In today’s episode, I explore what stem cells are and share cost-effective wellness protocols that can help you create a healthy environment for stem cells to thrive.
Stem cells are the building blocks for the human body, and without stem cell activity, the body can't repair, regenerate or renew itself. Stem cell activity decreases as we age, but there are several ways to reverse the effects of that biological process. In today’s episode, I share simple, cost-effective wellness protocols that can help you create a healthy environment for stem cells to thrive.
There are three main types of stem cells and different therapies associated with them. But, before you go down the path of procedures that cost tens of thousands of dollars, there are things you can do everyday to optimize healthy stem cell activity. Between your diet, exercise, and stress management, your experience of aging is within your control.
One of the tools that has been instrumental for me in my journey of feeling younger while growing older has been using LifeWave patch technology. In this episode, I unpack the benefits of these patches and announce a giveaway I’m doing so you can try them out.
Here’s how to enter to win a 30-day supply of LifeWave X39 or X49 stem cell activation patches:
Listen in to learn more about what stem cells are and how you can continue to promote stem cell activity as you age.
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Dana Frost 00:07
Welcome to Vitally You, a podcast created to introduce you to the tools that will be your roadmap for feeling younger while growing older. I'm your host Dana Frost, a wellness expert, life coach and energy medicine practitioner. Here's what you can expect conversations about vitality from the inside out with guest experts in the field of health, culture and spirituality and solo episodes along the way from me where I do deep dives into the topics of aging, heart intelligence, energy, medicine, and your innate capacity to heal. If you want to feel younger, while growing older, this is the place for you.
Dana Frost 00:52
Hi, everyone. Welcome to the Vitally You Podcast. I'm Dana Frost, your host coming to you from Miami Beach for another solo episode to talk about one of my favorite topics, stem cells. Now this is not a masterclass on stem cells is a short podcast. So I'm keeping this conversation at the bird's eye view. We are going to talk about what they are what are stem cells, we will talk about what you can do to keep them active and why you should care about them. Plus, you get this I have a special prize at the end of the episode. So stay tuned until the end to learn about my giveaway. So what are stem cells? Stem cells are cells that can become any cell in the body and they self replicate. Stem cells are the building blocks or raw material cells for the human body. And they are cells that create, regenerate, repair and renew.
Dana Frost 01:52
Now we have the most stem cells at birth. And stem cell activity decreases as we age. It's actually one of the reasons we age. And without stem cell activity, the body can't repair, regenerate or renew itself. I want you to think about older people who have an accident or need surgery. As we age that healing process is more difficult because we don't have stem cells that are online and active to assist with the healing process. I often think about my great grandmother, Cokie, and then my grandmother, Gladys and my grandmother, Dora, all of them especially I remember, as a child, my grandmother cokie had really, really thin skin and I just remember seeing her forearms they always seem sort of bruised, and you know, the blood was at the surface and then with my grandmother GLaDOS. So grandma cokie great grandma, Cokie was she lived well into her 80s.
Dana Frost 02:53
My grandmother, Gladys, she died in her 60s and she had diabetes. And she just had a lot of skin, just like my dad, a lot of skin tags and things on her skin, which actually is due to, you know, a poor glycation in the body. Your cells aren't good at repairing themselves. And so you see all of this showing up on the skin. And so if you've got some of these issues, your stem cells are not as active. Okay, so there are different kinds of stem cells. And they fall under three main types of stem cells, they fall into these three categories. The first one is embryonic stem cells. These are the most potent stem cells, but they come from embryos. And there's a big debate if their use is ethical. It's actually not allowed in the United States. And then we have adult stem cells. These are stem cells that are active in you and me, then we have induced pluripotent stem cells.
Dana Frost 04:00
These are derived from skin or blood cells that have been reprogrammed back into an embryonic like pluripotent state that enables the development of an unlimited source of any type of human cell needed for therapeutic purposes. So, induced pluripotent stem cells, these are the cells that are being used for research instead of embryonic cells, but you can see they're not going to be as effective because, you know, they're having their they've been programmed and so they don't have the same efficacy as natural embryonic stem cells. And we do know that stem cells are an invaluable modern research tool. But we do have this issue with Is it ethical to use embryonic cells?
Dana Frost 04:52
So as I said, the substitute are these induced pluripotent stem cells and the difference between these induced pluripotent stem cells and embryonic stem cells is that induced pluripotent stem cells are adult somatic cells that are generated and genetically reprogrammed to function as stem cells and become pluripotent. So I just described that earlier as well. But it's worth repeating. While embryonic stem cells are naturally pluripotent, and pluripotent simply means the potential to become different cells, the potential to become different cells. This is the beauty of stem cells. Now, if we look at adult stem cells, there are different categories. And I'm not going to go deep into these different categories. But just for an example, you will hear and I'm sure that you've heard about stem cell therapy from celebrities like Tony Robbins, well, this is a process where you have in there using intrinsic stem cells, they're removed, treated and reinjected.
Dana Frost 05:57
So intrinsic means, if I'm the person doing stem cell therapy, they are taking my stem cells out, and they're doing whatever they do to them, I don't know exactly what they do to them, spin them around, and then they are re injected back into me or you. And this is truly amazing. It's actually not considered a medical procedure, because you're using something that is already yours. It can't be medical, if you're just using your own intrinsic tissue. So then, so those are intrinsic stem cells, then we have exogenous stem cell injections, and that would be using another person's stem cells versus your own. And this does have risks because they can go rogue, the stem cells that are not your own, they can go rogue and cause damage, because they are extrinsic to your body. And so there's always the chance that your immune system could decide that they're foreign invaders and go on the attack. This type of stem cell therapy where you're, you know, you need somebody who knows what they're doing to remove the stem cells, spin them around, do whatever they do, and then re inject them back into you.
Dana Frost 07:13
That is an expensive endeavor. And I learned a lot about that. After my dad died, I started researching stem cell therapy for my mom, because of her arthritis, that was incredibly painful in one of her ankles, and I just kept coming back to wow, this is really expensive. And she didn't have the kind of money that the celebrities have to go do it where, you know, they're seeing consistence consistent results with their patients. So these are, you know, the top performing stem cell therapy physicians. And so this is actually how I came to know about lifewave stem cell patches is through a colleague, and I think you've all heard that before, if you've been listening to the to the podcast. So the lifewave patches are actually they make stem cell therapy, affordable to the average person.
Dana Frost 08:08
And I'm going to talk a little bit more about those later. I want to just keep on the conversation in terms of what are stem cells. So we're gonna go to now what can you do to keep them active, so you have stem cells in your body right now. And so, these are some of the things that you can do to create an environment where stem cells stem cells can replicate, and they can repair and regenerate. Okay, so you can practice intermittent fasting and caloric restriction because those increased stem cell proliferation and when I say caloric restriction, I don't mean starve yourself or create an environment or lifestyle where you have disordered eating because that actually tears your body down.
Dana Frost 08:56
I mean, a strategic intermittent fasting plan, intermittent fasting, it's mixed reviews in terms of for the female body, but we do know that a daily fast of 12 hours from dinner until breakfast is a way that all of us can practice intermittent fasting. You can reduce your triglycerides, high triglycerides, that just means you have a lot of oxidative stress in your body. There's a lot of trash in your body that needs to be taken out. And so if your triglycerides are high, you really want to get on top of that and reduce your triglycerides. You can exercise because exercise boosts stem cell activity, reduce sugar consumption. Oh, let me just say this, if you remember, I mentioned my dad and my grandmother, both who were diabetic and they had all these skin tags and marks on gross small growths on their skin and that really was due to this issue they had with insulin resistance in their body that is a liver issue that then, you know projects itself.
Dana Frost 10:06
It's over active cells on the skin, producing these ugly things on your skin. So reduced sugar consumption, support healthy inflammation pathways. So you really want your you want your lymph system to be able to remove the things the trash in your body. You could do stem cell supplementation, and you can reduce alcohol consumption. So let's move to diet, what are the things you can do with your diet, so I want to mention something fascinating that I saw on Instagram, from Kashif Khan. He was actually a guest way back towards the beginning of this podcast. He is the founder of the DNA company. And he shared research that stem cell activity rose in this population where they were drinking three. And when I say hot chocolate, I'm assuming it was like pure cacao. pure cacao hot chocolate a day twice a day. The poly females in cacao, increased stem cell activity.
Dana Frost 11:18
So that's really cool. So let's, you know, get our mugs of actually living in Miami, I don't do hot chocolate, I will do this is this is a really nice little drink for you. I take pure cacao, I'll take my homemade almond milk, you could do coconut milk or you know, whatever you want, whatever you like to do. ice a little bit of honey. And I blend that and if I want a little kick of caffeine, I'll put a little bit of caffeine in it a little bit of coffee. I blend that and I have this really yummy creamy icy cacao it's delicious if you need that instead of the hot chocolate Okay, so that's that's really an interesting little thing there. The other food turns out that cruciferous vegetables when hear your cauliflower broccoli, kale, cabbage, bok choy, watercress and Brussels sprouts all those yummy cruciferous vegetables, support stem cell activity and well cooked meat. well cooked animal protein fish, poultry, canned tuna and chicken those support stem cell activation and for you plant based people cooked legumes. Legumes include beans, peas and lentils.
Dana Frost 12:37
Now when we look at herbs, ashwagandha red sage, ginseng, coffee theanine, Lion's Mane mushrooms and curcumin. Curcumin would be. I'm blanking on this spicing that we know for that anyway, I'm sure you. I'm sure it's coming into your head and you're wishing that you could tell me right now, but you can't because this is recorded. Okay, so now that we've talked about some food, let's talk about stress. Stress impacts your stem cells. Some of you know my story. If you haven't heard my story, I can guide you to all these different podcasts that I've been a guest on top of sharing my health story. But after a decade's worth of daily stress, my body physically broke down and I know that that impacted my stem cells. So research shows that stress is a common mechanism involved in stimulating stem cell division and differentiation in response to tissue needs for normal homeostasis and injury repair.
Dana Frost 13:46
People never underestimate the power of stress, controlling and responding to intrinsic and extrinsic stress is critical for the long term maintenance of functional stem cell activity. Okay, oxidative stress has emerged as a common feature that limits stem cell maintenance and disrupts function. So take an inventory of your stress levels and have a stress management strategy. It is imperative. Okay, why should you care about stem cells. As we age we accumulate damage to ourselves. If we don't have the lifestyle and diet and stem cell activity for repair the signs and symptoms of aging progress more rapidly. So I want you to hear this Aging. Aging is a stem cell problem. And if you miss my episode on the hallmarks of aging, and you want to know more about the hallmarks of aging, I urge you to go back and listen to that episode.
Dana Frost 14:51
Okay, adult this is what I'm seeing just watching culture. Adults are experiencing signs of decline at younger ages and I think thought this is due to environmental toxins, mental stress, whether perceived or real, and the modern sedentary lifestyle, and our modern diet, Poor sleep habits, disconnection from nature and the circadian rhythm. I have said this before, we are designed to be in sync with nature. We are designed to be outside every day for our eyes to see the sunrise for our eyes to see the sunset, for our body to actually feel the different temperatures out in nature. We are designed to be in nature and those things if we are inside and we are sedentary, that has a negative downregulation of STEM selectivity, I would say the modern mind body system is in chaos. And those of us who step up to take charge of their health through lifestyle and nutrition are the winners.
Dana Frost 15:59
Look, I turned back diabetes, I turned back the onset of arthritis, I will tell you, how did I get into juicing in the early 90s. Already as a 24 year old 25 year old I was starting to have achy joints. And arthritis is a very strong gene in my family. And way back then I started juicing and I at that point, I stopped with dairy mostly when I stopped with dairy it was because my newborn was allergic to it and was having reactions to it. But simply changing that lifestyle, adding some fresh pressed organic juices and going off dairy. My joints stopped aching in my 20s I turned back poor digestive health by doing this was after my health crisis by really taking you know, really gosh, I would say two to five years to clean up my digestive health and get it to being so that it was effective and efficient. All of these things impact your body and thus impact I would say demonstrate if subsystem cells are active in your body. So I've been to a bunch of presentations by cutting edge doctors in longevity and alternative healing approaches.
Dana Frost 17:25
They all agree I hear all of them say stem cell therapy, energy or vibration medicine and light therapy and light therapy is actually a form of energy medicine are the antidotes to what ails the modern human. So let me repeat that stem cell therapy. energy vibration, which includes a light therapy are the antidotes to what ails the modern human stem cell therapy is the leading longevity hack. So what what can you What benefits do you have from doing stem cell therapy? There is research to backup that it helps with different kinds of back pain and just pain in general. Knee pain, shoulder pain, let me tell you, I have many examples of people who are using the lifewave stem cell patches that I sell. I'll give you one example a woman had chronic shoulder pain. She used the Isolate patches on her shoulder and the pain did not come back. She used treated her shoulder pain that had nagged at her for a while and the shoulder pain was gone.
Dana Frost 18:35
I've had people contact me and say oh my gosh, my knee pain when I use the patches, the knee pain is gone. The back pain, back pain is really tricky. There's so much that is everything that has ever happened to you I say is stored along your spine. And so you have to do a lot of experimentation to figure out which patches in terms of stem cell you know how you patch what's going to really support your back pain. There's research to show that stem cell therapy helps with osteoarthritis which this was the case with my mom. This is how it was introduced to the patches. She it's amazing how her life really changed in terms of the pain through using the X 39 stem cell patch the Eon anti inflammatory patch, stem cell patches help with skin repair and remodeling and rejuvenation you it's just amazing how my skin changed when I started using the X 39 patch. It's just my the brightness came back. The dullness under my eyes went away. It was like my face just got a big plump and natural I would say a natural rejuvenation so skin repair wound healing the copper peptide that's elevated with our skin with our stem cell patch.
Dana Frost 19:54
Ha Kay I think I'm dyslexic so I get these confused one of our stem cell patches and elevates HJK dash to you, which means copper peptide and one elevates another copper peptide. But that copper peptide is what heals wounds. And if you've been following me, you probably would have seen some of those testimonials with wound healing. Stem cells really helped with your energy and foggy brain, the x 49 stem cell patch, it has been proven to increase strength, stamina and performance and fat loss, it decreases fat loss and increases lean mass. So this is what I want you to do. I want you to look around you, how did your ancestors age? And how do you want to age? How are you going to age? And what are the symptoms that you are accepting now that you wouldn't have accepted at a younger age? And you just say, Oh, well, that's aging? No, that is your mindset.
Dana Frost 20:54
Your mindset is telling you that it's just aging, you can reverse your symptoms. I want you to know that you can add a minimum free of charge change your lifestyle I've gone over what are the things what are the lifestyle factors that are going to impact your stem cell activity, change your diet, I've gone over some of the things eating just eat a whole foods diet. Get rid of every packaged food that you have in your cupboard, your refrigerator and your freezer, or eliminate all packaged foods. Eliminate sugar as much as you can, so that your day to day is optimized for healthy stem cell activity. That includes maintenance and replication. Remember, stem cells self replicate. This is why you want to start with your diet and your lifestyle because stem cells need a healthy environment to survive and thrive.
Dana Frost 21:52
Now, if you have resources, you could pursue expensive and invasive stem cell therapy like the celebrities. And hey, that's an option because you can look at the research they're effective, especially when you're using your own stem cells. It's mixed. And based on what I talked about in terms of exogenous stem cells, your body can turn on itself with those but when you're using your own stem cells, there's a lot of efficacy to that. Finally, maybe you want to follow my journey and try the lightwaves stem cell patches, why they're non invasive, there are no injections. They're scientifically proven to activate your intrinsic stem cells using your body's own energy. And that is the heat in your body. And the energy pathways. Those are the energy pathways are what traditional Chinese medicine use. Your energy pathways are 200 times faster than your neurological pathways.
Dana Frost 22:52
Patch stem cell therapy is affordable, it can cost as low as $99 per month. And that is if you're wearing a patch daily, and you purchase it wholesale. So if you wear a patch daily and you purchase it wholesale, it's $99 a month, which if you think about the cost 10s of 1000s of dollars to do and maybe hundreds of 1000s I haven't what I was looking at for my mom was 20 to $60,000. So I want to invite you to check out the videos in the show notes that highlight the x 39 stem cell patch and the x 49 stem cell performance patch. Okay, so are you ready for my giveaway? It's big. I'm going to give you the opportunity for one month supply of the x 39 stem cell patch technology. And here's what you have to do to have a chance at winning 30 stem cell patches valued retail at $149. This is a big giveaway for me, okay? And I want you to know, one of the reasons I'm doing this. Do you know why I'm able to post this podcast because it costs me money. It cost me money.
Dana Frost 24:04
For this podcast. I have an audio editing team. I have a team that does my show notes. My own time it takes me hours to do a solo episode, I've got the investment of having my guest on all of that. I pay for that through my lifewave business. So this is why lifewave stem cell patches are supporting what you get for free every single week. Okay, so this is the giveaway. If you haven't left a review on Apple, the first thing you need to do is to leave a review and I want you to screenshot it before you post it and email it to me at Dana at Dana Or a direct message it to me on Instagram. Now you can wait and screenshot it after it's already been posted but it takes apple up to 24 hours to post your review. Okay. You also need to be following me on Instagram and you need to share this episode to your story with a link and tag me in that. So let me tell you how to do that.
Dana Frost 25:10
You can screenshot this episode in your app. And even if you watch it, if you watch it on Spotify, that's also okay. But I needed to leave a review on Apple. So screenshot when you're listening to this, screenshot it and go to your Instagram and put it on your story. And then click the little you know, square that gives you the option to post to tap to put stickers and things on, you're gonna see the link sign it's white box with blue, push on the link, and then copy the link to share this specific story. And copy that and put it on your story that will link your story to this post and I want you to tag me, Instagram, tag me on your story with a link to this podcast episode. Okay. I know that's a lot, but it should take you no more than five minutes. And it probably takes me I don't know many hours a week to produce this podcast. So I am going to draw one name from the participants. And I'll even let you choose if you want X 39 Or x 49. Remember the retail value is $149. Are you ready? So here you go. Ready? Set, go. Okay, everybody.
Dana Frost 26:26
Thank you so much for being with me this week for this episode on stem cells. I hope you learned something. This was a bird's eye view not meant to be a total Deep Dive. We don't have enough time for that. But hopefully, I piqued your curiosity. And if you while you know I'm asking you to leave a review so I will just say until next week. As always, I am streaming love from my heart to yours.