Vitally You, Feeling Younger While Growing Older

Midlife and Beyond: A Framework for Your Third Act with Bridgette Boudreau, Creator of The Mosaic Path

Episode Summary

Master Life Coach Bridgette Boudreau and I discuss how to find purpose and direction in your 50s and beyond.

Episode Notes

Master Life Coach Bridgette Boudreau joins me on this episode to discuss her signature Mosaic Path course that helps people in midlife and beyond create their Third Act. Bridgette brings a creative, practical, and spiritual approach to the question many of us face approaching purpose after age 50 and beyond: What’s next?  In our conversation, she describes what the Mosaic Path is and how we can use it to spark the third season of life. 

The Mosaic Path is a framework that harvests all the pieces of your life and helps you artfully craft them in a way that suggests your path forward. Because so many of us view life in a linear fashion, insights and perspectives are often missed or neglected. By embarking on ‘Mosaic Missions,’ we can glean insights from our history, build awareness about our passions, and create opportunities for self-discovery. 

In our conversation, Bridgette and I talk about the undercurrent of personal growth that’s required to detach from outcomes and lead an intentional life. We also look at ways that we’ve interpreted the cues the universe sends our way, particularly through the lens of the roles we've played. 

Listen in to learn more about The Mosaic Path method and how it can be a helpful tool for your third act of life. 

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Episode Transcription

Dana Frost  00:07

Welcome to Vitally You, a podcast created to introduce you to the tools that will be your roadmap for feeling younger while growing older. I'm your host Dana Frost, a wellness expert, life coach and energy medicine practitioner. Here's what you can expect conversations about vitality from the inside out with guest experts in the field of health, culture and spirituality, and solo episodes along the way from me where I do deep dives into the topics of aging, heart intelligence, energy, medicine, and your innate capacity to heal. If you want to feel younger, while growing older, this is the place for you. 

Dana Frost  00:52

Hey, everyone, welcome to this week's episode of The Vitally You podcast. I'm Dana Frost, your host. This week's guest is Bridgette Boudreau. Now how many of you wonder about your purpose beyond midlife after your first or second career after your kids are grown and gone? If you're like me, you're planning on living an extra 50 years. If I age as my plan, I'll have more time after midlife than the for more time without raising children. Then while I raise children, and we know from the research that purpose and community contribute, not only to longevity, but to health span. I've got to confess with you lately, I have been questioning my own purpose, wondering is this what I want to do for the next decade or two? And I'm asking myself, what do I really want? Seriously, everyone? Do I want to be hosting a podcast? Do I want to still be coaching after all these years? You know, my goal is to publish a book. Is that what I really want from the place I stand today? How many of you are asking yourself similar questions. I wonder maybe it's time to create a new path. I don't have the answers right now. And this is why I'm really excited about today's guest because she has created a framework for people like you and me who are ready for our third act. Bridgette is a master certified life coach. Yes, we hail from the same coaching school. I've known Bridgette for many years. She's the creator of the mosaic path, a framework that helps midlife plus folks create fulfilling lives. Bridgette's been a C level executive for multi million dollar corporations, built businesses turned others around and advises public figures and CEOs since 2008. Bridgettete has facilitated hundreds of individual coaching sessions, and has led countless seminars, classes, workshops and retreats. As a former CEO of a life coaching company, she developed a world class life coach training curriculum, and mentored 1000s of coaches. Bridgette lives in Seattle with her partner Stephanie where they spoil their 12 pound Chihuahua terrier mix. Mr. Beverly Liggins. Okay before we invite Bridgette to the show, I want to announce the winner of the x 39 stem cell activation patch giveaway. Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready? We have a winner. Drumroll please. 

Dana Frost  03:22

Congratulations Jill Walker, Jill is going to receive a month supply of stem cell activation patches worth $149 Thank you, Jill for this review. She titles a review new discovery. I'm always looking for interesting informative podcast and love vitally you. heartfelt thanks to Dana frost and all that she imparts to help listeners become their best selves and mind and body. Well, Jill, thank you. I'm excited to get these patches to you. Okay, join me in welcoming Bridgette to the show. Bridgette, welcome to the Vitally You podcast. It's such a treat to have you on the podcast this week.

Bridgettete Boudreau  04:01

Oh, thanks, Dana, for having me. I'm really I'm so happy to be here and to reconnect with you after all these years. So

Dana Frost  04:08

it's been a while. So Bridgettete, I was so interested when I when you popped up on LinkedIn, and I could see that you're doing a lot of work with women in the second part of their life or the third part of their life. And I'm, you know, really curious to know, how did you What brought you to this current place you are in your work? I think that your process is called the mosaic path. 

Bridgettete Boudreau  04:35

Yeah, so what brought me here was my own struggles to find my sense of purpose in life and feeling like I can always feel this sense of purpose inside of me, but I can never figure out what it was just nail it down. And so through all my foibles and things that felt like following false you know, dead ends or false paths, but It really were part of the whole thing. And it just came together for me a few years ago. And the, the bottom line of it is, is if you can start to think of your life less as a linear path, where your purpose comes chipped on a tablet from on high at the exact right time, right. So that doesn't happen for most of us. And if you can think of your life instead is this beautiful mosaic. And so what you're doing in that case is, let's say you're making a mosaic, and you don't even know exactly what the design is going to be, but you start with the pieces. And so you start looking through your life. And I teach people how to how to do this, and even kind of breaking apart or deconstructing parts of your life to find those beautiful pieces of your mosaic. And you might even find things that are like, Oh, I don't know why this is here. This is kind of funky, and weird, but it seems like it wants to be here or that I definitely want to be outside of my mosaic. So the idea is that you can harvest all these pieces of your life. And as you start to put them together, there's this weird alchemy that happens where the pieces, well, they kind of start talking to each other. And then they suggest new ways forward, if you can stay open, because the other pieces is a lot of times we try to grab on and define. And that's actually probably one of the main things that's keeping us from really understanding this larger picture of who we are and why we're here.

Dana Frost  06:31

Yes, I love the metaphor of the mosaic for our life. And could you just talk into in your own life, like, Give us an example when, like, often I talk about my health crisis? And how that really was a defining moment in terms of personally and professionally. So can you tell us a little bit about your own life? And how, you know, what, is there a scenario or a time in your life, when you just felt like you couldn't see the pieces, you really weren't sure where you were going? And

Bridgettete Boudreau  07:05

absolutely, so before I was a coach, I was a marketing executive for many years, and, and I just ping pong my way through the marketing world, you know, I thought, well, I want to climb the ladder. So I tried to do that. And I got to, you know, senior level positions. And then I'm like, Well, this just doesn't feel right. And so I would be an individual contributor, and then I would work for an agency, and then I would do this thing and that thing. And none of it really fit. And it was actually the last job I took, everything looked great with this company, nice people great company, like nothing wrong, everything I did the the positive and negative list and everything was positive should have been great. And then the minute I walked in the door thought, I have made a terrible mistake. And I mean, the minute my first day walked in the door, and that was sort of my moment. So sometimes I think it takes an event like that, where you really have in this moment to catapult you into the new place. Because what that made me realize is like I have to make a bigger change, I have to let go of this career in marketing. So something new can come. And then I became a coach and I thought, Oh, this is it, I'm going to you know, this is my path. But then even within that there were there were years of gathering the pieces. And so what I learned over time is instead of viewing any of these individual instances, as success or failures, is to start to see them all as a part of a larger pattern where I was actually picking up all the pieces I need for today.

Dana Frost  08:49

I think that's vitally important component that to end the judgment on the different things that we do our experiences, and then in spirit, just see them as all opportunities and opportunities to learn opportunities to grow. And just because something doesn't work out doesn't mean that it wasn't meant to be or it didn't fit.

Bridgettete Boudreau  09:12

Have that so important. So the first part of the mosaic path is gathering the pieces. So you're doing that, you know, deconstructing, just finding out, you know, the reflection of you. And then the second part is the experimentation phase. And this is exactly it. So the other thing about the mosaic is they don't just teach like, Oh, these are nice tools and things that are very pleasant. There's those the under current of personal growth and things that you need to let go of, in order to follow the path that's right for you. And I agree, Dana Absolutely. One of the things people need to let go of is the success or failure mindset. You know, so this is not anything new, but it's like for me I was such a good girl. And I was so driven and I so needed to accomplish and I needed that validation. So it was really about what is the actual mechanism where I start to let go of that just a little bit, and adopt a more experimental mindset. So that I can actually learn, it's not always easy, like, I still, you know, that the ideas that we grew up with, and that were instilled in us by the culture, it's not like, you're just gonna snap your fingers and those will be over. But if you can at least start to create a little wiggle room, because that's where creativity lives. And that was the other thing I learned on this process is like, holy smokes, I'm super creative person, I never thought of myself that way. And everybody's a creative person, because creativity is the act of creation. And we are all creators. And so that's the other thing that happens is, as people start to move along, in this process, they just naturally connect with what their creative means.

Dana Frost  11:01

Yeah. And they're, you know, that word can be so loaded, because we classify people, you're creative and creative, or your left brain, your right brain. And, you know, as at a very young age, I did not believe that I was creative, because I couldn't draw, or my drawings weren't the way that, you know, I saw everybody else drawing, I colored outside of the lines, I couldn't keep in the lines of when, you know, I think that we're probably about the same age. But do you remember getting a worksheet that had, you know, a foot on an image, and then you had to color it in, and you were supposed to color inside the lines and make it and had to be all pretty and, and mine never, you know, looked really pretty. And it's so funny that that imprint, that I wasn't a creative person. And as I became an adult, I could begin to see I am creative, just in a very in a different I create in different ways. It's it gets expressed in different ways. And I think that we are primarily on this podcast on Vitalii, you were talking to women who are our demographic? Yeah. 40. I know, I have younger listeners, but 40, but for sure, 50 and beyond. And we're still in that demographic, where there were set rules of engagement, and expectations. And we really, you know, we have to drop some of those. And we have to let go when you're talking about letting go. And it always brings me back to this idea of physically when we are in, you know, when our system is in a tightened position in any way we are, our system is not set free to be creative, we have to be in this parasympathetic, which is kind of brakes on where it's the flow, we're in the flow mode, in order to create and that really requires us to, in in minut ways, let go of where we are constricting ourselves. And sometimes that's unconscious.

Bridgettete Boudreau  13:03

Yeah. Oh, yeah. I think a lot of times it's unconscious. And you're absolutely right. And that's another piece of the mosaic is, you know, people talk about this mysterious flow. And so this is really, these are all things that I was like, what is the actual mechanism of this? Like, how does this actually work to create flow, and, you know, it's, it's not as simple as maybe doing one thing like meditating or, you know, there's, there's several things that have to happen, right? It's a letting go of those cultural constraints that have been placed upon us, it's attending to your body. It's also expanding the aperture of your perception, and learning how to what I call play with the field, which is that kind of pitch and catch that you can do with the universe. You know, the power of intention, you absolutely need to throw something out there. But then detach from what the result is going to be so that when the field throws something back to you, you recognize it when it shows up, because it's going to look completely different than what you thought.

Dana Frost  14:15

I love that pitch and catch. First, when you started talking. It reminded me of a coaching tool that we were both trained in, and that is the and I remember the name of it, but it's I use it all the time. I'm just blanking, but it's where you you know, you have hard focus off focus and strong focus on focus. And that's what I thought you were going to go into, but you took it a step further. And I really could you expand on that. I love that idea of pitch and catch with the universe and intention, the power of intention and and yet, keeping yourself relaxed in the midst of that. Yes, so

Bridgettete Boudreau  14:53

yeah, I became fascinated with the you know, because I was surrounded by coaches and stuff to people and they're getting downloads from the universe, and they just seemed the world is alive with signs. And one piece that taught me about it was when I went to Africa, I used to take people on safari retreat there, you know, and when, when I first got to the Game Reserve in southern Africa, you know, I'm just overwhelmed by even the floor is different. And obviously, the font is very different. And so there's just even the dirt, this red dirt, you know, that I had never seen before. So it's just overwhelming with newness. But realizing I'm completely not even realizing how blind I am to this place. And then, you know, the first day, they take us out and you go tracking on foot. And so they start to show you, they say, Okay, we're going to track a rhino, and then they circle this shuffling of dirt on the ground, and they draw circle, and then they tell you what the rhinos is in the paw foot, I don't know, rhinos foot. And they they show you like, this is how it looks. It's got this big toe at the top and one on the side and kind of one, like where our thumb would be that kind of sticks out like that. And then all of a sudden, you are like, Oh, no, I see. I see this. Why No. And so then I look up, and I realized there's animal prints everywhere. And things have just come to life. So part of it is I think, learning like somebody has to sort of show you the way, when you were going into completely new paradigm, there's some way that you have to learn. And so anyway, I got a little I'm gonna come back to pitching and catching. And then we think of,

Dana Frost  16:40

I think what you're sharing is really important, because there is something that we have to learn.

Bridgettete Boudreau  16:47

Yes, so you have to learn. And it really helps to have somebody point that out, and then you start tracking. And so the first thing you're doing is you're looking for these Rhino prints that they just showed you in the dirt, but now you're in the grass. And so what happens there, and so some people find it themselves, but most people don't. And so the trackers will start to show you what you see, look at the grass, and all sudden, you'll just see what the grass has been completely over. It's like a rhino sized disruption in the grass and you're in I'm laughing, because it's almost so obvious, but you will never see it. And so this is that idea of so if I take it back to playing with the field, my intention is now I'm going to track a rhino, I'm going to learn how to do that. But I have to open the aperture of my experience. And sometimes we need help with that, right? Because I'm also taught I was taught to learn in this very tightly focused way. Okay, this focus. Yeah. So going into soft focus, open focus, and starting. And so it's almost like learning how to do that. And then once I learned to go into open focus, and that I was looking for all signs of rhinos, I started to put myself in the mind of the rhino. And so now I'm finding Oh, there's mud on the leaves. Is that part of it? Yeah. Because the rhinos will go. And then the mud rubs off on the leaves as they move through. So you're learning, learning, learning getting more information, then all of a sudden, there's a steaming pile of dung. And then they tell you like, slow down. And so, so excuse my language, but the steaming pile, is the biggest sign that you're almost there. Why? Because it's steaming, it's fresh. And this is in life, people think. So they run into their own steaming. They're thinking, I'm on the wrong track. This isn't working. And it's like, no, it's not the rhino, but it's darn close. And then if you look in the distance, you'll see these little birds bouncing up and down. And then the Tracker will say, those are ox packers. And what ox packers do is they pick the ticks off of large animals, and they bounce up and down like that. And so what that tells you is, that's where the rhino is. And so this whole idea of learning a new way of receiving new information and not cutting yourself off, not saying oh, I can't do this. I don't know this, because this is how we find that completely new path in life is we don't go down the well traveled road and we have to learn how to look for the signs and symbols that are pointing the way and interact with that. So that's that idea of playing with the field.

Dana Frost  19:41

Okay, I love this. I love what you just shared and it's taking me back to when I lived in Brazil rigid and I woke up in the middle of the night and there were bat. Six bats forming over my head and I had my husband was traveling and I had few of my daughters in bed with me And I was for a week out. And I think I've told the story on the podcast before, so I won't go into it in detail, I did manage to get them out of my room. And, you know, we had somebody come in, they couldn't find any sign of, you know, bats living on the property or anything. But it made me I knew, I knew that there was a message for me, because it was so unusual. And it really woke me up, that I needed to pay more attention. I needed to pay attention to the things that were happening in my life. And look, in essence, look for the signs, this was, you know, there was something happened, I need to just start tracking. And I brought this up to my coach, and said, that this freaked me out that nighttime like, this must be ominous and horrible. And, you know, something bad's gonna happen. He guided me to the book by the late Ted Andrews, who was a shaman called Animal sleep. And she, you know, she was in the US, and I was in Brazil, and she read what the, you know, the message from God, when you have a bad encounter, and it it just appears to me, it was It wasn't ominous. But it was the precise word I needed at that point in my life. And it opened up my field, to Oh, my gosh, I thought it was just this big, I thought spirit was this big? And no, actually, it's all encompassing. And there's so much more and every I have goosebumps right now. Everything in the universe is available at my disposal to be working alongside me to be a collaborator, a partner. And it was such a pivotal experience for me. And that's what I'm thinking of as you share that story. But we do have to be open to it, we have to be willing to believe, if you will, that there's so much more than what we can contain in our own container than what we can know, based on our past experience. We have to be open that there's a lot that I don't know. And I want to be open to it, and I'm willing to be open to it. And I think that's part of the letting go, don't you think?

Bridgettete Boudreau  22:28

Absolutely. It's part of the letting go. And, you know, the other thing that I think gets in the way of receiving the messages as well often, even if we receive a message into you receiving a message, I mean, you can, you can take, take that as deeply as your beliefs take you because I think at a psychological level, it's like, okay, human beings aren't great at spontaneous insight. So what we're really doing is bouncing our psyche off of the external world and seeing what comes back. And even if you just do that more consciously, and with intention, you're gonna get so much more information. Now deeper I with you, I also believe that there are other things that are trying to communicate with us, but what I love is this works wherever level you were at, it's going to work. And yeah, so it's, it's unlearning the idea that, Oh, I know what I was gonna say, as people jumped to conclusions. So they get this message about, you know, they get assigned, and then they think, oh, no, that means I have to do X terrible thing that I'm absolutely terrified to do. And what we, the other piece that we need is sitting with it, you know, so receive the message, learn to sit with it, learn to be with your own discomfort, and see what other ideas and avenues present themselves besides the one that you think, is the thing that you're going to have to do, maybe this the thing you're going to have to do. But maybe it's not like you said, you know, with the bat, it's like you think, you know, oh, my gosh, you know, bats are terrible, they're scary. And actually, that message is there to help you, but also to get your attention. So it was loud enough to get your attention.

Dana Frost  24:18

So I want to just get into a little bit more of, we're talking about the mosaic path, but I want to I want to talk a little bit more about it. Like, what is the process that you take people through, because I'm really fascinated by it. And I think that it's, you know, it's something that is, could be very interesting for the listeners. So could you just tell us a little bit more about the process? What are maybe the elements? Yeah, so

Bridgettete Boudreau  24:46

the first part, like I said, Is this examination of your life but that was another thing as a coach that I really struggled with, like there were the you know, oh, just do a life timeline or just do and none of these things are inherently wrong, I just went struggle. And so I really tried to give people concrete exercises, I call them mosaic missions that you can do. So taking you back to when you emerge, and then and then how to make sense of that when you get the information, right. So it's like taking you back to when you were a child and what you love doing, but kind of helping put you there more specifically. So there's this sort of life review piece that happens. But I have a lot of different ways of doing that. And the other thing that we do is part of that process is also looking at your limitations. And so this is something in personal development that sometimes people want to shy away from. And I'm saying this has mosaic gold for you is looking at the places where the door kept shutting behind you, like you just couldn't go back to that place. Like for me, it was my marketing career, and the door just kept shutting. Don't go back that way. And so then I had to finally look and say, Well, what do I want to take from that experience? 

Bridgettete Boudreau  26:05

But what do I need to leave? And so this is how you get to know yourself. So limitations are super important. cultural constraints, that other piece. So getting more conscious about what are the influences that are pressing down on me all the time, what is the air I breathe, and the water I swim in, again, just to build awareness. So it's learning about yourself awareness, even looking at your Myers Briggs and your Enneagram, and all that stuff, like you can bring all that in. So that's the first part of the process, then you actually make a mosaic. So a physical representation of your mosaic, which sometimes can freaks people out, but you get to use Office Supplies, it's fun, and you're just capturing what you found on paper in some way, so that that alchemy can happen. And then we move into the experimentation phase. And that's where you learn your own art of tracking how to follow your inclinations, how to stay open, and I have a whole section called when your ship comes up. Because that's the other piece is it's not just about here's this happy thing that you can do to, you know, a little personal project, like what really stops people are, you know, perfectionism, and people that aren't supportive, and your own self esteem and doubt. And so we have to pick up those tools along the way. What happens in the third part is things begin to coalesce, things begin to come together in a new way. And so then it's just really about like how to work with that understanding that when that happens, your identity is changing. And even if that's a positive, it's a big deal. 

Bridgettete Boudreau  27:58

So, and I mean, that's the other thing about the mosaic as a whole is, it's really, for people who are coming into Jane Fonda calls it your third act of life, she kind of defines it as 60 forward, I would back it down to 50 forward, but you know, that's up for you to define. But coming into this act of life, and especially women, right, we have fulfilled our responsibilities, whatever they were, a lot of that has been done. And so now you're looking at this potentially pretty long expanse of life. You know, we're not like our grandmothers, we're not 5560 ready to sit in the rocking chair, that this time is our time, and it's on our terms. And so I think people look at that expanse and feel that way, but don't know exactly what to do, how do I move forward in a way that's different from what I did before. And so the coalescing stages really addressing, you know, how to live your life as a mosaic maker, and sort of adopting this new identity and the signs and symptoms to look for. So like, we're talking about more creativity, more flow, all that good stuff starts coming in your life. And then the big, not so secret secret is that once you start on this path, you stop worrying so much about where there is because you're enjoying your here a lot more. And I think really, our purpose is to pursue our interests to pursue our passions to do what matters. And when you're doing that. It's funny, like my clients, it's like, well, what results have your clients gotten? And it's like, well, they're just all kind of doing their thing and enjoying themselves. So that's it.

Dana Frost  29:50

Yeah, that's funny people do like to see results. I love the what you said about your becoming a mosaic maker and you're not really, to me, what I hear when you say that is you're really in the present moment, whatever that moment is. And I think it's what I'm sensing and feeling. It's so easy with culture today because of social media, to not live in the moment. And and to try to make the moment need to be something that can be shared, instead of being in the moment, and there's nothing wrong. I mean, I certainly share. So I don't think there's anything wrong with it. But I think it's that awareness of how can I just be more here here, where I am right now in your present with what I what I'm doing now? And, yeah, I just wanted to say that and, and, you know, I meet so many women that do feel a little bit lost at this stage of well, what's next and thinking about retirement? And well, what am I going to do, and, and particularly the stage where the kids are gone? What, you know, if they've had children, the children are gone. And, and so they have this more time. And they're not quite retired, but they don't really know, like, Well, where am I going? And what's the landscape? And it is an excellent time to do this exploration.

Bridgettete Boudreau  31:18

Absolutely. Is and and what else I believe is that, you know, it doesn't have to be big. It doesn't have to be grandiose, it certainly can be. But I think that's another fallacy that we fall into, I think they'd be big. And it's like, just just be just be yourself. But that's another thing. Well, how do I who am I? And how do I be that? And so that's what the mosaic is about? Because these are the questions that I struggled with. I was like, How do I do all of this? How do I be present from my own life? And so sometimes at the very beginning, you know, the other question I couldn't answer for years was what do you want? You know, when I first came into personal development, that was just that was the big, you know, what, what do you want? And I was like, God, I don't know. And if there's anybody out there that's really struggling with that question. The best place to start is just to bring it in to right now. And that's how I started to learn, you know, what do I want? Well, I want to get outside. I want to pet the dog. I mean, it really is that simple. And that sort of gets the the want mechanism going. Because there's a lot of stuff, especially for women that tamps down our desire. So it's a process to restart that. And that's the other thing that I feel is really important is I just wanted something that was practical, but also spiritual and deep and profound, but really, really doable. Easy, yeah. And accessible. So that was that's all the intention that's gone into the mosaic.

Dana Frost  33:02

Wow. Well, I love that. Bridgettete, I think that I'm so glad that you popped up on my LinkedIn, because this is a really important conversation and your process. It reminds me a little bit of the process I do with clients if we're looking at their health. Because we do that we go way back to pre birth. And we just track, what are all the things that happened that impacted their health, and what were the triggers? And what are the things that make them better, or the symptoms that are worse. And then we look at all the symptoms in the mind body system and, and how the symptoms impact all these different systems in the body. And because you can't extrapolate one, one thing and divide it out and just deal with that one thing, because the one thing impacts everything. And so absolutely this this process of the mosaic, you know, I can I can see it actually also from the health perspective perspective, because that's, that's what I do with clients is let's take a look at your health because everything's been recorded in your mind body system. And it's all there for your benefit in some way.

Bridgettete Boudreau  34:13

Yes, yeah, I think it's absolutely similar. And you know, to have a guide, right? So somebody who can ask the questions and connect the data points and say, Oh, no, that matters. We have to. So there's one thing to self study, and that certainly works, but sometimes just having that guide or that form of guidance that helps you put the pieces together and like oh, I didn't make that connection before and that's where the power really starts to happen.

Dana Frost  34:43

Yeah, and I really say we're nearing the end of our time together Bridgette but I wanted to say for the listener who is looking to do something and feeling like there's just something missing. Choose, just choose something You know, maybe it's we're just programmed but just choose something where you're actually not doing something alone, I think it's, there's so much more power, when you are in community with other people when it could literally be a friend, or it could be a code that choose something to start pursuing that's, that is maybe outside of your comfort zone that is reflecting, allowing you to do you know, some reflection of your life. And then, you know, putting the pieces together, just choose something so that you start moving. Because the issue is if you don't move anywhere, and you just stay in the same place where you've done for a decade or two decades, and you just don't change anything, and you're frozen, then you're going to move and you're going to grow older in a frozen state, and you're actually your body's going to read that you'll you will become more rigid, who just do something to something, anything.

Bridgettete Boudreau  35:58

I agree. And I always say my world movement creates clarity. So that's the whole thing. You know, devise your own quest. If it's just, you know, I'm gonna get in the car and head down this highway, and stop anywhere that interests me like anything. And yeah, to just start to get more information, like you said so beautifully.

Dana Frost  36:21

Well, I in love our conversation, Bridgette, thank you so much. So you have to answer the question I asked all my guests. Okay, what does feeling younger while going while they're mean to you?

Bridgettete Boudreau  36:34

I think it means understanding that while the linear time is certainly taking us in one direction, that this is really the springtime of our souls. And I think if you can hold that intention that you can have this whole other phase of life that's so meaningful, and joyful and makes a positive contribution, that that's only going to support the physical body and everything and also that we have the wisdom and the knowledge to to go on that quest. So now's the time.

Dana Frost  37:16

Well, Bridgette, thank you so much for being a guest this week.

Bridgettete Boudreau  37:19

Thank you, Dana.

Dana Frost  37:21

Thank you for joining us this week on the vital EU podcast. Do not miss Bridgette's free giveaway in the show notes. And don't forget to hit subscribe and download if you're enjoying the show and please, you'll make my heart smile if you leave a review if you haven't done so already. Until next week. I am streaming love from my heart to yours.