Vitally You, Feeling Younger While Growing Older

The Effects of the Electromagnetic Fields on Human Health with EMF Rocks and Athleticisms Founder, Justin Frandson

Episode Summary

I'm joined by Justin Frandson, a renowned athleticism performance coach and founder of and EMF Rocks. He shares the solutions he found in nature after learning that many of his athletes experienced physiological challenges due to the electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) in tracking devices.

Episode Notes

I'm joined by Justin Frandson, a renowned athleticism performance coach and founder of and EMF Rocks, who found solutions in nature after learning that many athletes were having physiological challenges due to the electromagnetic frequencies found in tracking technology.  

About the Episode: 

In this episode, Justin Frandson, shares about the harmful effects of EMFs to the human body. A renowned athleticism performance coach, author, and the founder of and EMF Rocks.   Justin shares the solutions he discovered to mitigate against the effects of EMFs emitted from the tracking devices used by his athletes. 

Justin shares what EMFs are, their impact on the body, and how to mitigate against them. He talks about the genesis of EMF Rocks and how nature is the antidote to man-made electromagnetic frequencies. He talks about  the difference between natural EMFs versus manmade.  Justin also explains the three levels of stressors and what is called our “body battery.” Plus, we discuss the interconnectedness of our universe, energy, and Mother Nature. 

Listen in to learn more about how Electromagnetic Fields have profound effects on our bodies, and how we can mitigate against the impact of EMFs by using nature as our ally.

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Episode Transcription


Dana Frost  00:07

Welcome to Vitally You. A podcast created to introduce you to the tools that will be your roadmap for feeling younger while growing older. I'm your host Dana Frost, a wellness expert, life coach and energy medicine practitioner. Here's what you can expect conversations about vitality from the inside out with guest experts in the field of health, culture, and spirituality, and solo episodes along the way from me where I do deep dives into the topics of aging, heart intelligence, energy, medicine, and your innate capacity to heal. If you want to feel younger, while growing older, this is the place for you. Hi, everyone. This is Dana Frost, your host of the Vitally You Podcast coming to you this week from Chicago, where I'm excitedly waiting the birth of my second grandchild. It's so exciting. 

Dana Frost  01:04

This week, I have a treat for you. Okay, if you've listened to the podcast this summer, you know, when I came back from Bali, I had a severe reaction to the EMFs and that is the electromagnetic frequencies. These are frequencies that you cannot see the frequencies that come through your cell phone, your Wi Fi, microwaves, radio frequencies, electrical frequencies, I have been mitigating against the assault of these invisible frequencies, really since we moved into an urban environment in 2018. But I have to say that what I experienced this summer was really next level scary for me. And I turned to a product that I had heard about on the Alpha Vedic podcast, e m f rocks their bags of Tesla crystals package so that they maintain the integrity of their electrical charge. So from my first night's sleep with a bag of these crystals under my bed, my body started calming down. It was so remarkable that I purchased enough bags to mitigate against EMFs in my entire condo, and I will say I am no longer symptomatic. 

Dana Frost  02:19

Fast forward to August and I received a request from a publicist to have the founder of EMF rocks, Justin Frandson on the podcast. And I was like Hello. Yes, I immediately responded to the request. And I'm excited to bring Justin to you today really this conversation about these frequencies, he is going to just really share so many interesting bits of information that we need to be aware of. So Justin is a renowned athleticism performance coach and author. He specializes in nerve work and is the founder of and EMF rocks. He has been working in the field of athletic performance for over 25 years, Justin became interested in the impact of the environmental factors on athletic performance, after noticing that many of his athletes were breaking down due to the effects of wearable technologies. He talks about this on the podcast. In response to this he looked to nature for solutions to manage the manmade EMF challenge. So please join me in welcoming Justin to the show. Well, Justin, welcome to the Vitally You podcast. I'm really excited to have this conversation with you today.

Justin Frandson  03:35

Thank you for having me on. Danna. 

Dana Frost  03:37

I would love for you to share how you became interested in environmental toxins, specifically EMFs. And tell us a little bit about how you got started.

Justin Frandson  03:50

So I'm an athleticism performance coach. I've worked with amateur and professional athletes for 25 years with That's one of my other websites. And I saw our strongest fitness guys coming in with wearable technology and they're breaking down from wearing it. One of them in particular was this endurance athlete. He had a smartwatch on and he had pain, right but and he thought it was on his wrist. It's like my wrist really hurts. Our wrists really hurts. Oh my god, let's take the radiation off your wrist. 

Justin Frandson  04:21

And then the pain went away and his arm function started restore shortly thereafter. So that was where I just was like, Okay, this is a different environment that we're creating. And our bodies are not really working well with that. So what's the difference? What's the challenge? How are we different than this manmade stuff? So about a decade ago, I dove into that and then looking to nature to solve the challenge because everyone looks to the earth to get grounded, right? And so So did I. So that's where we came up with our EMF rocks, grounding bags and and really I started out have an end to clearing ohms and then helping people detoxify, and really establish proximity protocols and grounding protocols.

Dana Frost  05:10

Yeah, so many of our listeners will be familiar with grounding. I have talked a lot about spending time just going out to the earth barefoot, you know, laying down on the ground walking, getting in fresh water getting in the ocean, and what that does. Like, how did you make the link to Tesla rocks?

Justin Frandson  05:29

Well, again, everyone looks to the earth the ground, so I knew the answer lied in nature, Dana. And it was just a matter of finding the right crystals and Shungite, Amethyst, Black Tourmaline, they're all have great magnetic properties in them. But they don't have the moisture content that are grounding backside. So we can mine the crystals, they have moisture and magnetic properties in them. And they create a coherent, so we can coexist with this non native stuff. So I just intuitively wanted to look to nature, and it fell in my lap and, and ended up selling through Doctor clinics all around the country. And they're like leading naturally EMF protection products. And what I didn't want to do is eat GM food. As my analogy, I did not want to make a man need device to replicate what the resonance of the earth already has. So no one does it better than Mother Nature. So I look to her to solve the challenge directly.

Dana Frost  06:30

I really love that. So I want to tell you a just a little story about myself. When I just started discovering I had this sensitivity to EMFs. We moved into the city in 2018. And we purchased a condo. So we were in a high rise. But temporarily, we were in an Airbnb and there was a lot of light coming in. And that was the first time I had been exposed at night while sleeping to a lot of light, my body just reacted. And I'm really in tune with my body and I couldn't I couldn't sleep, I felt anxious. So the first thing I had to do was just get the room dark. And I was able to do that. But it started my own personal journey of realizing that Oh, put me in this urban environment where there is a lot more exposure to EMFs. And, you know, I have felt sensitive and so I've been mitigating for my own health since then. And that's how I really realize I have to ground myself on a regular basis, I have to get out into nature. 

Dana Frost  07:35

And I often say when it comes to pharmaceuticals nature recognizes nature, our body recognizes that which comes from nature. So it's an easy harmony. When you pull in from the pharmacology world. There's a mismatch, because the body isn't recognize that as a part of itself. But if it comes from nature, we recognize it. And so I love that you immediately went to nature to look for the solution to offline. Yeah, so it was actually on Alpha Vedic that I was exposed to you and the EMF rocks and I ordered first from Alpha Vedic and this summer, my sensitivity became really heightened. When I came back from Bali, I was in Bali for three weeks, and I came back and I just was very agitated. And I tried a lot of different things. The key really was the EMF rocks when I brought more into my home, and placed more under my bed. I just started sleeping better everything calm down my body calm down. That's how I realized like this is not in my head, because I physiologically I'm feeling the impact of this.

Justin Frandson  08:50

Awesome. Well, you're following Dr. Baron Landau, who was one of the founders alpha, that EQ and he is absolutely brilliant. And he did a third party independent test on our grounding bags. And he has these dual impedance antennas and they measure your cheat or any distortion in your cheat. And the grounding bags. What he found clinically passively treated up to 91% of the markers are up, he'd never seen his patients passively get treated 91% from an EMF protection product. But that's how cool it is. When you're working with your energy field. It's Bruce Lipton will say, your houseflies and your chi and then the chemistry secondary. 

Justin Frandson  09:31

So if you have a invisible environmental stressor, chipping away your life force, we're gonna break down an array of different ways and it just depending on how well you're stacked or what places in your body aren't stocked too cleanly, is where you're going to end up breaking. But that's essentially how it goes. So we want to have that bucket of fullness of toxicity as low as we can. And then we want to create that coherence with this invisible environment as best as As we count as well,

Dana Frost  10:01

can you speak into that invisible environment a little bit for people to understand? There's so much happening that we can't see with the naked eye. And sometimes that causes people if they're really, if they're really invested in the physical world. It's kind of shocking to them. So could you do you mind speaking into that a little bit?

Justin Frandson  10:22

I'd love to. Yeah. So what I want to let everyone knows is this living collective intelligence matrix that our universe communicates with. And the framework of the wave forms that they communicate with our unpolarized. They distribute equally in every direction. And we're all interconnected. And though there's waves are called scalar waves. And the best example I could give is, you drop a pebble in a pond, why doesn't the splash and the waves of that pebble go on a straight line to the right? Why is that? Why does it go on a circular Raza equilibria in every direction? Well, it's because the scalar waves that's a framework of our universe. Now, he's one directional waves are different. And that is what all non native EMFs are made from one directional waveforms.

Dana Frost  11:18

Yeah, so you distinguish there is different distinction between native wavelengths and the electromagnetic wavelengths that are created by humans.

Justin Frandson  11:30

Delphi, and that is the distinction. There one directional, they're polarizing, and they're 10. Zero is faster than how we sleep rather than optimize. So Dana, when we're in a delta theta, brainwave state, that's a REM pattern or deep restorative sleep lucid dreams, where you're replenishing your arm ons, and you're really starting to recover our brainwave states one or below one to eight hertz or waves per second. When our athletes are in the flow state, and they can't miss everyone calls it in the zone, that's an alpha brainwave state at eight to 1213 hertz or ways for a second, this cell phone right here, 2.4 5 billion waves per second, have a one directional wave form, 5g 60 to 90 billion waves per second. That's a big difference. That's a huge, huge, that's 10 Zero. So if we add 10 zeros to someone's bank account, that's a big difference. It's the same as a one directional non native waveform for our body. It adversely affects our body and an array of different ways.

Dana Frost  12:38

And what are some of those ways that it impacts the body?

Justin Frandson  12:41

So this is a loaded question. And it's so many. So let me break it down in a few different categories. First, Dr. Martin Paul, out of Washington State University identify that the voltage gated calcium channels open up and break down and lead positive calcium into a negative cell, in turn, causing tremendous cell and DNA damage. So that word may sound big for those words together, voltage gated. What does that mean? Well, that's the energy that's where your energy that's a gateway for your energy, or the cells for your mitochondria to actually have energy. That's the gateway, that's where they get charged. So right out of the gate, we know that nonnative EMS mess with our mitochondria function and our energy levels. That's crazy. We know it's an oxidative stress. So it creates more free radicals in our body. We know that the bandwidth of 2.4 or five gigahertz, which is the lowest bandwidth that they run Wi Fi and Bluetooth on is the same bandwidth that D structures water. 

Justin Frandson  13:49

So we're dehydrating our bodies, and we're dehydrating our planet. As Abraham Korean, the founder of biogeometry will say it's not from fossil fuels, any change in atmosphere is all from dehydration of through EMFs in our environment. And then so there's those and then what we see conventionally, I would say for the most understood and the doctor round, there's three levels. You have level one, two, and three. Level one would be all cognitive, lack of focus, memory, anxiety, fatigue, stress, behavioral challenges, headaches, ringing in the years, so those would be all level one BMF stressors and the lack of sleep is a big one that our grounding bags help deal with. And level two would be more of what we saw on the Amana syndrome. 

Justin Frandson  14:50

The first attack of US Embassy workers on foreign soil with microwave radiation. So those are non trauma concussion symptoms Santa nausea, vomiting, rashes on the skin, more severe headaches like migraines, seizures like that's what you're going to see with level two, level three would be the biggest cancer, suicide, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, disease, cardiovascular disease and lack of fertility. That's what we're seeing a lot now. So, then the next step. Lastly, I told you it was a long answer, though, the next step is what I've seen clinically, is your eyes, your teeth, your thymus, which is your upper chest, your below your neck. And your intestine areas are the four primary areas that get discharged from non native EMF. So for me working with athletes, you're only as strong as your weakest link. 

Justin Frandson  15:48

Those are the weak links for our body when it comes to EMF. So what we do is we use our grounding bags as the self homecare protocol, and you take your grounding bag, it's easier if you're sitting down and put it on your lap, tap on the bag. Then you cover your eyes, and then your tea. And then your thymus, tap and breathe, tap and breathe and ground. And then your intestine area focus on the intestines in general, but you could put your hand below your belly button and then with that it's called applied kinesiology, you can transfer the energy from the crystals to recharge those specific areas that have been discharged. So it's a great applied kinesiology way to Tenex someone's energy, and then recharge their body battery. But those are where I see. And I've seen in this field, all the different ways people break down.

Dana Frost  16:52

Yeah, that's so interesting. So I have your rocks and I have done the applied kinesiology, the protocol because it's in the information when you buy the rocks. And I was really curious, how did you discover that the breakdown was in those specific areas.

Justin Frandson  17:11

So I work with a lot of ply, kinesiologists chiropractors. And so Dr. Toby Watkinson out of San Diego was the one that introduced me to the tapping protocols and those four areas, which is awesome. He basically grabbed the bag, and I sent him to him like, hey, because I worked with this guy for years. He's the one who taught me about really doing nerve work for sports performance. And then I've sent out in lights into my work, but that he taught me how to start to refer the nurse, I'm like, There's no better guy to test this stuff than him. So he gets it. And he calls his wife or he's like, Hey, Annie tests her energy. She's like, way off on her energy. It's like tap on this bag. So she goes and starts tapping on the bag for like, 10 seconds and or literally her energies, muscle testing the whole time. 

Justin Frandson  18:04

He's like his muscle testing wizard and her energy goes Tenex. Like, instantly, he's like, she's like, wow, I just watched I feel great. Just like what's in this, he's like, you just 10 extra energy right there. And he said, Justin, these are incredible. So many more. And so he said, the eyes, the teeth, the thymus and the test scenario are the four that are the weak link. So I learned a lot of this stuff, as I found that this was through chiropractors, and doctors treating people successfully in their clinics, and then just added, repackaged it, and then brought it to market in a really palatable way for people so people can really start to understand waves per second. And then one directional versus non directional, and they're just simple terms that most people don't really think about, but that's the framework for our invisible environment that we just aren't really to hone in on.

Dana Frost  19:07

Yeah. So what would you say to someone who, you know, they're listening, and this is the first time they've thought about this

Justin Frandson  19:14

to people that just aren't quite aware of EMF Siza environmental stressor, and I would have to say that they're the number one stressor environmentally that we're dealing with. I would say it's okay, because most people don't think about it as well. Unless you're in Los Angeles and you see smog and you equate that to environmental stressors. We don't see these waveforms, our bodies can hear them. Most people can't. When you purchase a meter and you point to a one directional wireless meter at a cell phone. The meter will start screaming and then he pointed the other direction it quiets down so we can show people what this Noise is really making. And kids are great to show that because these things aren't a security blanket. They're not harmless. They're harmful. And we should use every precaution when using and they're a loaded gun, I feel. And it's just it's a longer cook process to really see the body break down, but it's just equally as dangerous. Every one of those challenges that I mentioned before Dana, I've seen in the last 10 years, that's a scary deal for a performance coach, who normally works with a healthy client out.

Dana Frost  20:35

Yeah, well, Justin, I'm really healthy. I mean, I know I have a pacemaker and I had a health crisis. But even before that, I was juicing and the early 90s, I've been, you know, cooking my own food, a whole foods diet, my entire adult life, I was raised on garden food. I'm not a super athlete, by any means. I mean, I like to move and stuff, but I don't put myself in the athlete category, but I am functional as a, you know, physical body, I put myself in the healthy category. And what I know is stress, an extended period of stress tears the body down. So it is, like you said, the toxic load what is and how full is the bucket because when my bucket got to full, the body simply gave way. Now we can strengthen the body, there's so much that we can do and the body is intelligent. And if we work with it, it actually wants to heal and it knows how to heal and just needs the right ingredients. So one of the things you said that really struck me, Justin, when you were talking about the measurements and a loaded actually they're like a loaded gun coming at us that we can't see. And I think that that's that's a really strong visual for people to contemplate that we may have symptoms and we may be looking in the wrong place for how to solve them. We need to look at the things that we can't we also can't see.

Justin Frandson  22:04

Exactly. And that's the framework of going back to our universe is made and we're this body battery Danna we get a negative charge from the earth. Eileen McKusick says up in this way, which I love, she has electric Body Electric health out great book, she has a tuning for modality where she can clear you remotely through tuning forks. It's a system I love. But she really explains the body like a body battery, where we get the negative charge from the earth, we get the positive charge from the sun, you know, unpolarized and distributed equally in every direction, we get minerals from breathing in. And hopefully we'll get it from our food. If you're chopping it off of Edik, you definitely will get it from their supplements and then, and then we get the conductivity and minerals from the water as well. So that's how we recharge our body battery. But when there's these invisible toxins in environments, we can go back to the book The Invisible rainbow by Arthur Furstenberg. And he categorized the history of electricity in life and directly correlates when we introduced electricity into our homes in 1889, where a lot of people started to get sick. 

Justin Frandson  23:22

And then 1918 had the Spanish flu and then satellites for Hong Kong flu and then World War Two, radar and then 5g the last several years so we can directly correlate timelines and timeframes and are in our past of when people a lot of people got sick and adapted to new rollouts, and new electrification of our electromagnetic environment. And Dr. Darren Weissman with a lifeline technique, he has a system called infinite love and gratitude, and he says it and then he does the sign by view, but we say infinite love and gratitude. And in his flow chart, he has an area that's waves or particles or particles or waves where your REM patterns are disrupted. So any pandemic before 1889 was cosmic ships, solar flares, atmospheric pressure shifts in our electromagnetic blanket, then our bodies produce this virus, which is our adaptive system to adapt to it. It's our it's our body really wanting to adapt and everyone adapts when they need to at the level they're capable when the shifts occur. So net net for your teaching Ensign really start to hone in on your health and then for what I'm alluding to, is understand your invisible environment and get outside and get grounded by nature and then when you're inside, use the grounding bags to you create that similar grounding fact, in your home, in your car, on your desk or in your office or what have you.

Dana Frost  25:08

Yeah, I think it's important not to move into fear, and to really lean in that your body is intelligent, and it is adaptive. And there are simple things that you can do to help your body when you know in this onslaught, the invisible world.

Justin Frandson  25:27

Definitely, that's a great point. So I cleared an office on time and the second I walked up above the office to the parking structure, I got everyone young fit guys all got headaches within 10 seconds where like, they I had to get emotional clearing because this stuff was so toxic. I'm like, Oh, my goodness, we're doomed. Like, this is bad. This is scary. We're all gonna die. I was where I went, because I'm like, how on the world that we're gonna live with us, and then I cleared it. And now, what I'm learning is, there's this thing called physics where we can convert a one directional waveform, and it's something that's on polarize, we can do it with intent with our chi. Most people aren't Shaolin monks and breathe and meditate all day, and have that power from within. So we need to go outside and get grounded a lot. And then when we're not outside, it can be in everyone's best interest to purchase a bunch of grounding bags to five together to clear 2000 square feet of your home and make sure you have at least one on every bed of your home.

Dana Frost  26:30

Yeah, so I'm really curious about something because I've been I've spent some time in Arkansas at this different quartz crystal mines. One is a really interesting mine where they have supernatural activity. Where are you mining the Tesla crystals? The Tesla rocks,

Justin Frandson  26:49

we asked we might have been at Western us so we can't disclose which states specifically because people have attempted to jump our claim, but we can mine them. So that's the beauty of ours is our hand mind. We preserve the moisture content and um, and the magnetic content we double seal them the way we deploy them. And once you get them you just use them as is. And you put this literally on your bed at the head of the bed. Oh, look at you.

Dana Frost  27:18

Yeah, I got I got this one. My there's one at my desk. Yeah, I love

Justin Frandson  27:22

it. Yeah, for many is great for a purse a pocket or backpack from ago protection. These are great for your desk or your bad car. That yeah, so anyhow, the properties inside them are and how we deploy it. And with our intent of purity and grounding. How one of the leading natural EMF protection products out on the market sold through Doctor clinics.

Dana Frost  27:45

Yeah. Okay, so then I have another question. And May if this isn't proprietary, how do you preserve the moisture content that's really interesting to me.

Justin Frandson  27:54

Yeah, so this inner bag, they're actually a hot seal, though we hot seal this, so you can't really open it. But you could see how beautiful they are and see what's inside. And we put them in a silver bag, which is inside the decorative cloth bag. And the silver bag frequencies go in and out of them. It's a static bag. So the good shows through and then we have a similar static bag, we just label it differently. But and we call it a Faraday bag. And these ones, you put your phone in it. And if you put a positive charge like a cell phone in here, it squashes it to safe levels. And for what Consider safe with signal strength. And then what muscle testing considers strike by the way, it just doesn't affect our body in any way. Once it's in these Faraday bags, and then those are the different ways we deploy and preserve them.

Dana Frost  28:54

So I was just want to share one thing, this quartz crystal mine in Arkansas, where they've had supernatural activity. When this couple came to Arkansas a number of years ago and bought the property it wasn't it is in the quartz mining area of Arkansas, the largest quartz mine. Brazil has the largest quartz mine in the world and this area of Arkansas Mena, Arkansas has the second largest in the world. Most of the mining is done with machinery. And this couple who bought this property that had not been mined before they discovered this quartz mine on the property. And they just made a commitment to that they would only allow families to come on and dig with their hands just humans enjoying the land. Yeah. And that over time, they started seeing the rocks moving and supernatural activity. And I won't go into the whole story. But interestingly, Native American tribal leaders started showing up on their property and they said we've you know, we've been called to this land it's very spot Eshel, you know, you have activity on this land, and we want you to know how to take care of it. And they reiterated that hand mining is the only way to do it to preserve the land and honor the land. So I thought that was really interesting that you said, they are hand mining the crystals.

Justin Frandson  30:24

Yeah, that's a huge part of it, because it saves a Grox. And these will last I say, two to four years. And after probably about three years, they'll start to slowly change colors and not get as strong. And that's when it's time to replenish them. Throw around your garden, but the last four years, and the way we deploy them, they're fantastic.

Dana Frost  30:49

Well, that's wonderful. Well, I am particularly thankful for the EMF rocks, and I have so many more things that I would like to talk to you about Justin, but we're at the end of our time together. And so I want to thank you, I do have a question I asked all my guests. And I didn't forewarn you about this, but I'm sure you'll have a really interesting answer. What does feeling younger, while growing older mean to you?

Justin Frandson  31:12

That's a great question. It means feeling younger, while growing older means maintaining your vitality, at the end of the day. And when you can have your energy and your life force up. Even if your body doesn't recover as fast or if the fellowship gets a little dehydrated, and you're not as quite as pliable, or you see that aging signs, wrinkles or bags under the eyes, like, you know I have or like a hair, you still feel great. And you still have that vitality, to keep your body healthy and to share your resonance, like we want to our intent, so pure to help a lot of people. And that's what I feel, the essence is, is as you continue to grow older and wiser we can share that wisdom and have the energy to do it. And also, for me, being an athlete be able to still do the things we love to do. So I played and I'm in my 50s now and I played in a volleyball tournament over Labor Day weekend. And that's a huge commitment to do beach volleyball at any age. So that's how we gotta honor ourselves.

Dana Frost  32:34

I love that. And I agree with everything that you said, I think that's really beautiful. That's why the podcast is vitally you. tackler. It's all about our vitality. And that doesn't necessarily even mean the way that we look on the outside. I think the inside essence shines through the body. But think people have accidents. Things happen to our physical bodies just because we are humans on Earth. But that doesn't mean that the vitality has to be compromised. Well Justin, thank you so much for sharing your insights and your wisdom and your knowledge and your EMF rocks with the community. Thank you.

Justin Frandson  33:12

Thank you for having me, Dana.

Dana Frost  33:16

Thank you, everyone, for joining us this week on the Vitally You podcast. Now whether or not you feel the impacts of the invisible toxins like EMFs your body is being impacted. I would encourage anyone living in an urban environment to mitigate against the impact of EMFs by using nature as your ally with the EMF rocks. You'll find a link in the show notes and the vital you community has a discount on your first purchase. I would also like to thank the ex 39 age reversal light therapy patch for sponsoring today's podcast. I look forward to my 100th episode coming up in a few weeks. I'm planning something special and I look forward to celebrating with you. If you are enjoying the podcast please hit subscribe and download be sure to leave a review if you haven't, because this is the biggest gift you could give me. Until next week. I am streaming love from my heart to Yours.