Vitally You, Feeling Younger While Growing Older

79. Spooky2 Rife Technology Frequency Healing with Heather Hausman

Episode Summary

I’m joined by Heather Hasuman, a personal trainer with extensive knowledge of Rife technology, to discuss how frequency healing has only transformed her life, but also the lives of her clients.

Episode Notes

Chronic conditions have a way of robbing people of their vitality and freedom. I’ve shared many alternative healing modalities on the show, but one that I’ve been diving deeper into lately is biofeedback and energy scanning, particularly the Spooky2 system. 

I’m joined by Heather Hasuman, a personal trainer with extensive knowledge of Rife technology, to discuss how this framework has not only transformed her life, but also the lives of her clients. 

As a child, Heather was diagnosed with a host of food and airborne allergies, which became more aggressive and all-encompassing as an adult. When she started working with a Functional Medicine Practitioner, a biofeedback scan revealed that Heather had been unknowingly fighting off parasites for nearly her entire life, which resulted in hormone imbalances, vitamin deficiencies, and autoimmune disorders. 

We can tap into what’s going on underneath the surface by using energetic frequencies. In our conversation, Heather explains how Rife technology works by delivering a low energy electromagnetic frequency into the body. She also shares an overview of the history of this protocol and examples of incredible success stories. 

Listen in to learn more about the possibilities that exist within the realm of frequency healing. 

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Episode Transcription

Dana Frost  00:07

Welcome to Vitally You, a podcast created to introduce you to the tools that will be your roadmap for feeling younger while growing older. I'm your host Dana Frost, a wellness expert, life coach and energy medicine practitioner. Here's what you can expect conversations about vitality from the inside out with guest experts in the field of health, culture and spirituality, and solo episodes along the way from me where I do deep dives into the topics of aging, heart intelligence, energy, medicine, and your innate capacity to heal. If you want to feel younger, while growing older, this is the place for you. 

Dana Frost  00:52

Hi, everyone. Welcome to the Vitally You Podcast. I'm Dana Frost, your host, and well, you are in for a spooky treat this week. And no, it's not about Halloween, that would be the wrong time of the year. But I am coming to you this week to talk about a healing technology that has been around for over a century. It's a frequency technology called rife, developed by Royal Raymond rife. He was an American inventor known for his microscopes, which he claimed could observe live micro organisms with a magnification considered impossible for his time. And for an oscillating beam re invention, which he said could treat various ailments by de vitalizing disease organisms using radio waves or frequency. Although we came to collaborate with his contemporary scientists, doctors and inventors and his findings were published in newspapers and scientific journals like the Smithsonian Institution. That was in the annual report of 1944. They were later rejected by the American Medical Association, the American Cancer Society and mainstream science. And this is where it gets juicy. 

Dana Frost  02:11

Why would the American Medical Association reject right research? Now without taking a deep dive? What I want you to know that as of the early 1900s, the American Medical Association aligned itself with the pharmacology and chemical model of healing using frequency to heal ailments rather, was not in alignment with the pharmacology model. And I want to point out I want you to think about this. pharmacology is one model of healing. But it's not the only model. We have traditional Chinese medicine that recognizes that one's energy or life force our chi, this pulses, this energy that pulses throughout our body is responsible for overall health chief flows through us throughout our life to all of our organs and is replenished from the air we breathe, and the food we eat and the air and the food we take in become incredibly important in Chinese medicine. It sustains us with its flow, keeping our body balanced and properly functioning to live long, healthy lives. And so the proper flow and quality of Qi is fundamental to treatment and optimal health and Chinese medicine. It's just really interesting to note that the model the Chinese model of healing is very different from the conventional medical model that we have here in the Western world. 

Dana Frost  03:46

Okay, so we also have either VEDA or Veda is a holistic system of medicine. That is indigenous to India, while it's practiced in other places, but it primarily comes from India. And the word AI or Veda is a Sanskrit term meaning the science of life. I you meaning life, or daily living and Veda is knowing, or your VEDA based its theory on the existence of five elements, or basic principles and building blocks. These are the basis of life of the whole universe, which would be the macrocosm as well as our body which would be the microcosm. And these great five elements being space or ether, air or wind, fire, water and earth. Now we've all heard of the five elements, and in our VEDA, without them life is not possible well, in our system two is not possible with the five elements but from their perspective, the entire material universe that surrounds us is made by combining these elements in different proportions. And the AI or Vedic sages condensed these five principles into three constitutional types. 

Dana Frost  04:59

Dose chooses these three there are three different types or doshas. So one would be vata, this is the element of space and air another is picked up a combination of fire and water, and the other is kapha, a combination of water and earth, they would say these principles govern physiology. Another so we have traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda and then homeopathy and I'm not going to go into homeopathy, I probably understand that the least, although I've had practitioners who I have used homeopathy from the different practitioners that I've seen. But I just, you know, want to bring this perspective, that there are healing modalities that have been effective for centuries outside of our pharmacology model. And really, only until recently, the American Medical Association rejected all three of these healing modalities, you can scroll the history of the American Medical Association, and you can read how their past there was a pattern of silencing models that were not aligned with a pharmacology model. 

Dana Frost  06:11

Now, again, this is just my perspective. But thank you globalization and the internet that has democratized information. So in essence, the cat is out of the bag, we can all be exposed to these different ways of healing. So if you're a listener who's been under served by the pharmacology model, meaning you are struggling with a chronic condition, and you've still haven't healed, you may be swimming in a chemical soup of pharmaceuticals, and you're still not healed. I'm here to give you good news, there is hope and do not give up when you are ready to heal. Look outside of the American medical model. 

Dana Frost  06:52

On today's episode, we are going to dip our toes meaning a very simple introduction to write technology called spooky to, it's based on Royal rights frequency based research. Now, when I say we're just going to dip our toes, we are just going to dip our toes because I have a spooky to machine that I'm learning how to use. It is not necessarily simple. There's a lot to it. And I'm just really an infant in using the technology. But I'm bringing a guest who's a little bit further along than me. You're going to hear my guest share how she healed chronic conditions that started in early childhood, using rife technology and the spooky to now it wasn't the only technology that she used the only modality but it was the modality the right technology that her practitioner use to discover the root causes of her chronic conditions. 

Dana Frost  07:51

So today, my guest is Heather Houseman, Heather is from my hometown of St. Joseph, Missouri. I was introduced to Heather by my best friend Kelly star. Heather is more than a decade younger than us and I did not know her growing up. But Kelly knew we were possibly brothers from a different mother or if you would say Sisters, we started when we met honestly the from the first time that we met we started sharing our love and intrigue with healing. And we haven't stopped we've just become very good friends and I'm really excited to share Heather's insights with you today. As a child who was diagnosed with many food and airborne allergies. From an early age, she understood that what she put in and on her body affected her physiology, from noticeable inflammation to chronic asthma. The side effects of ingesting the wrong foods were apparent quickly to her. 

Dana Frost  08:48

Heather joined me on my first Costa Rica retreat, and at that time, she was still reactive to too many items to list she even had to drink special water. She is on the other side of restriction and you'll get to hear her story in a few moments. Now professionally, she's a personal trainer and corrective exercise specialist who helps her clients reach fitness and health goals by combining strength training, yoga, self myofascial release techniques and nutrition coaching. Join me in welcoming Heather to the show I Heather Welcome to the vital your podcast. It's so I'm so happy to have you with us this week.

Heather Hausman  09:33

So good to be here. I'm so excited.

Dana Frost  09:36

Yeah, you know Heather I have been contemplating having this conversation with you for a while because I know your story and I think it would be helpful for the community to hear your health story and how you you know just hear more about your healing journey. So relative to spooky to and how you came across spooky to and your own healing journey. Can you tell us a little bit about your health story?

Heather Hausman  10:04

Well, it started whenever I was younger, I had high mold exposure as a very young child at age five. And it just kind of snowballed, asthma, allergies, all of that, then I was allergic to everything outside everything in nature. And it just got to be more and more and more things. So more foods, more things outside, and I love being outside. So that was heartbreaking, you know, a rash or swollen eyes or can't breathe the next day after being outside. So I got to this tipping point because of gut issues. And I saw a great dietitian, she helped me through a lot of things we figured out it was a lot of high estrogen, low progesterone, you know,

Dana Frost  10:56

I just want to interject for context, how old were you at that point?

Heather Hausman  11:00

This was seven years ago. So I'm 40. Okay, I'm not great at math. So in my like, 30.

Dana Frost  11:11

In your 30s? Yeah. So were you telling me like, you know, if this when you were a child, were you aware of these sensitivities? So you had consequences? As of your childhood?

Heather Hausman  11:23

Oh, definitely. I mean, I would go outside and set in the grass, and have swollen welts all over my body, my eyes would swell shut. I had, I mean, antibiotics and steroids, multiple times every year growing up, you know, which is really hard on your gut really hard on your body. And for those of you who know me, you know, I'm kind of short. So I'm sure that you know, all of that was just failure to thrive due to all of the things my body and immune system was going through. It was tackled by so many things, so many things. So

Dana Frost  12:00

when you when you arrived, whether in your mid 30s, I know at that point, you had had already had two children. And were so at that point, what was your mindset? Like? Why did you decide at that point to like, I've got to take a deeper look at what's going on.

Heather Hausman  12:19

I did not want to live the rest of my life. In that situation. I knew I'd never been around anyone in functional medicine, but I knew in my gut, that there was something more that there was more out there someone to help me that I just had not seen because I had had in my 20s after having both of my children, I had a hysterectomy, just a my uterus. I had my gallbladder out. And I mean, it was just like, I'm not losing another organ. I'm not going to travel down, you know, I just kept getting sicker. And I was like, this is this is not what I want. And this isn't what I teach people. You know, in my profession, I try to help people be the strongest and healthiest so that they can. Well, you know, here I am, I can't run outside because I have an asthma attack. It was it was just one of those things where it just kind of got to that tipping point. And I thought I kick I know that there has to be more out there. I I just started searching.

Dana Frost  13:26

Okay, so that's the point that you found your dietitian?

Heather Hausman  13:31

Yes. And so she did help me a lot. But I was still having some gut issues and still just didn't feel in my gut like I was 100% as good as I could be. And the tipping point was we went to dinner in this circumstance for me to find a functional nutrition or a functional medical doctor. We went to dinner and had sushi. I've eaten sushi so many times. By the time we got home, which was about 40 minutes. My lips were swollen. I could not breathe. I could feel like my sinuses clogging up a horrible headache. So now I can't eat sushi. You know, I mean, it was just

Dana Frost  14:17

it was as if your world was closing down on you and your options. The options that you had were diminishing

Heather Hausman  14:25

rights. I mean, I already can't have gluten. can't have dairy can't have corn, you know? I mean, it was just like compounding.

Dana Frost  14:33

Well, there were you also couldn't have nots and I remember when you were in Costa Rica, there was a specific water that you had to drink.

Heather Hausman  14:40

Yes, I had to drink spring water because filtered water. They use the filtering system. Something that they use in it would just make my stomach explode. I mean, I was just in terrible pain and walnuts. I was not allergic to any other net except for walnuts, which can comes into play here shortly. You know, it's just like, at what point is enough enough. And I'm one of those people, if you say you can't do this, you know, not not in a rebellious way. But like Heather, you physically can't carry this bag of 50 pound dog food, I'm going to find a way to carry the 50 pounds. It's just one of those things in my nature. So I just happened to talk to a friend who had just met this amazing doctor in this tiny little farm town. And he figured out that she had had staph infections since her first child. So three years long, she had been suffering with staph infection. She'd been to doctors on steroids, creams, all kinds of things, couldn't figure it out, just kept getting sicker. So I immediately like I literally got in the car and called his office and set up an appointment. So the next week, I went to see him, he ran muscle test. Are you familiar with muscle testing? Yes. So he did a lot of muscle testing. And he, you know, measured my blood pressure in certain circumstances and did all these different tests. And he said, You know, I think you need to go have a biofeedback scan, which is along the same lines as what a Rife machine or spooky to machine would do. And so I went and had that done. And Dana, it like blew my mind the things that she could tell from this scan. So she could tell that I had so many parasites. She asked if I grew up on a farm, which I grew up out in the country around farm animals and my babies that are had cat cattle, goats, you name it, she had it. And I had bovine parasites, you know, cattle, and liver flukes? Which liver flukes are, you know, in your blood, and they're tearing you down all the time, your body just is fighting constantly. So that I had an ear thing going on, which I mean, she could tell me, does your right ear hurt? Does your left ear drain this, you know, I mean, just from the scan, and I was like, this has to be like witchcraft or something. Just blew my mind. And so I like came home, I looked at the results. And I just kept and by vitamin deficiencies, I mean, all kinds of things, hormonal imbalances. So I like kept looking at the paper, and I looked up, you know, trying to find what is this? couldn't really find anything about it. So I took it to my doctor, he looked at it and goes, Okay, well, this is what you need black walnuts, because that's what kills parasites. And then it was clear, you know, like, he goes, You didn't start out this way out there. Don't be discouraged. Because some, some things have happened to you along the way that have created this in your body, but you weren't born this way. So we can reverse whatever's happening, you know, like, it's not too late. So that was encouraging. But so he was like black walnuts kill parasites. Hence, the reason you're having a bad reaction to them. It's not because you're allergic to them, it's because it's killing the parasites. And whenever parasites die off, you have a reaction, because they're dying off in your body releasing all kinds of things, you know, metals and pesticides and viruses. So my my body, which was already immune compromised, was a complete flare, because I was killing off these parasites anytime I would have walnuts. So our bodies are just so amazing. It's just amazing.

Dana Frost  18:57

Yeah, that's really interesting. Heather, so I want to just backtrack to something. So this biofeedback? Was it biofeedback? Or is this the right technology.

Heather Hausman  19:07

It is the right technology. It's a different type of machine than the spooky too. But it is a frequency based machine. And what she had me do was hold on to two copper rods, and those copper rods stay wet. And then she would tap on certain points on my hands or feet, which would associate with different things in your body and different frequencies. So it could tell you know, like down a pretty narrow path what is happening.

Dana Frost  19:41

I want to just highlight that because we're having a very much so an introductory conversation about rife technology, energy, energy medicine, and honestly diagnostics, the different energy frequencies that are at play in our bodies when something is going on. In our field, and you know, in the physical field and the energetic field and the information that we can mind from that. So, you know, in your journey, you know, you had these symptoms, and your your lifestyle, in essence became diminished in terms of the things that you could be exposed to. And I'm sure there are people in the audience who can relate to this. And it really wasn't until you were able to collect this data that actually came from your energy field, that you were able to understand what's going on and then apply a strategy. How does that sound to you? That's kind of what I like the framework that I want the listeners to have.

Heather Hausman  20:44

That's That's exactly, exactly it. Yeah. And if we don't have that framework, we're just kind of working off of guesses.

Dana Frost  20:55

Were stabbing in the dark. Right. Right. But yeah, yeah, I

Heather Hausman  20:59

mean, this is pretty exact.

Dana Frost  21:01

Yeah. So it's so interesting. If we think about, you know, on so many levels, we think about a lab serum labs, you know, using the blood to determine we think about using the stool to determine, and this idea of tapping into our energy frequencies to determine that's, even though it's not, it's new to its will be new to many listeners, but actually, that technology has been around for a very long time. And we are going to come back to that I want to make sure that we route you know that we encapsulate your own health journey before we go back to the technology. But just to say that for the listeners. So let's go back to you are with this doctor, this functional physician, and he had that information from the biofeedback. And then from there, he started a strategy and I know a lot about the strategy. But would you share with the listeners what the strategy was, because it's unbelievable where you are today.

Heather Hausman  21:59

And it's, it's pretty exciting. So we did a parasite cleanse, which I know you're familiar with. And what that looked like was, there's a great company called Barlow, herbal, and they have several tinctures. And so I was on two of their products, which are just focused, I mean, you can use them for other things. But whenever you want to kill parasites, and Candida, which, whenever parasites die off, then you can sometimes get high Candida, or yeast in the body. So he started me on that, and then LDM to help fight off viruses and things that could, you know, suddenly appear while this protocol is going on,

Dana Frost  22:48

I want you to pause right there, because most of the listeners are not going to be familiar with LDM. So maybe you can give like a cliff notes version of what

Heather Hausman  22:56

it is. It's a route. And I I'm going to butcher the name so it's looked Drac mon root. So LDM is much easier to say.

Dana Frost  23:11

It doesn't matter the real pronunciation LDM

Heather Hausman  23:14

LDM, but it helps to kill viral and bacterial infections. So it's a powerhouse if you've got something like this going on where your immune systems already down, and you want to keep it built up. So that you are not getting all the all the things that you've had all the viruses that you've had in your body that are just stored in there. Parasites are great at storing things, I mean, metals, chemicals, pesticides, plastics, anything you've been around, they're like, Let me have it. Let me keep it so. So we did that. And then I also went on to green powder that is very supportive of hormone balancing. So those were just kind of our first steps. And then he does this amazing procedure called a bio cranial, which stretches the muscles in your head and neck. Because over time, those muscles just start to get tighter and tighter. And you know, it's harder to think and our brains aren't as robust as they should be, or could be. So that was just kind of where we started. Which sounds it's a lot, but yet, it was exciting.

Dana Frost  24:31

You know, I've worked with a lot of clients and even just healing my own health journey working with gut health. That actually sounds like a fairly straightforward simple protocol. Oh, and

Heather Hausman  24:43

we did add in probiotic or digestive enzymes, I forgot about that. Yeah.

Dana Frost  24:48

Digestive enzymes and yeah, so how long did it take before you noticed that things were changing for you?

Heather Hausman  24:59

I would say it was probably about two months into doing the protocol. And I'm, if somebody tells me to do something like that I'm exact, you know, three times a day, I'm doing it three times a day. So I never missed a day or a dose. I mean, it was pretty intense. In fact, whenever we went to Costa Rica The first time I was doing part of that protocol still. So that was 2019, or 2018. Mm hmm.

Dana Frost  25:33

Okay, so I do remember at one point, Heather, that you like your world opened up in terms of even what you could eat and have no side effects. So how long before you got to that point?

Heather Hausman  25:46

Within a year? I mean, it was not long at all. Within a year, I now eat walnuts every single day. Zero repercussions like just love them. And before they tasted, metallic and bad, they didn't even taste good. So that's kind of a funny thing. Get like, even my taste has changed.

Dana Frost  26:10

And how about water like that to me when I knew that you were sensitive to water? I was like, wow, that's just so very basic.

Heather Hausman  26:17

Yeah, I'm doing reverse osmosis water. Now. I do still sometimes if I'm out, I will drink spring water. Just because sometimes I'm not familiar with where their sources,

Dana Frost  26:30

but you wouldn't necessarily have a big reaction. No. Okay. So I think what happens when we have these health challenges and their chronic, we get used to them. And we actually believe that this is just the way I am. And we what I want you listeners to understand you have so much agency, the body is a powerhouse and healing if you have the right information, and then you can coat it with a strategy that's going to help

Heather Hausman  27:00

it heal. Definitely. I mean, our bodies are miraculous.

Dana Frost  27:04

Yeah, that's super exciting. Heather, I just love your story. And I know that you help clients and you know, you're, you're continually helping other people heal using these strategies. So let's go back and talk a little bit about this technology, because I find it just so fascinating. And Heather is I think I've mentioned this, I know that I mentioned that she helped me with a parasite protocol. She's helping me learn this device, this buki, too. And I'm very much a beginner. But she's not. So she's been, you know, experimenting with it and learning this machine for a couple of years. So what what's some information that will be really interesting for our listeners with this spooky to device? And there? It's right? When we say spooky to that's the brand, the mechanism? The technology is rife, rife technology.

Heather Hausman  27:59

Right? Well, I think it's interesting that this was all this all came about in the 1930s. So I mean, this is not new technology. Dr. Royal, Raymond rife is the you know, the founder. And it all came about because of a he developed a microscope, that he could see live viruses, and whenever he would do a certain frequency, it would kill the virus. So that's how it all started. I mean, a lot, a lot more to it than that, obviously, and I don't know, a 10th, probably, of all the things. But everything in the universe has a frequency, we have frequencies, you know, everything. That's why, you know, the man who's sings so loud, or the woman who thinks aloud and the glass breaks, that glass has a frequency and, and they had the right pitch, and the glass breaks with that frequency. So, you know, we were just surrounded by frequencies. So what the spooky does, is, and you can test by different methods, because, you know, if you have a pacemaker or you're pregnant, you're going to do a fluid, like a blood smear for the test. If not, you can always put pads directly on the body and do a scan. So what you do is you scan, and then that scan gives me the information about what is happening inside of your body. And from that, I mean, there have been some really crazy things that I found. Definitely lots of parasites, but one person that I work with as a client that I trained, has had chronic shoulder issues. And the spookie literally told me what was going on in his shoulder and we've worked on it. And now the shoulder issue has gone but before I was just kind of, you know, let's try this. Let's try this not knowing exactly what was happening.

Dana Frost  29:56

You were trying so this is a really important point too. because you are a personal trainer, and I know you do myofascial release, so you were working mechanistically with the client, and maybe getting some relief, but the spooky gave you the information of what was going on. And then when you say that that person had a positive response, actually what your you put you use frequency spookie two frequencies for the shoulder is that right?

Heather Hausman  30:26

I did I use the frequencies from his scan for his shoulder, it was a shoulder girdle mechanism issue. And so I used the frequencies to help heal it. And then I also since then I also do corrective exercise. So knowing then what was going on inside of his body, we worked with that area in a different way that I had not worked with it, you know, because then I knew, you know, I mean, he was presenting with like, his rib was hurting as hip was hurting, and a shoulder was hurting. But that wasn't the main thing hurting. So once we got that fixed, boom.

Dana Frost  31:05

That's amazing, Heather. So just to place the framework on the technology, what happens everybody is that this is a machine, a physical machine. And you as she said, there are different ways that it can scan your body, it can use your blood, it can use you can actually put you put these pads on your body that scan through the pads. Can you use fingernails? Or is that just for sending frequencies?

Heather Hausman  31:32

That's just for sending frequencies, you could use saliva,

Dana Frost  31:36

saliva, okay, so you use your saliva, urine, blood, and then just scanning your body with the frequencies. And then and then the spooky device gives you a readout of the different energy vibrations that are happening with those what are those then the possible things that could be behind those frequencies? And then you have the option to use to send the frequencies that are going to help correct that issue. Right. So everybody, there are frequencies for parasites or frequencies for mold exposure. How about I think that this is a really interesting case. And since it's my best friend, I'm going to ask you to share Kelly's story. This is this is a wild story, everybody. So will you share Kelly's story with her?

Heather Hausman  32:27

Yeah, this is I mean, this is whenever we were like this thing is frill. So our friend Kelly has one leg, her, her little lefty leg is a little bit smaller, and two shoe sizes smaller on the foot than her right leg. So you wouldn't notice that if you just saw her like, you know, nothing like that, but, but it's definitely smaller. And whenever she was younger, they never could say what was going on maybe from the polio vaccine, maybe she had polio, they just didn't know. They even took her to a specialist. So whenever we scanned her it said that she had this syndrome, where while in utero, the umbilical cord wrapped around an appendage. It didn't say what appendage that wrapped around an appendage and lessened the blood flow to that appendage. Therefore causing the appendage to be smaller. I mean,

Dana Frost  33:27

yeah, that's just amazing. It's spooky, if you will. It's spooky. So is there one more story that you would like to share? Heather?

Heather Hausman  33:39

Um, yeah, I crashed. There are just so many. I would say probably one of the best ones that I've had was I was working with a client who was having so many health issues and for years, like 12 years, and he was on paella sec, or one of those inhibitors acid inhibitors, just was not feeling 100% had been through every scan every blood test, everyone said he looks fine, couldn't figure out anything, you know, he was fine. And so he let me scan him. And it came back and said that he had had these parasites, these certain specific parasites. And those parasites are known to then cause worms, which then can lessen your blood flow and drag your body down. But also they're depleting your blood flow to your gut. They're causing gut imbalances. And so whenever I told him where they were from, he had literally been there during that time before he started using the acid inhibitors. So 12 years ago, he started using acid inhibitors because whenever he and he didn't even correlate it at first, and it was real interesting too, on the same case, it came up as high EMF exposure, you know, electromagnetic field exposure, multiple things with high EMF. And I was like, What could this be about? Are you do you live by a tower or what's happening? You know, he thought for a while and he was like, Oh my gosh, I just had a scan. I just had a scan to see, you know, what was going on? And they said it was fine. You know, everything was fine. It detected that.

Dana Frost  35:30

Wow. Yeah, that is amazing. So were you able to help him with a parasite? Heather?

Heather Hausman  35:36

Yes. So I have him on or had him on the same protocol that you did. And then also, I've not written frequencies on him. But it was amazing. Like, just within two days, he was already feeling better today. And he had been feeling this way for 12 years.

Dana Frost  35:56

So two days using the Barlow herbal protocol. No, it was actually the rug. Oh, the rug remove. Okay, so listeners you're familiar with remove unwanted guests. Yep. Which is an amazing protocol. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you so much, Heather, for sharing all of this, my heart actually aches and my head actually hurts that people are suffering. And they're not as vital. Like energy's low, they have chronic issues that just nag away at their vitality. And in realities, most of those chronic issues can be solved if we're looking in the right places and gaining information. And I'm just very happy to be spreading the word about this technology, because it really has the potential to provide the information that people need that could set them free. And you know, restore their restore their vitality, so that so that they can live out their mission and enjoy the people they love and fulfill their purpose on this earth. So, right. Thank you so much, Heather, for sharing your story.

Heather Hausman  37:05

Yeah, yeah. Never give up. I mean, you guys are so resilient. Our bodies are just, you know, they can do amazing. Yeah, don't give up.

Dana Frost  37:17

So Heather, in closing, what does feeling younger, while growing older mean to you? Oh,

Heather Hausman  37:22

boy, you've had so many amazing guests on that path. Every time I'm like, yes, yes, that's exactly what it is, whenever somebody says it. So all of what everyone else has said. And then also, I would say, just being able to do the things I want to do on a daily basis and not having to be worried about tripping and falling or, you know, any, any of the external things out there. Just living life fully. And being able to be with the people I love daily. That is awesome.

Dana Frost  37:59

Yeah. And I bet it also includes being able to eat what you want to eat.

Heather Hausman  38:03

It does, yes. Yeah. And I'm eating everything except for gluten. And I probably could eat that. But I just, I don't feel like it's good for me. So I'm not.

Dana Frost  38:15

And so you see everybody, you can feel younger, well, growing older, Heather's really had a dim more of a diminished life. I mean, she's very vibrant. So it's not like she wasn't living her life that her choices were diminished and you do the work and you access information and you use protocols and you're off with an expanded opportunity. So Heather, thank you for being on the vital EU podcast.

Heather Hausman  38:40

Thank you.

Dana Frost  38:41

Thank you, everyone for joining me this week for the vital EU podcast to learn about spooky to. If you are interested in my spring retreat that is happening April 15, and the 16th There are five practitioners coming together to allow you to retreat in the comfort of your home. You can find the details and the link in the show notes I've included a discount of $50 that code is vital. We are inviting you to create a special nest at home where you can snuggle in, we can come together in community for much deserved rest, reflection, relaxation and inspiration, as we make the seasonal shift from winter to spring in the northern hemisphere or from summer to fall in the southern hemisphere. I look forward to sharing the seasonal ritual with you if you have never been exposed to shamanic journeying, if you've never been with me to take a look at your health from the functional lens. If you're interested in the astrological shifts, I invite you please come and experience something new. I look forward to being with you. Oh, and as always until next week, I am streaming love from my heart to yours