I’m recording a solo episode today, sharing my reflections on the power of meditation as a balm in today's postmodern digital age. I share a guided meditation that includes HeartMath® techniques.
In today's postmodern digital age, the energies are moving rapidly. Are you feeling the speeding up of time? In today's episode I talk about the importance of making peace with your history and emotional trauma so that you are prepared for the uptick in the energies and have resilience and coherence daily. Meditation helps us take personal dominion over our thoughts, emotional experiences and our triggers. In this episode, I’m recording solo, sharing my reflections on the world’s emotional state, followed by a guided meditation.
Meditation is the act of purposefully guiding our attention to an internal still point to quiet the mind. Harmony happens when the mind is brought to a still point of focus — I believe it’s one of the most valuable tools of our time. There is a groundswell of change in our world, and you may feel as if resolution is out of reach. But I’m here to share with you that everything is solvable.
Listen in to learn more about how meditation can support and solve what feels insurmountable in order to harness the intelligence and intuition that comes from our hearts and souls.
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Dana Frost 00:07
Welcome to Vitally You, a podcast created to introduce you to the tools that will be your roadmap for feeling younger while growing older. I'm your host, Dana Frost, a wellness expert, life coach and energy medicine practitioner. Here's what you can expect conversations about vitality from the inside out with guest experts in the field of health, culture, and spirituality, and solo episodes along the way from me where I do deep dives into the topics of aging, heart intelligence, energy, medicine, and your innate capacity to heal. If you want to feel younger, while growing older, this is the place for you.
Dana Frost 00:52
Hi, everyone. I'm Dana Frost, your host coming to you this week from Chicago for a solo episode. I want to thank everyone for your feedback this summer, I had been listening. And there's one common theme. It kind of surprised me. But the common theme is, you like hearing my voice. Well, thank you that I take that as a compliment. And that was really helpful to know. And it motivates me to show up for you. You told me that my voice is soothing and comforting. And I just want you to know that it is if I can be a source of comfort to you. I am here for it. So thank you. Another common request is more HeartMath focused, meditations. So I'm listening and today we are going to share a meditation together.
Dana Frost 01:45
But before we do our meditation, I would love to make a few comments about why I believe meditation is one of our most valuable tools for our times. And first, I want to clarify when I talk about what meditation, what is it from my perspective, there are so many different ideas about meditation. So for me, meditation is purposefully guiding our attention to an internal still point, we quiet the mind. And we focus the mind and harmonize the breath with the heart and brain waves and you don't even you don't even need to necessarily be aware of that. But that is happening when you bring yourself to the still point. Harmony happens when the mind is brought to the still point or a point of focus. And the breath is guided to flow to and from the area of your heart with emotional states that are fueling emotions like inner ease, gratitude, confidence, courage, pride, excitement.
Dana Frost 02:58
So in meditation, we bring the mind into a state of presence with the body. Total presence, mind, body and spirit. The spirit comes through our breath. I did an episode on the breath earlier this summer that you can reference if you want to hear more about that. But meditation is one of the more important tools today because I believe we are in quickening times. So what do I mean by quickening? This is what I mean time, there's an acceleration to time. The stimulation that we're exposed to has sped up time feels like it's speeding up. And I'm curious how many of you can feel this groundswell of changing times? Can you are you feeling what I'm feeling? The appearance? I mean, especially the summer it seems like I'm hearing this from a lot of different people that the appearance is that life is back to normal pre pandemic or post pandemic normal, but it doesn't feel like the old normal.
Dana Frost 04:15
What I'm sensing and feeling is that we lack the security and what we're currently experience. And we like the security of knowing what will be, we can no longer have the security of what came before us. So what I see is an even what I've experienced for myself this summer, anxiety is are high. We can just look at the data and see that suicide rates are higher. The job landscape is shifting. Relationships are teetering in any area of your life that felt off kilter pre pandemic, if it's still hanging out there unresolved. It's gaining steam and traction.
Dana Frost 05:00
And, and you may feel like resolution is out of reach. And this creates this anxiety in the sense of not being settled, and the resolution just can feel like it's insurmountable. Well, the truth that I want to share with you is that everything is solvable.
Dana Frost 05:20
But you really need to be aware because the energies are moving. This is the quickening though energies are moving so rapidly, that if we don't find and don't have this personal dominion over our thoughts, our emotional experiences and our triggers, we will falter. And we will fumble our own future. I don't want that for anyone. So in other words, if you haven't made peace in any area of your life, or in any relationships, if things felt wobbly and undesirable, in this current state of affairs, where we are where we're moving into, I am fairly confident if you haven't made peace with this, you are really struggling under the weight of this post modern digital age, this is the time that we are in.
Dana Frost 06:14
And in the past, there was this pretense that we could feel secure in our homes, our jobs, our education, our government, our societal institutions, and our health care systems. But that's just not the case today. And I'm not trying to be a naysayer, I'm just pointing out what the experiences and where we are. We are fed a constant drip of why our institutions and the things that we thought were trustworthy are no longer trustworthy. Over the past decades, we had the banking crisis the house we have a housing crisis, a health crisis, whether crises, crisis of war, a crime crisis, a gender crisis and a race crisis. I am just here to recognize that this is a lot of fretting and wobbling.
Dana Frost 07:06
Do you feel the wobble, I have certainly felt the wobble. I really have had to just pause this summer and really support my internal structure and grow stronger by going inward. And I'm feeling like my sleep is better everything I've done to like, strengthen myself over the summer, I'm feeling the positive results of that. So in light of this collective wobble, how shall we proceed? Or what is the way forward? And I believe the way forward, it starts with you. Okay, I believe that we are being called to find our security and our own agency, our intuition, and our own inner knowing, and our personal belief system. Our history in education, taught us to find security outside of ourselves, taught us to find security and the institutions that made up our culture are made up any specific culture.
Dana Frost 08:12
But in today's ecology, I believe we are being called to find security in our own agency, our own inner knowing our own intuition, and the principles that we hold as our truth. Because the collective truth is almost non existent. Just look around, read the times Read, read the tea leaves, read what's happening, really open your eyes to see what's happening, we have let go, a sense of collective truth. And so you need to know what is your truth. If you do not know your own truth, you will be easily persuaded by other voices and other people's truth and it will be very hard for you you'll glom on to whatever seems to be true, and that will make your foundation will be very shaky. So this is why bringing your mind to your inner still point is critically important.
Dana Frost 09:14
Your truth will be found in the still small voice within. I learned this years ago and years ago for me that still small voice was the union of the Holy Spirit and my soul within me and that still rings true for me. But it's that still small voice within it's not going to shout at you. You need to bring yourself to quiet and stillness. The body your body never lies. Your body has recorded your history on this earth. And your soul knows your whole story that is beyond your human story. So we need to keep our mind body and soul system in sync. It's like a fight
Dana Frost 09:59
finely-tuned instrument if you just think of your Mind Body Soul system like this beautifully carved instrument that needs to be finely tuned every day you have your quiet time there's a podcast episode on quiet time as well that you might find helpful if you missed it. So when we nurture are still point we can discern truth from falsehood and determine whose voice is trustworthy.
Dana Frost 10:26
The still point of meditation provides clarity about our own direction, our values, our strengths, and where we need to shore up support like I knew this summer when I came back from Bali. When I got back into like, quote, the real world, I felt very wobbly, and I needed to shore up my support. But I knew that because I was spending, I returned to the still point on a very like multiple times a day, and I have a dedicated time every morning. You know, returning to the Stillpoint is so important. And meditation helps us harness the intelligence and intuition that comes from our hearts from our souls.
Dana Frost 11:09
There's a phrase that I've used through the years you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Well, we know our truth by listening and being still and by tracking our inner sensations. So the breath is the gateway, that's the portal to inner knowing is your breath, the breath is the expression of your soul on earth. And sensations in your body are the sign posts. So I know I'm just curious how many of you are familiar with muscle testing, and I don't want to spend time on today's episode, taking a deep dive into muscle muscle testing. But let me just say simply stated, it's talking to your body instead of your mind. It's getting information by testing your muscle, if you're strong or weak for something so I can certainly do an episode on muscle testing, just let me know reach out, let me know if you would like an episode on muscle testing. So with all with that framework for meditation, let's begin our meditation.
Dana Frost 12:14
Find a quiet place. And you know, a lot of people are kinesthetic and they need to move I am really find that a walking meditation is totally fine. So if that's works for you, that's absolutely fine. But you find the quiet the still place within. And we're going to start with the inhale and exhale coming in and out to the nose.
Dana Frost 12:40
We're going to guide the breath to be deep. So your stomach inflates. It's slow, it's quiet, and it's regular. So as you're guiding your breath to be deep, slow, quiet and regular. What I want you to pay attention to your chest is it does it rise when you inhale or can you guide your chest to be still so the inhale comes through the chest and goes all the way to your tummy and inflate your tummy. So you want your tummy to inflate on the inhale, chest as quiet tummy inflates. And just quieting the noises from the outside and go inward to the quietness on your inside. slowing everything down gently directing the inhale and exhale to be roughly the same amount of time.
Dana Frost 13:41
So the breath is deep, it's slow, it's quiet and it's regular. slowing everything down until you come to that still point. Notice where the energy is flowing in your body. The breath brings you in and from there you can track what's happening in your body. Notice subtle muscle movements. Notice your heartbeat. If I had you connected I could look at your heart rate variability and as you bring this deep, slow, quiet regular your heart rate variability would just be come regular and coherent.
Dana Frost 14:21
Notice where you felt tension. Bring your breath to those areas and invite relaxation dropping the shoulders, relaxing the hips, just letting the hips be heavy on the surface. Your feet heavy on the ground, your knees feeling supported from the earth. Your ankles just feeling like they've got that strength from the energy of the earth below you. And I want you to visualize the inhale and exhale to flow to and from the heart center. So visualize the area of your heart all around your body and the inhale and exhale to float
Dana Frost 15:00
When from your heart center, inhale and exhale flowing to and from the heart center, and draw in the feeling of inner ears. So visualize the inhale and exhale to flow to and from the heart center with the feeling of inner E is inner ease, we're just, you're on a hammock, maybe and you're not using any muscles, you're just relaxed. And feeling flow internally in your body, they inhale and exhale flowing to and from your heart center. 360 degrees around your body,
Dana Frost 15:37
I want you to just place your attention on your feet, on your ankles, your knees, your thighs, your hips, and finally, in your pelvic area, the Root Chakra, and I want you to visualize a cord of three strands attached to your pelvic floor. Okay, so that cord of three strands, I want you to guide it, to travel through the dirt of the earth go through the ground, into the roots and the mycelium all the way down into the core of Mother Earth. And I want you to hook that cord into the lap of the mother.
Dana Frost 16:24
Take a deep breath, and just notice what you notice. What was the feedback you received any kind of clue from your body, when that cord that's connected to your pelvic floor or your root chakra connected into Mother Earth? What did you notice that if you didn't notice anything, that's fine. But I want you to feel the grounded ness and the support from Mother Earth. allow your shoulders to drop, the breath continues to be calm and steady, mouth and jaw are relaxed, eyes are heavy.
Dana Frost 17:06
Now I want you to visualize this beautiful silver light hovering above your head. And it's swirling. So it's like this funnel of beautiful Liquid Silver light flowing in a funnel clockwise. And it's swirling above you and it and it just begins to encase your entire body and your energy body. And so it's like you're in this very gentle tornado of silver lights swirling around your body. And you feel this beautiful energy of the frequency of silver, its elegance, Grace, wealth, Glamour, and it's just igniting your intuition.
Dana Frost 17:57
And I want you to feel your heart perk up to the vibration of silver. It's a it's a quickening and it's a quickening that is uplifting to our human experience to our soul. It's that it's a sense of elegance, like I said grace, wealth, Glamour, it's beautiful silver, and allow this to be happening all the while your breath is deep, slow, quiet and regular.
Dana Frost 18:29
Then, while that's happening, I want you to see a little seed from the core of Mother Earth. It's a little green seed and it actually leaves the core of the earth and it travels up and lands in your heart this little tiny green seed it lands in your heart. And I want you to water it just visualize the rain, pure crystalline rain, watering that seed and I want you to feel the sun beating down upon that seed in your heart feel the warmth of the sun beating down and causing that seed to grow.
Dana Frost 19:13
That green seed. It's the color of green. It's just filling every crevice in your heart and your heartbeat is beating rhythmically it's it's coherent. Your inhale and exhale are roughly the same and your heart rate variability is following that beautiful coherent pattern. And there's this glowing and growing of this seed. So green symbolizes new birth, perfect health and harmony. So you can determine what is the seed that's germinated in your heart. It's going to be different for all of us. So going to allow a moment
Dana Frost 19:59
I'm going to take a drink of watering and allow a moment for you just to be with the seed and what is the seed for you? The seed that's new birth, perfect health and harmony. Be with this seed. Feel the beautiful, right rain, watering it and the warmth of the sun heating it, causing it to grow. Just be with it. Place your hands over your heart.
Dana Frost 20:35
And if there are any questions or if you have a curiosity, if there's any insights that you're looking for, I want you to take a moment. And just in the quietness of of yourself, you can invite I just would invite you to ask the question seek to curiosity is if you're looking for insights, let those be known.
Dana Frost 21:02
And listen, open your ears, open all of your sensations. Sometimes open your eyes, we hear from inaudible sentences, we may see a vision, we may get sensations that give us a message. So keep all of your sensory elements of sensory open,
Dana Frost 21:23
listening with all of who you are returning just recognizing your breath, it's deep, slow, it's quite regular, your heartbeat, your body, your muscles, you're feeling grounded. And that seed is growing in the fertile field of your heart. And I want you to be watching for opportunities for that seed to grow what's what will unfold in your life, pay attention to that.
Dana Frost 21:57
And now as we're together that green light is fading, it's just fading, we're moving our attention away from it. And I want you to bring your attention to the cord and gently guide the cord, unhook it from the core of Mother Earth, release it, bring that cord back up, give thanks to the mama
Dana Frost 22:24
for her support. Thanks to the mama for her support. And I want you to place your attention right above your head to a liquid flow that Silvers continuing to swirl. And we just want to watch that beautiful silver gradually dissipate, the silver gradually dissipates and there's a golden ray of light circling clockwise above your head. The Silver has dissipated in this beautiful golden ray of light is circling clockwise. And it forms a funnel and enters flows to the top of your head. And that golden light comes in to the top of your head and actually flows out through your third eye
Dana Frost 23:13
and asked to see what ever it is just say I am open to see what ever I need to see. So you have this a luminosity of gold, circling clockwise coming in coming out through your third eye in this moment in your life, what is the illumination that is coming through your third eye.
Dana Frost 23:36
See what you need to see perceive what you need to perceive. You have eyes to see it's like you have a night vision. So you can see through the different shades of light. Bring your attention to heart focus, breathing, inhale and exhale flowing to and from the heart with a feeling of inner is and I just want you I'm going to be still for a moment. So you can listen with all of your senses. What is it that wants to come through your third eye? What information for you to receive?
Dana Frost 24:19
Okay, let us give thanks for these insights for the energies that we can call upon for this golden luminosity, the beautiful silver and as we're sharing the gold is coming back to the Third Eye coming back to the head moving back above the head leaving your energy body and we make a commitment and intention to be a good steward of the insights provided. You know sometimes it's helpful to
Dana Frost 25:00
Share the insights you receive with another trusted confidant that helps us with follow through it helps ground the information that we've received it grounds our experience. So, I want you to know the power you have to bring coherence insights, divine guidance and supernatural support for everything in your human experience you are not alone. Now we are in this seismic shift in our human experience and you are the only one responsible for taking dominion and agency on your life and you cannot outsource growth or determination you cannot outsource your own growth or determination. If you do not take dominion over your life.
Dana Frost 25:54
I really believe things are going to get very tough those of us who step up and take dominion over our health over our emotions over our mindset, we are going to have a much easier time with the the seismic shifts and those who just cannot bring themselves to a coherent state and really take agency you will as I said earlier, you can fumble your own future and you don't want to do that and you don't have to do that okay. Okay, so as we're wrapping up this episode, I would love to hear from you how did you experience this episode? What are your the ways you experienced meditation?
Dana Frost 26:41
How was this episode for you please let me know and I want you to thank you for joining me on the Vitally You podcast and I want to thank lightwaves x 39 and x 49 stem cell activation pouches because you know what everybody? They are the sponsor of my Vitally You podcast. So thank you. And as always, there will be a link in the show notes if you want to know how to activate your own stem cells. And if you liked these episodes, please hit subscribe download share this episode with any friends you think that it might who might enjoy it. And as always, I am streaming love from my heart to yours. Thanks everybody.