thing is your friends that you go out with and then you eat garbage. When when you get cancer, they're not going to be there to hold your hand. This is something you need to do for your own body, you get to decide the quality of physical health that you that you that you embody by the choices you made of what you stuffed into your mouse. And then how you breathe and how you drink it. as well. I love that, thank you. It's not and there's no other way around it. Now if you if you know how to discover the love, the unconditional love that is at the core of your being. If you feel that love, you will make the changes and it won't be that hard because you're enjoying your life. If your life is crummy, it's hard. It's much harder to make the change. So what does it take for you to get inspired? Because inspiration is the power that makes change possible.
Dana Frost 31:58
Well, amen to that, Ludo. So I'm gonna ask you the question, the final question I asked all of my guests and that is what tends feeling younger, while growing older mean to you?
Udo Erasmus 32:10
Oh, well, in order to feel younger. As I get older, I have to do a kind of stillness practice that all the Masters whether it's Buddha, or Christ, or Krishna, or whoever recommended that we do. Because life, the energy that keeps us alive is formless and indestructible and ageless. And you can live in love when you can watch your body peel off of your life. And smile, because it feels so good to be life.
Dana Frost 32:48
Thank you. That's really beautiful. I love that. Thank you so much you do it's been such a pleasure to have you on the show. And I'm sure I'll be asking you back for part two.
Udo Erasmus 32:58
Let's do part two. Thank you.
Dana Frost 33:02
Thank you everyone for joining me this week on the vital you podcast. As I mentioned, Udo has a very special gift for you and it is a downloaded copy of his piece of work that is your body needs an oil change. There will be a link in the show notes. And I really encourage you if there's one thing that you can do to take care of your health, in terms of what you put into your mouth. I want you to focus on the oils that you consume for the rest of the year. And this book is going to help but it's not a book that this download is going to help you with that. Your body needs an oil change. So if you're enjoying this show, please make me smile. Make my heart sing. Hit subscribe if you're new to the show. hit download and leave a review please and thank you until next week, I am streaming love from my heart to yours