A very special episode with the founder of Equine Assisted Awareness, Dr. Susan Wagner, a veterinary neurologist, author, and adjunct faculty at The Ohio State University, whose pioneering work acknowledges the spiritual interaction between humans and animals.
In this episode, Dr. Susan and I discuss her entry point into energy medicine through sacral therapy, plus her findings around Quantum Physics and energy frequency. Dr. Susan also explains her theory of magnetic resonance and emotional wounds, the importance of noticing patterns, and the high spirtual state animals bring into our lives.
Listen in to hear Dr. Susan’s amazing story about frequency healing and energy medicine, and how the messages and mirrors animals provide are essential to our own sense of connection.
Lastly, a big shout out to our listener, Momartinot, whose review made my heart sing! If you are enjoying these conversations, please subscribe and spread the love by leaving a review and sharing it with your friends. From my heart to yours.
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Dana Frost 00:07
Welcome to Vitally You, a podcast created to introduce you to the tools that will be your roadmap for feeling younger while growing older. I'm your host Dana Frost, a wellness expert, life coach and energy medicine practitioner. Here's what you can expect conversations about vitality from the inside out with guest experts in the field of health, culture and spirituality, and solo episodes along the way from me where I do deep dives into the topics of aging, heart intelligence, energy, medicine, and your innate capacity to heal. If you want to feel younger, while growing older, this is the place for you.
Dana Frost 00:52
I'm Dana Frost, your host coming to you this week with a very special guest, Dr. Susan Wagner. Dr. Wagner is a veterinary neurologist whose pioneering work acknowledges the spiritual interaction between humans and animals. Dr. Wagner is an active public speaker in the areas of frequency healing, sound therapy and self discovery. She is a healing touch for animals practitioner, and founder of Equine Assisted awareness and energy based equine therapy for humans. Dr. Wagner is also an adjunct faculty at The Ohio State University and co author of through a dog's ear using sound to improve the health and behavior of your canine companion.
Dana Frost 01:37
Now, before we jump into our conversation, I want to thank lightwaves reverse aging patches for sponsoring the Vitally You podcast. The future of healing and longevity is truly in frequency and light. To learn more about activating your own stem cells, increasing glutathione reducing stress and anxiety, improving the quality of your sleep and reducing and eliminating pain. Please see the link in the show notes. Now I am so thrilled to have this conversation with Susan. Well, Susan, I have been anticipating this conversation now for a while. And I'm super excited to introduce you to the Vitally You community. So welcome to the show.
Dr. Susan Wagner 02:22
Thank you. It's wonderful to be here. I appreciate your asking me. Yeah. Susan,
Dana Frost 02:26
when we were talking before on an interview that you interviewed me for life wave for our larger team, you were talking about your experience with energy medicine and your own experience in your healing journey. Can you give the listeners a little bit of a backdrop of your experience with using energy in as a potent healing opportunity?
Dr. Susan Wagner 02:49
Yes, that's a great way to start the conversation. Because, you know, when I I love to teach what I perceive as the physics of energy medicine, and you know, I tell the youngsters, I call them the youngsters these days, whether it's veterinary students or medical students or lay people that usually people in my generation, we have a story, the young ones can come into whether it's energy medicine, or homeopathy or any holistic modality just because they heard about it or they're interested. But my generation, we usually have a story.
Dr. Susan Wagner 03:23
And so my story starts when I was in between that school, and then getting ready to do my residency in neurology and I was very left brained very, you know, I'm very scientific, blah, blah, blah. And I all of a sudden started dropping things. I had brain fog, I had extreme pain. So of course, you know, did the whole workup and really couldn't find anything. And this is many, many, many years ago. So back then. fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, they didn't even use the word adrenal burnout. None of that was really talked about. So a resident mate of mine got me a gift certificate to something called cranial sacral therapy. And I sort of rolled my eyes. And then I thought, Well, wait a minute, this is such a kind gesture, go for our why not right. And so as everybody can imagine, it worked. And I was absolutely fascinated with it. Like I was on the table, this very light touch and I could feel things happening in my body. And I thought this is amazing. It's what got me through my residency, and I use that practitioner till recently when she retired. So, you know,
Dana Frost 04:36
I want to make sure we let the listeners know what cranial sacral is, if they aren't familiar with it, because I don't know if we talked about this, but cranial sacral was a therapy that a holistic practitioner did on me when I was having undiagnosed cough that the only thing that conventional medicine could do was give me codeine to calm it down and so cranial sacral is so powerful, could you just explain a little bit about what cranial sacral is?
Dr. Susan Wagner 05:04
Yes. And that to the best of my ability, I'm not a massage therapist or an osteopath. But what it's really based in so many of the people that do this on massage therapists or osteopathic practitioners, energy medicine practitioners, it's a very light touch and, and it goes with cranial meaning like the brain, cranium, and sacral being the bottom of the spinal cord. So those two points like right, as the brain comes into the spinal cord, and then way, way lower, where the the nerves come out, and they just very lightly, very lightly have their hands there. And the idea is that they are trained to actually feel the pulsing of the spinal fluid. So we make spinal fluid in our brain and then it goes to bed base things and then goes down the spinal cord and out again, and they can feel that and they get that flow going, and also get the energy go because we're all made of energy, and energy has a flow to it. And so it's opening up those channels and getting the spinal fluids flowing. And for people that want something very light touch, very easy yet when things you as you get deeper and deeper emotions may come up and and all of that, but it is a absolutely wonderful healing modality.
Dana Frost 06:24
Yeah, it really moves the nerve. I think that so many times, even if we think about massage therapy, Susan, I know, this was my experience in the past, I wanted to feel like if I'm going to go to someone I want, I want to feel their touch and I want it to if it hurts, it means it's working. That little bit of that mentality. And you know, it's interesting, because what I have learned and discovered is the body heals and resting mode, and cranial sacral is moving. For me, I was triggered and that nervous system was in a fight and flight. And that was causing this chronic cough that would take my breath away, I didn't have the tools to know how to move out of that this trigger state that I was in. And simply by allowing this gentle pulsation with the spinal fluid moving in the energy moving for the first time during that period, I felt everything relax, which is just very powerful.
Dr. Susan Wagner 07:33
Yeah, it is so deeply restorative and relaxing. Absolutely. And getting that autonomic system that fight or flight. And as some people call it the rest or digest getting that back into balance, whatever else healing modality is happening. Yeah, allow that to work better. So I would recommend if anybody hasn't tried it, that they because it is just so wonderful.
Dana Frost 07:58
Yeah. Well, thank you for elaborating on cranial sacral for us. Thank you.
Dr. Susan Wagner 08:03
Yes. So what I did at that point, I'm thinking, Okay, this is working for me, I am becoming a neurologist for animals, I take care of the sickest of the sick, I need to learn this for my patients. So I started looking and I didn't find cranial sacral at the time, but I found healing touch for animals, which is a touch based energy therapy. And I thought I gotta learn this. And then I explored some other modalities more for people that could transfer to animals. And then I could see that working for my patients. And I always would come from that curious place, which I think, you know, many of us do, we don't want to just blindly believe something, we want to experience it and see it with our clients or patients.
Dr. Susan Wagner 08:50
And then I had to go, Okay, how is this working? It's easy to understand how herbs are working, because we're trained in that, okay, there's this active piece of the herb, which is usually the whole herb, and it affects ourselves. And yeah, I get all that. But energy medicine was like, What is going on here? So that's when I started trying to understand it and looking at from a quantum physics perspective. And once I started reading that, and go, Oh, I get it. This is all when people say it's not scientific, it's woowoo. You know, I say, Well, if you understand Einstein's theory of relativity, you kind of get what I do. You know, it's very scientific, it's very much based in quantum mechanics. And that started the journey of really trying to, to teach about it as best I could. And then as science started catching up, you know, because this is 30 years ago, as more and more research is happening, you know, did I need the research at this point to tell me that it works now I know it works. I live it yet, for others to understand it. It's just the way our culture works, you know, sign just has to do the research and we have to catch up. And it's really fun to see the new work that's coming out to show that, yeah, energy medicine, it really works.
Dana Frost 10:11
Maybe you could give us a brief description of quantum physics or this the idea of the theory of relativity.
Dr. Susan Wagner 10:18
Yeah. So the I think the easiest way for me to understand it is thinking about each of us being a pebble in a pond, or really, what they found more recently is, it's more like an ice cube and a pond. So what we know is that, you know, we're taught in middle school science classes, those atoms and electrons and protons, and all those things that make up atoms. And we're taught that they're solid. And now we know absolutely proven by physics, brilliant scientists, that all of these things that we thought were solid are really bursts of vibrating energy, energy is merely a wave form. So it is like microwaves, or the sun's rays, or all of those things are energy waves.
Dr. Susan Wagner 11:09
And so that's what our body is, and then it coalesces into the solid. So think of the solid us as the ice cube. And then we give off, we actually vibrate within us, everything's vibrating. And then because we're vibrating, dislike throwing that ice cube in the pond, it would give off waves, and we give off waves. And we're getting more and more sophisticated at measuring these things. And there was a fellow in the 60s, a physicist named Peter Higgs. And he took it a step further. And he said, you know, gang, when we're taught that there's a vacuum in space, that the space between a nucleus and the electrons and protons in an atom is, is empty. So I don't think so I think there is a frequency there and energy. So I might use the word energy frequency interchangeably, but a wave, there's a way for him there. He said, I just don't think we can measure it yet. A lot of people laughed at them, but not everybody.
Dr. Susan Wagner 12:09
And then they set out to do experiments to find that. Now, we're still not completely sophisticated enough to find all the waves in the pond. But what scientists did find was the pebble the ice cube. And so they built if people watch the news is called the Hadron Collider. And they send a particle in one direction and particle in another direction, they get them almost to the speed of light and crashing together. And they measure all the particles that come off of that. And the reason being is like, well, if we can find that ice cube can find that pebble, then we know the pond exists.
Dr. Susan Wagner 12:46
And they did and it's called a boson. So what's the point of this point of this is that everything is swimming in a sea of energy. There is no vacuum. And so everything is connected. So the fun piece of this is you have all the ancient healers, the mystics, the traditions, of saying, ‘Everybody's connected, everything is connected.’ Guess what? Everything is connected. So the scientists are, you know, patting themselves on the back. And I'm like, ‘Well, the mystics said that like 3000 years ago, but that's okay, good for you.’ We're figuring it out. So that's how each of us is a pebble giving off our own frequency inside q
and giving off a frequency outside that others can feel.
Dana Frost 13:32
Yeah, that's so powerful. Susan, can you tell me how like in your personal life, how has this idea impacted you?
Dr. Susan Wagner 13:43
One thing I have to say I've always been pretty good at observing things. And, you know, I will tell my colleagues that are a little less open to learning a new way or new paradigm that science begins with observation. You don't you cannot make a hypothesis. We cannot test it. Until you observe something you get an idea like Peter Higgs did. So I'm pretty good at observing things. I might not be able to figure it out, but I can see patterns and in my own life, now we're going back, you know, we were um, uh, fast forward a few years I'm a practicing veterinary neurologist and I'm still battling the fatigue and fibromyalgia and, and it deep down intuitively. And guess what intuition is really quantum physics. It's us connecting to this bigger soup of energy and it's also connecting to our soul that aspect of us that kind of is knows all and is is really leading the show. I just knew something was off.
Dr. Susan Wagner 14:48
My healing wasn't about sleep cycles and eating even though those were all immensely important and low stress which of course at that point, forget low stress. I was way high stress from Iowa. So there's something about, I'm just not doing what I'm meant to be doing. Something's wrong. But that's all I could say. And I could see this pattern showing up. In my case, it was a professional pattern. It was very much the backstabbing, you know. And in an academia, I was in academia at the time, it's like, you know, any academician listening to this is going well, yeah, but I get through that, and then I'd be like, Okay, the next situation is going to be different. And then all of a sudden, six months later, it's looking exactly the same. And of course, we've known people that, you know, there are a ton of red flags there, we can all see them, but they can't see them. And, and I truly believe at this point, my life, there weren't red flags, it was as if, you know, you come into one scenario, and then six months or a year later, it is a completely different scenario. But the people are playing the same role that the other folks did before.
Dr. Susan Wagner 15:54
So I was laying in bed one night like pondering this pattern. And I had this aha moment. And this takes me back to my lineage. I am Serbian American, and my grandparents had a close relationship with Nikola Tesla. So at the time, I was growing up in a toddler, and my dad was making sure we knew who Tesla was, and that, yes, he invented the radio and all of that stuff. Nobody else really knew he was now pretty much everybody knows who he is, or was. And he had this theory of magnetic resonance. So as I got older, and into energy medicine and quantum physics, it was only natural that I would pull books out and read Tesla and try to understand his work. And this light bulb went on. And I thought, this is like Tesla's theory of magnetic resonance, which states, we had this theory, where if you take an oscillating device, like not a jackhammer, but a simple oscillating device, which is like a way, alright, so we're generating a way, and if you put him on the beam of a skyscraper, like in the basement, and you just leave it that eventually it's going to resonate, which is just what it sounds, it may it's a like, as everything vibrates, you know, engineers notice buildings vibrate, bridges vibrate.
Dr. Susan Wagner 17:17
So it will start to resonate with the frequency of the building, and then start to change it and amplify and amplify. So think of like pushing a kid on a swing, you know, you push them harder, they go higher, harder again. And his theory was that given enough time, the whole building would collapse. And the way to think about this is when you see an opera singer hit the right frequency of a crystal glass, and she's able to break it. That's what this is, the glass cannot it resonates with that. And it's shaped so much internally, that the power just smashes it. And I thought, Okay, this can happen to a crystal glass or a building, why can't it happen to our energy field, we're all energy. And that's the AHA. And so the theory that comes from this is that something happens when we're a child, it acts like that oscillating device, and it sticks to our energy field, and then it keeps coming back. And we're not taught to think this way. So each time it comes back, we feel more victimized.
Dr. Susan Wagner 18:20
We feel maybe angry or fearful. There's an negative to it, because we're afraid. What does that do? It's like pushing the kid on the swing. So it gets stronger, and stronger, and stronger until eventually, our building collapses. That could be an illness, that could be a relationship problem that could be professional problem, something we we break, the fun part of this is the what? Well, what could that be, and it doesn't have to be anything. For some people. It's very traumatic. Unfortunately, for others, it might not have been, but it's the exact opposite. Here's the key. It's the exact opposite of who we really are, which I like to call our spiritual specialty. So for somebody who experienced a fearful event, and that fearful event comes back in different forms over the years, the truth of them is that they're really a courageous human being.
Dana Frost 19:16
Oh, Susan, I love that framework. I can think in my own life, I was so timid and shy as a child, so painfully shy, and as I've aged, I experienced allowed me to grow out of that, but it would you know, at different times it would revisit so that is so interesting, I can think of client stories, I can think of so many instances where this rings, so true.
Dr. Susan Wagner 19:46
Yes. And once I saw it and started really working with it, and sometimes we can't get back to the original event. You know, I used to think we needed to get there but I realized now you Not necessarily and I guarantee you, it's in your lineage. I was a psych major undergraduate, before I decided to go to veterinary school. And I remember learning about abusive situations and even back then going, nah, something's wrong here. Why would you learn that behavior, like I never bought it. But I didn't have the skill set to understand why I'm not buying this, because I'm just a lowly undergrad psych person. Now I understand it, because it's energy. It's an energy transfer. Because everybody think of it as a soul family, we all came in to take on this same energy.
Dr. Susan Wagner 20:32
That to me is the purpose of life to take on this energy that is your soul's process to go from not knowing to knowing if you've put it to the mystics yet, I also believe it was never meant to be this hard, you know, this is a free will universe. And there were other frequencies out there. And something happened to sort of disconnect us partially from our higher selves from our guidance from intuition. And I mean, you can certainly see the pattern that's playing out now across the world of the disconnect of duality, the light versus dark, whatever you want to call it, but it's there. It's happening. And so the fun part, and I tell people, yes, work with a counselor work with the life coach, work with somebody, I'm just here as the person you can see the pattern to tell you, Okay, this is what it is I see it.
Dr. Susan Wagner 21:24
And then where did the animals come in? Because so many people are like, what is this vet trying to tell me? Before, you know, who the heck is she? Well, when I started seeing, and I really thought at that point I had, I was really working too hard. I'd lost it. Like that was it? I'm done, what I started seeing when I was doing an traditional energy work, I was called in, you know, do house calls, or they would come into the clinic, and we would work on I'd work on their animal. And they, you know, they're telling me the history, they're telling me what's happening with this animal. That's, that's the way we were. And I could see that the animal was mirroring the human. I was like, ‘Oh, no, this is crazy.’ But animals don't let you give it up. And they just kept showing me and showing me, so that is how it relates. And of course, other humans in our life mirror us as well, but specifically, our animal companions and wildlife mirror what we're going through to help us on our spiritual. It's just profound who they really are for us.
Dana Frost 22:27
Wow, that is so fascinating. The pathway, your journey, like the pathway of your journey. Yeah, I'm almost like speechless. That's incredible.
Dr. Susan Wagner 22:41
Yeah. And now I find myself I've always, you know, always been about the bond and understanding animals are really who they are. But this takes it to a new level. And now, you know, I'm working with a group of other veterinarians and animal communicators, and no, that's not crazy. That's all just putting in the quantum field and translating it, but to help people really understand what the planet is for us what the wildlife is for us what our animal companions and, and I know, it's hard for an animal, pet parent or animal guardian, when I say, Look, your cat is peeing on the rug.
Dr. Susan Wagner 23:17
And I want you to think it because you are allowing somebody to piss on you, I guarantee it, and they just get this blank look on their face. And I'm like, you don't have to tell me I want you to have the awareness of that I want you to thank your cat will work with your cat to help disconnect that or transmute that energy, work with a counselor work with a life coach work with, but I guarantee you, we can take 20 years of therapy out of it. I'm going to tell you in 10 minutes by looking at your cat or your dog, what's going on, and the stories are just they are mind blowing. I had you don't mind one story, which is tremendous. One of my clients, amazing man, very successful, high power in the community, wealthy and very loving hearted person, but powerful, okay, this guy's got power, and all of his dogs that I took care of from a traditional neurology perspective, but then became the energy practitioner, they were all extremely protective. And they were never trained that way. And they were a breed that tends to be protective.
Dr. Susan Wagner 24:22
So of course, everybody logically is going well, that's just the breed. But this was like, if you stepped on the property, that dog was going to take you out, never trained like this. And then if you were a friend, they're licking your face, and they're a marshmallow and it's like, okay, this is different. But I would see one dog, and then the next dog and the dog and I'm thinking alright, there's a pattern here. Yet he was of a generation and I couldn't go to him and say, Okay, what the heck's going on here? But we were at dinner one night, and he had a couple glasses of wine and he was telling me the story of when he was younger Child, as he called it, he was ordering and his mom would give him weapons. Now, I know that he was probably beaten pretty badly. Here's the amazing part, his family dog at the time would get between him and his mother would not allow her to get to the point where the mother's like it's the dog or me. So the father was wise and gave the dog to a friend. So he could maintain that relationship with the dog, but in his field, to fast forward seven years later, was the energy of I am being abused.
Dr. Susan Wagner 25:36
And emotionally he was most likely over it, but maybe not. There was a an energetic wound there. And that even in between, he had a divorce and between the remarriage, he lived at this little apartment complex, he befriended a swan. If you tried to come see him, the swan would take you out. Every animal that came into life is like no, by golly, we're protecting him. Don't even think about her. Wow. So now this most recent animal, things must have shifted, because she is not that way. And it just brings me peace to know, okay, whatever that energy was, it's really about completing it, having it be done, you know, once we see it, and we work with it, and we go, No, that's not what I want. I choose my spiritual specially I choose to be courageous, I choose to be, this is who I am, right for you is like I don't choose to be shy, I choose to be outgoing, that strengthens it. And so in his case, he doesn't need that protection anymore. That's phenomenal. What you see these animals do.
Dana Frost 26:40
Yeah. And you know, Susan, what it brings to mind for me and the community and the listeners? Is this awareness that to be curious and pay attention to the patterns that are recurring, and to not be afraid to open our eyes and our field to see what are the patterns. And if the depleting, I'll take this to heart math, which we've talked a lot about the depleted emotion, is to not be afraid of the depleting emotion because when we resist it, it persists. And instead, think about, well, what would be the fueling emotion, that would be the opposite energy, of the depleting emotion? And does that feel like a fit in terms of that, that could actually be my spiritual person, because I agree with you, we don't always have to go back to the precise origin. Once we see the pattern, and we recognize it, and we can interrupt it right, it's about pattern interruption, we can interrupt it with what is fueling on the opposite side to pull it in the other direction. You know, it can happen rapidly, it can be something that happens in the to the speed of light that we can shift a pattern.
Dr. Susan Wagner 27:54
Yeah, yeah, I couldn't, I couldn't agree more. And if and I love watching, as spiritual teachings evolve, and looking at the pattern there, and you know, the last few years, what do you see, you know, looking at your shadow side looking at this, and it's not a matter of sitting and meditating and letting everything go, you have to see what we need to see. And not to go down that rabbit hole and not to be Oh, woe is me and blah, blah, blah. No, it's just when you see it, it starts to lose power. And then you're exactly right. I kind of ice tell people look at the situation and ask, okay, what's the wisdom here? I don't even like to call it learning lessons. That to me is a lower frequency lower vibe. It's like what's the wisdom embedded in this?
Dr. Susan Wagner 28:41
Then you know, look for the emotion like you said, there's there will be a similar emotion through each of these. So you look at the motion, what's the wisdom there? You're kind of asking yourself, your higher self, like, what's the wisdom that I take a deep breath and, and do like a heart map? You know, where I come back to that place that calm into that heart center? And then I asked for clarity. Like, just show me show me and then I love you're adding on a yes. So we know if you're fearful the truth of you is courageous. So then work with that, right? Expect that miracle work with no. And if you can take the emotion even though you have to see the emotion take the emotion out of the process.
Dr. Susan Wagner 29:23
You know, it's like I always like to use the metaphor. I've ordered chocolate ice cream and the waiters brought strawberry. It's like thank you for bringing the strawberry I'm not sure why I'm going to ask what's the wisdom in the strawberry yet? I would please I'd like chocolate. And it's over and over and up. They brought strawberry again. Thank you. I like chocolate. You know and when you think about the people who do manifesting work and all that they tell you to feel what it feels like you know, what would it be like to have the chocolate what's it like to be courageous? What's it so you can see how all the disciplines fit together in this model. And as we help are animals and understand them, then that helps us right? So as we not hate the cat that pees on our rug, but have empathy and thank them that helps us get to a place. So it all works together. Yeah.
Dana Frost 30:16
So we were wrapping up our time together, Susan, this has been such a rich conversation I want to something keeps popping into my, my thoughts. And so I want to say it, you know, what we notice in the younger generation is animals instead of children, at least in my environments, more young people are having animals as and then putting off having children, or making it you know, it's it's the animal, the intimate being in your life that you take care of. And, you know, even with children, it goes back and forth, right? And so I'm curious about that. What is the significance because I believe children, also my children are my greatest teachers. So animals are the great teachers. But there's something that's different about animals, because they don't carry a story. And tell me if I'm on the right thread. They're just responding to energy.
Dr. Susan Wagner 31:11
Yes, I think you're you're exactly there. And I've had this conversation with animal intuitives. And many of us also believe they are truly on a souls path. yet. I think a lot of folks kind of dummy that down. It's like, well, it's their soul path to learn and your soul path. And I'm like, I always tease people who are like my sister studying Buddhism and Vedic teachings. And I love those teachings as well. And reincarnation and her her partner's cat passed, and she said, Well, maybe he'll come back as a person. And I'm like, why would he do that? That is a lower frequency. You know, we tend to put humans on the hierarchy of we're in the top, guess what game? No, we're not. That think bug that comes to me, that makes me think about Whoa, stinkbug. And look at that hardshell I need to be aware something's happening out there, I need to watch my boundaries.
Dr. Susan Wagner 32:07
Everything is this hot animals are a high spiritual place. And so they absolutely some of them just just merely hold exclusively hold the space. They don't necessarily mirror us. But they're these wise beings. We've all known that cat that just is like the you know, and then others will mirror us back as well as our children, children near as bad for sure. The difference is, I think, truly animals are at a spiritual state that is so high, and they have chosen think of the human path. Somebody like a Mother Teresa, no really high spiritual person who is of service, right? In the Buddhist would be a bodhisattva somebody who is of service and hangs around, it goes through lifetime lifetime, until all beings are done suffering, that's who animals are, they come in to help us and by helping by us helping them, they help us. And so and that is why, you know, people have shared with me, they feel guilty. It's like highfill, when they lose that beloved pet, they'll say, you know, I don't I feel so guilty, because I'm feeling worse than when I lost my ex family member, you know, my grandmother or my parent, this is terrible.
Dr. Susan Wagner 33:22
And like, this is not terrible, that animals are part of your soul family. That's why in some cases, some animals hurt so much to lose them because they're, they are you they're, they're connected to you. It's a deeper connection. And that's okay, that's okay to to feel that. What is popping in for me, and thank you for asking that. Because I think this is really important, yet might be difficult for people to hear. I'm not a parent of two Leggett's. You know, you can speak more from this card. Yep, I observe parents of two legged and four legged where they're not at a level of consciousness yet where they truly are wanting to help that being evolved. It's like it's about them. So they take from the child they take from the animal, and that's where it gets mad. I call it maladaptive. You know, because yes, animals gonna go through that. And in your soul family, you and your child, will you have a contract, you're going to work that out. And I always caution people, you know, when you want to lose an animal, you want to get that next and we'll make sure it's because you're at that place where it's joyful to steward another being and to walk the life together. Versus I need this animal for me, that's probably not going to go as well, because that animals going to teach you something. I hope that makes sense.
Dana Frost 34:49
That makes a lot of sense. There's a lot of insight in that and I think that everything that we've talked about today, there's a lot to just continue to marinate. Yeah, exactly. You know, there's there's a lot here And so I would, you know, encourage the listeners, just start by paying attention to your patterns, especially the patterns that you you don't really like. Because those are probably the patterns that are asking to be interrupted.
Dr. Susan Wagner 35:15
Exactly. And get rid of the judgment. There's nothing wrong. You know? And I tell folks, even with your animals, they think, oh, did I make you sick? No, this is a spiritual path. You're walking together. There's nothing wrong with any of it. It's it's awareness. It's awareness. Have a little fun with it. You know, when my pattern shows up, it's like, Ah, there you are. You know, like, I used to love the Beverly Hillbillies. Like, I can hear Jack clamp have gone? Well, doggy, you know, like Mary Are you can laugh at it. Yeah, that keeps the frequency. Yes, that keeps the jewelry in the spiritual path.
Dana Frost 35:49
Absolutely. Love it bring levity into it. I love that. Well, Susan, thank you so much. I have thoroughly enjoyed this conversation. And, you know, you're touching on a few things that I'm so excited actually, after this call. There are some things that I want to just consider in my own life. So thank you for prompting that. And I would like to ask you the question I get asked all my guests that is what does feeling younger, while growing older mean to you?
Dr. Susan Wagner 36:17
You know, we have a saying in veterinary medicine, that old age is not a disease. We're taught that in vet school, I was taught that 30 Some years ago, and you know, to look at that geriatric animal as it's not a disease to be older, it is part of, of life. And so, for me, that has been paramount of, okay, I am getting older. And I don't want to go to that mindset of, okay, well, this means this is going to degenerate. This means I'm on a fixed income. And this means I'm going to deteriorate. Know, that mindset. So to me, it's about keeping that young mindset doing things to help our bodies, our minds, our spiritual path. And that's what dang younger no matter what the age is, you know, I think of Louise Hay, he started Hay House at age 60. Yeah. And, you know, I retired from practice, I use the word retired because I needed that work for myself. But I didn't retire from life and working, you know, and it's like, well, what's next? Yeah, I just turned 66. What's next? All right, come on. What are we going to do now?
Dana Frost 37:28
Yeah, I love that. That's really beautiful. Susan, thank you so much for sharing all of that. And where can people find you?
Dr. Susan Wagner 37:35
That's a good question. Because that's part of my spiritual piece of it. I have been working to rebrand this for many, many, many years. And so I go a lot intuitively, so it'll be coming. I used to do retreats, I feel I'm coming back. I feel a website coming. I usually just drop in places. So kind of look, and thank you for looking and being interested. And I think I'll be out there a little more front and center. And I'll let you know what that looks like when it happens. Yeah, well,
Dana Frost 38:06
I love that. And you know, maybe right now you're a hidden gem. But we certainly are so glad that we were able to you know, I didn't find you we found each other to lifewave. But I'm glad that we found one another because yeah, this is a really beautiful conversation. And so thank you so much, Susan. Oh, thank you.
Dr. Susan Wagner 38:25
And thank you for everything you do. I enjoy your podcast and it's it This all helps me as well. So thank you so much.
Dana Frost 38:32
Okay, thank you. Thank you, everyone for joining us this week on the Vitally You podcast. As you know, every week I asked you to please make my heart sing and leave a review and this week I want to thank Moammar to note for this review. So much gratitude for the Vitally You podcasts Better late than never. I have listened to every one of Dana's Vitally You podcast and finally leaving a review each one of our podcast offer the listener so much wisdom and so many pearls for living younger while growing older that I can truly not pick a favorite episode. Whether the episode is a solo one with Dana or an interview with an expert in their field I anxiously await each week's release. Dana's passion and compassion shines as she explores various heartfelt topics. Thank you, Dana, for putting yourself out there so that we can learn with you so much gratitude.
Dana Frost 39:22
Well, thank you so much. Your reviews are fuel for the show and they made my heart sing. So thank you. I will see you next week. And as always, I am streaming love from my heart to yours.