Vitally You, Feeling Younger While Growing Older

72. An Inspired Conversation about Aging with Silver Liberation Influencer, Vanessa Chamberlin

Episode Summary

Pro-aging influencer Vanessa Chamberlin and I discuss how to cultivate beauty from within, her decision to ditch the hair dye, and what it’s like to be a wellness influencer at this stage in her life.

Episode Notes

Author and pro-aging influencer Vanessa Chamberlin joins me in this episode to discuss how to cultivate beauty from within, her decision to ditch the hair dye, and what it’s like to be a wellness influencer at this stage in her life. 

After unexpectedly losing her husband, Vanessa channeled her grief into re-discovering herself and finding the gifts within this painful challenge. She became a certified nutritionist and discovered the deep connection between self-worth and food choices. Vanessa pulls back the curtain on her self-love journey and describes how she learned to free herself from the shame, guilt, and regret that was holding her back. 

Part of Vanessa’s major life pivot also includes letting her hair go natural and embracing the gray. She started documenting the process on Instagram and has since gained over 71,000 followers and taken on multiple brand deals. Vanessa unpacks the broader message of her page, which is to release anything in your life that is no longer serving you. 

Listen in to hear Vanessa’s inspiring and empowering story.  

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Episode Transcription

Dana Frost  00:07

Welcome to Vitally You, a podcast created to introduce you to the tools that will be your roadmap for feeling younger while growing older. I'm your host, Dana Frost, a wellness expert, life coach and energy medicine practitioner. Here's what you can expect conversations about vitality from the inside out with guest experts in the field of health, culture, and spirituality, and solo episodes along the way from me where I do deep dives into the topics of aging, heart intelligence, energy, medicine, and your innate capacity to heal. If you want to feel younger, while growing older, this is the place for you. 

Dana Frost  00:52

Vanessa, welcome to the show. It's just such a pleasure to have you. I'm so excited to talk with you today.

Vanessa Chamberlin  00:58

I've been looking forward to this conversation ever since I discovered you and your podcast and I binge listened to you on many walks with my puppy. I knew we were kindred souls and just tickled to death when you invited me to be a guest on your podcast.

Dana Frost  01:13

Ah, thank you. Thank you, Vanessa. That means a lot to me. So Vanessa, I have really enjoyed getting to know you on Instagram, you are an influencer. And you have such a positive presence. And your Instagram profile is silver liberation. And I would love for the listeners to get to know you and tell us your story. Like what's your personal and professional trajectory? How did you get to being where you are today, a woman over 50 and an influencer?

Vanessa Chamberlin  01:46

Who buckle up? It's a good or it's a, it's a bumpy ride for sure. So much of it goes back to I was married to the love of my life in the 90s. And it was everything I ever dreamed of. And in 2007, I woke up to what actually there was a knock at the door. And it was a corner and then informed me that my husband had taken his life. That changed everything for me. I had three daughters, two young daughters that we had had together and devastated. About two weeks into that grieving process. I found myself on my bedroom floor weeping like a baby. But I had this epiphany, this kind of aha moment. They said, Okay, Vanessa, you can stay on the floor, broken and feeling sorry for yourself. And you know, rightfully so at the moment of what was going on. Over NASA you can find, you can find a better way, you can find a better way for yourself and for your daughters. And that's it was this epiphany moment that made me realize, for the first time in my life, I had given away my power. My self worth my you know, all my worthiness was from outside sources. If I had the right friends, the right husband, the right shoes, the right look, if I was young enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, you name it. And here was yet another foundation in my marriage, I had given all of my everything to him, and didn't have anything at that point really have self worth and self confidence within myself. So it was really a defining moment for me. And so I pulled myself up by the bootstraps, literally and started to look for a better way. And I didn't know what that was going to be.

Dana Frost  03:38

Yeah, Vanessa, thank you so much for sharing and sharing so vulnerably and allowing us to see, you know, really, probably the most tender, vulnerable moment in your history, I'm guessing

Vanessa Chamberlin  03:53

very much. So it's something you never ever think that's going to happen to you. And, you know, truth be told, he had plenty of demons, but you just still never, you never think that you know, those things will take a hole but they you know they did. And I'm gonna say this, I'm gonna say this because, you know, maybe I'm jumping ahead a little bit because it did happen within a couple of years or several years. Well, his passing became the biggest one of the biggest gifts of my life does not mean that he isn't everything. That's not what it means but it's was the opportunity, that opportunity that it gave sorry, I'm getting choked up. You think you're over this kind of stuff and it just expression. Because I went back to school, I started studying nutrition and something I always loved health and wellness and you know, and it was all you know, for the most part is vanity, because I know you look good, pretty pretty skin, all the things that would draw me in and I started collecting certifications like I collected shoes, and it was just this, you know, amazing experience and I started teaching 

Vanessa Chamberlin  04:59

We're cooking classes, couples, classes, wellness, 101 classes, so much so that at 1.11, a dear friend of mine, who was also an editor and a book publisher, she's like, Vanessa, you have to write a book about this. You had all the things you've learned, because I said, Oh my gosh, I've, you know, I really landed on plant based nutrition at the time, that was what, you know, after everything I was looking at, it just made sense to me. And I started studying with the best of the best doctors and people in that, you know, in that field. And so my girlfriend's like, you have to you say that you found the answer. I thought I said, I found the answer to the healthcare crisis. Is his diet, like to everything you know, you know, it was from heart attack to diabetes, to heart disease to you know, you name it. This was I felt like this was the answer, I have so much renewed clarity and energy. 

Vanessa Chamberlin  05:47

And Dana, I discovered and I remember another one of those moments, it finally dawned on me that I tasted my first taste of true self worth. And it was at the end of my fork, when I cared enough about what I put into my body, everything changed my relationships to my daughters, how I showed up in my community, my energy levels, my clarity, my depression, lifted, it was the most joyous, beautiful thing. And I knew, I knew that I could no longer be incongruent in all the other areas of my life which I had done. I mean, believe me, I have had a storied past, a very storied past of things that I'm very not happy with that I've experiences that I've chosen to do in my life. All of it, I mean, great, and not so great. And I knew that I could no longer it's like the people that say, you know, you're saying one thing in front of the room, and then you're smoking and drinking in the back. It really kept me it was like this opportunity for me to become honest and authentic. 

Vanessa Chamberlin  06:45

And not that I wasn't that in the past. But there's this, you know, we show up in different ways, but the really take off the mask. And you know what, when I started feeding myself, well, it just opened the door to the next to the next to the next. And it trickled in, in an incredibly beautiful way. In every area of my life.

Dana Frost  07:05

There's so much that I want to say, Vanessa, based on everything that you just shared, and I want to come to the food, because it has to do with consciousness. But I want to go back, also first and close, not close, but just comment on the conversation that the your husband's passing was a gift? Because, yes,

Vanessa Chamberlin  07:29

yeah, I need to say what that is. And then I don't mean to interrupt, but I don't want to forget this. And the menopause brain will do that. I was speaking from a leadership conference at UNL, University of, of Nevada, a few years ago, and it was all about leadership. And I that's when I had the aha, it was never written down. It just hit me when I was on stage, that for the first time in my life, he allowed his passing allowed me to step up and be the leader in my own life and my daughter's life in the community that I never thought I would be I became the mother I never thought I could be. So that's, that's the

Dana Frost  08:02

gift. Yeah, that's really beautiful. And I think that people I know, in my own life, the things that I've experienced the traumas, the challenges, those times where there's a rub, the rub is really what it's like the way that we turn metal into gold, we need that Rob is what really motivates us from within to, hopefully, we choose to take dominion of our life. And we choose to take those things that are difficult and turn them into something that's incredibly powerful that really comes from within and creates this very powerful core. So I wanted, I just wanted to bring this back to that because it's so powerful. If anyone is going through a hard time, it's really important to feel everything that you're feeling, because that's part of the human experience, you will have to experience it and feel it. But don't stop there. That's not where we stop, actually, we move through the fire and we move to the other side, as Vanessa has so beautifully shared, and we allow life to open up again. And so I want to thank you for being honest with us and sharing the story. But I just wanted to put that little comment on that and then you know, when we talk about food, Vanessa, it really has to do with our consciousness what what we are fueling ourselves with that has a vibration, and it has an energy and as you said, it creates the beauty external it's created internally.

Vanessa Chamberlin  09:42

So juicy, it's so juicy that what you're saying and you mentioned the fire my book The last book that I wrote was called the Fire driven life how to ignite the fire to self worth health and happiness with a plant based diet. Now I say plant rich diet because I've added some, you know in some animal proteins and things along the way, but you are so right it is the you know how We fuel ourselves from every aspect for me it was the food, there's many ways to get to the, to the same point, I will argue that probably to my dying breath, that food is still not number one, because it is something that is essential, we have to feed our body every single day in order to have a beating heart. So that to me is the most essential natural foundation that must be solid and ever changing, which I just talked to someone yesterday about that I said, you know, the moment we get stuck, I was actually doing a tic toc live. And I said the moment we get stuck in our, like we've we found like, like I found the answer in this one diet, where I you know, or you find or you lose the weight, and then you kind of do whatever or you whatever it is. It is a lifestyle, all of this stuff. 

Vanessa Chamberlin  10:46

Our whole life is a lifestyle. And it is ebbing and flowing. And it's constantly changing. And the moment you think you've you're taking your bioidenticals and it's always gonna be that same, you're wrong. You got to be flexible in that.

Dana Frost  10:59

Absolutely, yes, we are, we are continually evolving. And because we are organic matter, actually what we need, it evolves. Because we may be in different environments, we something would happen in our life, and that would cause different chemicals to be released. And as women we go through, whether it's puberty, pregnancy, menopause, we have these different shifts, and we need to be able to flow with them and not resist them. And that's what I hear you saying,

Vanessa Chamberlin  11:30

and I resisted I was so I was so I was so strict in my thinking and so many people are, I mean, I'm not alone in that. But I know the moment I have allowed myself to become more flexible, and it's a muscle that has got to be worked constantly. As a reminder, everything is just easier. Everything when we can just and listen, isn't it exciting, Dana to listen to like, I used to think was a little woowoo we'd like to eat with the seasons, even though you know, it made sense of like eating what's in you know, in season, like when you're shopping but seriously, from a much bigger level than just because of cost or what might be more right? When we do really get still and listen, which is hard, because we got to undo all the unlearning and the outside noise to get to that, to hear it. But when we do, it's frickin magic. It's beautiful.

Dana Frost  12:17

It really is. And you know, you said something in terms of when it clicked for you that it was important for you to feed yourself well, to nourish yourself with what was going to fuel you. It made me think of a recent client session I had Vanessa and although this incredibly accomplished woman knows how to cook, I mean, she she knows how to cook, she would be cooking for herself and her son. So it's not it's not lacking in knowledge. But what she tapped into is, do I feel worthy of spending the time to do this, she realized she was having resistance to, to the process because because right it's a process, if we're going to fuel ourselves with food that we make that's healthy, we have to dedicate time to it and that you know, and so something if we're not used to doing that something in our lifestyle has to shift. And there was resistance and she really tapped into its I'm hitting a worthiness thing, I have to see myself as worthy of nourishment. So I think that that's, you know, that's a point that I don't think she's alone in that,

Vanessa Chamberlin  13:32

Oh, are you kidding? In my community, which I know we're going to kind of get to in my silver sister community. And prior to that, when I was, you know, working with my one on one with my clients and the things that I had done, you know, I've done over the last two decades, I have shared and taught everything that I needed to learn about the self worth, like I said, I have said everything to me has been tied up with self worth and the outward appearance, especially about my worthiness. And it is extraordinary, sad but true. Every single time I would get on stage to talk to someone or one on one with a client that I would say 97 98% is tied back to at some degree of the worthiness. It just is. It's it's profound. How much we've just forgotten who we are and we're whole and we're beautiful. And along the way we just get ripped apart through life's experiences and and forget

Dana Frost  14:28

how did you find your way back to that worthiness? Vanessa?

Vanessa Chamberlin  14:34

Forgiveness, oh my gosh, a lot of grace. I mean, my favorite world word in the world is grace. Grace grace, grace. I just weep when I hear the word when I say it. And I again I have to constantly give that to myself because I can let that ego hop in ever, anytime. It has a moment to jump in to try to bring me back down. But it is really the especially when you've have made them you know had choices or experiences in your life that you feel shame from or guilt, that just compounds that ability to to let go. So the grace has got to be a constant looking, you know, I have such a robust toolbox of things that I have done along the way, from meditation to sticky notes that, you know, you're enough. That's how I start my day, all of those things. It's very robust, but it is very necessary to unprogrammed and rewire the 53, you know, 50, some years of damage, I should say, or of of the outside noise.

Dana Frost  15:34

Yeah, it really makes me think of my husband and I did a program called the 40 years of Zen. And I have talked about that on the podcast, but I found it super fascinating that we started with forgiveness. And I've had a forgiveness practice since I was in high school. And it's been a big part of my own life and my relationships, and it's given me the grace, you know, that word, everything you're saying really resonates with me in terms of being very true in terms of how do we have successful relationships? How do we have our being in this world, in a world that can feel broken, I don't think that it is broken. I think that the core, if we look at the core of Mother Earth, and divinity, and everything that we have, it's not broken, but there is a brokenness to it, that we experience in our human in our, in our human. And so even those people who are pursuing the Zen life or optimal brain function are recognizing, letting go and making peace with everything from the past is how you move forward, and function in an optimal state.

Vanessa Chamberlin  16:50

Yeah, and I would say that, the another way, another thing that I think is Uber important, and I have done that with, with most of my things that have been like in the closet, is that the moment you can speak them, you can share them. And I've done that on a very in a very, like on a platform I, I unleashed some very private personal things that I had done in my life that were very shameful to me. And I felt like a bird freed from a cage. And when I did that, the most beautiful aspect of this whole thing of bringing the darkness to the light, it takes its power, it dissipates and it gives permission to others. I used to say, in fact, I've said this many times to whether a small group or an audience I'm speaking of is that thank you for being a safe place for me to land, that I feel safe enough to do that. And in return, you know, I will give that to you. That to me is the most powerful way to start dissipating the stuff that makes us feel less than

Dana Frost  17:50

that's so beautiful. Vanessa, thank you so much for that wisdom and insight. I want us there's so much that we can talk about and maybe you need to come back. But I want us to move into your profession, right, what you're doing right now as an influencer. And so, because you will see that the audience will see a video clip of you see both of us on Instagram, both of us are silver, this is something that we have in common. And I would love to know, because the most of the listeners are 40 and over. Tell us what it's like to be an influencer? How did you how did you get into that role? Tell us a little let's have a little conversation too about our choice to let our hair go natural. Wherever you want to like go with that.

Vanessa Chamberlin  18:39

I got it. Okay, let's buckle up and go back to 2019, September 26 2019. That was the that was the last time I colored my hair. At the time, I had a very short pixie haircut, I was darkest brown chasing those grades like nobody's business started when I was 17. And it was like eight weeks color six weeks, four weeks, two weeks, you know, just to where eventually those grades were not gonna get covered. But I was, as I mentioned, everything my worth might be all of it is the outer appearance. And for me, I was bought into the stigma that gray hair meant, you know, old washed up insignificant, not attractive. I mean, yes, our grandmothers love them, you know, with a gray hair. But you know, I'm just saying from my perspective, this is kind of what society has said about it. So that was the last thing I was, I used to joke with my ex that I would have a fund set aside for hair dye when I was too old to do it myself. That's how much I was. I mean, I also sing, which is a whole other thing I've been on stage literally, this appearance was so important to me like this was I was never going to be this girl ever, ever. I go to visit my daughter and grandchildren in Berlin, Germany, in the September of 2019. I'm talking to my daughter and I say she's like, Mom, what are you going to do with your hair now that you're growing your pixie out? 

Vanessa Chamberlin  19:54

And I said I don't know what I'm going to do style wise I said but I gotta figure something out with these gray roots. It's driving me nuts. I had I tried about a year prior to go blonde, which I never thought I would do. And it destroyed my like, it went, Yeah, I wanted this and it destroyed it. So that was not an option. I just don't know what to do. She starts telling me she's 30 or 28, somewhere around there at the time. She said, My husband probably can't wait until I go gray. He thinks it's so sexy. She's young, like this is, you know, young, and no one in his family goes gray. They're like Swedish looking, and you know, blue eyed. And I go, that's interesting. And you know, and that was kind of it. I go home, I call my hairdresser. And I say two days before my birthday, my 50th birthday. And I say, Okay, it's time for my trim. And I said, If I can just figure out what to do with these grades, and he didn't text anything back. Dana, I kid you not. It was like something hit me. And then I said, or eff it, I can just let it go gray. And immediately he texts back at a girl. 

Vanessa Chamberlin  20:53

And then then I out of body was like, I immediately put down the phone picked up my MacBook started typing beautiful women with gray hair models with gray hair, older women with fabulous gray hair, silver hair, all the words in my head, that would mean you know, I wanted some kind of that I've never seen, well, all of a sudden, something I really had never seen. Other than like the odd bird of like one or two amazing gray haired women that you might see. All these women started popping up. And then immediately I picked up the phone like three minutes later, it literally was that fast. Done. It's done. I'm going gray. I don't know who I will. I know it was a higher power. It was just the knowing that it was time. And I knew it was going to be so much bigger than going you know, then gray hair dye I knew it was so much more than letting go of hair dye. I knew at that moment, I was going to write a book about it. Like I'm going to write a book about this. 

Vanessa Chamberlin  21:48

That's what I'm going to I'm going to start putting pictures, I'm going to come up with a perfect name. I pined in pine for like three days or five days for silver liberation, to you know, basically liberating yourself from what no longer serves you. It's much bigger than just the hair. That was a starting point. But this was going to encompass I saw the vision of letting go of anything in your life that is no longer serving you. I created sober liberation on Instagram. And I started posting pictures of me from the roots, which I was horrified because that was the part we were so shamed on those first half an inch of our we judge this whole beautiful, great silver crown by this tiny little inch that we think is gonna look terrible. That's what we think I forced myself every day to post pictures every day of where I would have never shown up without being perfection. I started unraveling this. And it was the most incredible experience from the beginning. 

Vanessa Chamberlin  22:48

And I did this single which I there was the fear of, you know, I don't have a man now and I'm really not going to have a man when I go great like that thought crossed my mind for a moment. But within six weeks, I was looking in the mirror and I was starting to love who I saw in the mirror. It was the shift in all it was a radical mind shift of disdain, shame and guilt, to joy, love and compassion.

Dana Frost  23:14

That's really beautiful. I love it. And what I want to tell you is the last time I colored my hair was when I made the decision was September of 2019. When you sat down my heart just like leaped September of 2019 It was my daughter's wedding. So the first wedding in the family. And it's a compliment when people say you look like your daughter's you know, that was you know, you look like your daughter's Oh my goodness. And you look like you could be sisters. And there was in me Well, I had grown tired of coloring my hair because it was every three weeks for sure. So I was getting tired of that. And inside of me I was the this was what I was thinking, but I am at that point I go I was 53 Maybe 54 I actually don't want to look just like my daughters, I have all this experience and all of this maturity. And I'm not chasing to look like my daughter's I don't want to look like I'm 20 because it felt like it negated. Everything I had gone through and all of the wisdom that had been collected just because of life. Right? Right. And I decided I'm not going to dye my hair anymore I want to look whatever is here whatever is true for me I just want to look whatever it is because I feel like that's what need that's what's inside and needs to come out and be present.

Vanessa Chamberlin  24:43

You know it's so beautiful that you say that because obviously in there's lots of topics oh my gosh, we could talk for hours topics on the whole of you know to age you know any aging, you know doing any kind of intervention or cosmetic procedures or doing none all of those things in between and I have always said Uh, you know, age, age your way. And I, you know, that's a whole topic I really do want to talk about, but I'm not ready to let go, you know, I always say people to letting go is also not like, oh, like go to hair dye now I'm just gonna, like be a schlump and not take care of myself. That is very, that is such a misnomer about all this. 

Vanessa Chamberlin  25:18

But I think that you're right, when you listen to yourself, and it's unique to all of us to every single, you know, for you, you it may meet mean doing nothing at all may, you know, maybe Botox is right, maybe it's not, it doesn't make it wrong at all. It's what and I do believe that's a journey to I mean, I'm hoping it's a journey, that there are things that I will ultimately get more comfortable with, and be like, this isn't matter to me anymore. You know what, it stopped serving me. And when, when there's a real pain point to it, that's when I know it's time for me to dig into that particular thing. And unpack

Dana Frost  25:50

Yes, yeah, I think that that really is the golden nugget, Vanessa, because each woman has her own journey I can remember I was in my 40s. And there was a group in the coaching group that I was a part of Dr. Martha Beck. That's a coaching group where I did my training for life coaching. But in that coaching group, there were women who had decided to go gray, and I thought it was amazing for them. But it was not the time for me. And I thought, oh, no, I will never I will. It's not for me, I'm never gonna go there. And then, you know, I arrived at this epiphany for me, that was like, wow, this is the direction. So it really is each one of us we have, we have our own process, we have our own guidance. And that's that wise inner teacher that comes forward, when we're connected. And we're listening to the wise inner teacher within that gives us guidance, doesn't matter what you do on the outside, you can do whatever you want to do, it's who you are on the inside. That is significant.

Vanessa Chamberlin  26:50

Well, that's what you know, I know we I talk a lot about beauty and you know, I've got a school that I'm a program I'm working on called inner beauty school. And you know, especially since my whole life has been so much, you know, again, from you know, being my grandmother even said, Oh, you're not you know, you're not gonna go you're not smart enough to go to college, you're the pretty one you'll get married. I mean, that's a whole other a lot of wiring to go with all of that. But I get asked all the time and complimented on my skin and, and my outer beauty and which I'm very grateful. It's always lovely to get those compliments, you know, and as well as I get nice compliments on the inside. But I always say and I know this to be true because it is when we work on the inside. And when there is that inner peace and that glow, and that joy and that vibrancy and all of it. 

Vanessa Chamberlin  27:30

You exude this and I don't care if you are we've all seen them, even people that wouldn't be what you would consider physically like the perfect picture or like the typical picture of what society would say as beauty as as you know, from the outside. But someone that is so radiant and incredibly vivacious, vivacious and all the good stuff inside their magnet. They are so beautiful. Because of what's inside.

Dana Frost  27:58

Yeah, and so this was just a great time because we're nearing the end of our time together, Vanessa and I'm gonna have you on again. So you have you're gonna have to come back because we've got many conversations we could have. But what I wanted to let's see, wait, I lost my train of thought for a moment. Oh, yes. So I wanted to bring it to just quickly you as an influencer, because everything you're saying is how you show up, you exude positivity and kindness. And goodness, that's when I land on you know, when you come across my feed, I feel I feel your light. And that's why I was drawn to you. And that really is the point like that's, well why wanted to have you on and we feel one another's energy. You know, even on social media, we all everything vibrates and has an energetic resonance. And so that's what you know, that's what we feel with. I don't know what I want to say about it, but that's, you know, you're exuding everything that you want to exude is coming across and, and you as an influencer. So you know, we're gonna go over just a little bit but just tell us a little bit about being an influencer.

Vanessa Chamberlin  29:08

Okay, so I like I said, I started documenting my journey and and started growing very quickly a robust following on Instagram, hooked into something called the silver sisters and we got the silver sisterhood, which are the amazing, most supportive group of women I've ever met in my entire life. And I mean that in every sense of the word that will uplift and cheerlead you along the way and along the way, I started you know, getting DMS constantly messages, emails, of you know, you've inspired me you change you know, asking for quite, you know, help support just incredible feedback on on just what I was sharing. Like I said, I was just sharing everything that was me and I want I've always been this person, like, just like with the diet. 

Vanessa Chamberlin  29:52

I found the answer and I want to share with all of you like I want I'm a giver. I want to everything I learned I want to give and because I know if I feel this good Did I get more people that feel this good? For today, we're gonna have an amazing life. This is amazing. And so it just I became an accidental influencer, it was never I was really to write a book, which is still not written yet. But I've gotten, it's all like in my computer, but it was for that next thing I know, I start getting brands to reach out to me, which was, you know, surprising and exciting because my love language happens to be number one is gifts. So this was like, Oh, this kind of made sense. And then it was in the beauty space, which totally made sense. And then the next thing I know, you know, it's just, it's growing and growing. And the brands are loving my message, and the fact that I'm able to take products and brands from health and wellness to beauty, and craft them in my own way that is authentic to me, in my messaging, it became this, like a perfect partnership. 

Vanessa Chamberlin  30:50

And I just feel so blessed that I get to do it. And it's I'm 53 years young. And I'm getting to do this and I'm carving out my own space where people are saying, so often, it's the young generation, like even for marketing for makeup and skincare, they use 12 year old, you know, 15 year old girls for adult skincare, all those things, which is true. But I have to say, for the most part, I am not seeing that resistance in my ability to get beautiful partnerships and get work. In fact, honestly, as much as I worked hard through the years, doing all kinds of things and acting and all of that in my bat in my history, I haven't had this much opportunity since I ditched the die. This is my golden ticket. And it's not just this, but this was the opportunity that opened up this even more. So my my light just shines brighter. And I think it just, you know, creates the opportunities and your rights, the energy that has just brought to opportunity. And it's fun.

Dana Frost  31:43

That's beautiful. Vanessa, what a light you are, Vanessa, as we wrap up, tell us what does feeling younger while growing older mean to you?

Vanessa Chamberlin  31:54

I took some notes on this, because this was something I love this question. And I didn't want to mess it up. Because this is so important to me. And it's basically what I've said, how to feel younger, while growing older. It's cultivating the mindset of curiosity, and possibility. It's letting go of what no longer serves you and creating space for inner peace for the soul, new experiences. breathing room is the process of living and being where you create an experience inner peace for your soul. This is what creates a vibrant vitality, a beautiful way of living. That is how I live my life. And that's what I invite all of my friends and family and social media and anyone else that's listening or in my circle to stick their toe into that way of living.

Dana Frost  32:48

That's really beautiful. Vanessa, it's been such a pleasure to have you. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insight with us.

Vanessa Chamberlin  32:55

I can't wait. I love it. Thank you so much Dana. It's been a pleasure.

Dana Frost  33:00

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