Vitally You, Feeling Younger While Growing Older

71. Meditation for 2023 with Dana Frost

Episode Summary

Join me for a 20-minute guided meditation that’s focused on releasing the past and calling in what you want for 2023.

Episode Notes

In this episode, I walk you through a meditation that includes visualization exercises and share a HeartMath®️ heart-focused breathing technique. I encourage you to get comfortable and carve out space to drop into this embodied experience.

Also, I would love to know the story that you want to tell at the end of 2023. If you’d like to share with me (and perhaps the rest of the community), feel free to DM me @danafrost or send me an email at

Join me in this meditation and get curious about how to accomplish your goals next year.  

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Episode Transcription

Dana Frost  00:07

Welcome to Vitally You, a podcast created to introduce you to the tools that will be your roadmap for feeling younger while growing older. I'm your host, Dana frost, a wellness expert, life coach and energy medicine practitioner. Here's what you can expect conversations about vitality from the inside out with guest experts in the field of health, culture, and spirituality, and solo episodes along the way from me where I do deep dives into the topics of aging, heart intelligence, energy, medicine, and your innate capacity to heal. If you want to feel younger, while growing older, this is the place for you. 

Dana Frost  00:52

Hi, everybody, this is Dana frost, your host of the vitally you podcast and I am coming to you this week so low. And actually when this episode goes live, I will be in Brazil. Many of you know that I live there for eight years. And I'm really excited to go back. And I thought this week I would give you in this episode a meditation for 2023. So I'm really excited to share this meditation. So wherever you are, just get yourself really comfortable to receive this medicate that medication. Haha, this meditation. So when we think about what we want, for any given year, and it's it's never too late to do this work in terms of hey, what do we want for the next 12 months? Or what do we want for the next two months, three months, six months, eight months, 12 months, we really want to have an embodied experience. And so what do I mean by that? What I mean is that we take ourselves from our head, and we move ourselves into the sensing part of who we are in our body. 

Dana Frost  02:05

And that is our taste, our sense of hearing our sight, our touch our sense of feeling, we really want to feel this meditation in our physical body. So we're really dropped down, dropped down from the head into the heart into the body. And really feeling sensations, I'm going to walk you through this. So first, what we're going to do is clear, clear something from the past from the previous year, that you don't want to bring into the new year. So if you're ready, let's just come together, get yourself really, really comfortable. ground yourself wherever you are, I want you to feel the weight of what we're if you're sitting, feel your hips drop into the chair, if you're lying down, feel your body being cradled by gravity by the couch, the bed, the floor, Wherever you're seated, wherever you're lying down, fill yourself heavy on that space. And I want you to bring in your breath. 

Dana Frost  03:23

I want it to be deep, slow, quiet and regular. So the breath during this meditation is going to move in and out through your nose. Unless you have unless you're feeling sick, you have nasal obstruction. If that's the case, you can breathe through your mouth. But if not breathe in and out through your nose. And visualize not visualize but feel the physical breath entering the nose and moving down and inflating the stomach That's deep. It's slow, it's quiet, and it's regular. That means the inhale and exhale are roughly the same. No one can hear your breathing pattern. If people can hear your breathing pattern. It actually indicates our nervous system that is not in sync. It's not harmonized. So deep slow, quiet right and regular and and out through the nose. And then I want you to bring in heart focus breathing. So we're gonna move into Heart Math. And visualize the inhale and exhale to flow to and from the heart center. Inhale and exhale is flowing to and from the heart center. 

Dana Frost  04:39

And bring in the feeling of inner ease. Just feel your whole body relax. None of your muscles need to be working. Everything is calm, visualizing the inhale and exhale to flow to and from your heart center. And here we're drawing upon you A wealth of knowledge and intelligence and information that comes from the center of your heart. Heart focus, breathing with inner ease, flowing to and from the heart center. And I want you to visualize yourself in nature in a hammock that the hammock completely cradling you. You're heavy in the hammock and the hammock is rocking back and forth. The hammock is rocking back and forth and there's sunshine palm tree is you feel this heat of the sun beating upon your body, warming up the skin and all of the receptors, the feeling receptors all throughout your body, feel the sun beaming down on your body and bringing heat into your body feel that feel that sensation of heat. 

Dana Frost  06:04

And I want you to bring your attention to bring your attention to your hands and your arms. Your hands and arms are heavy and warm. My hands and arms are heavy and warm. We've done basic Schultz together in May I think it was so this is we're using a little bit of basic Shelton this meditation is just a nice way to bring ourselves from our mind into our body and the feelings sensations, our sensory and we're tapping into the intuition when we draw from the wisdom and then the intelligence of the heart. So my arms are warm and heavy and my legs are heavy and warm. Feeling fully supported by the hammock. The legs are heavy and warm. can feel your thighs relaxed or hips, relax your knees, your calves falling into the hammock. My legs are heavy and warm and you feel that sensation of the sun beating down upon your legs. We move on to our feet, our feet are warm and heavy. Feel the sun beams coming down onto your feet. 

Dana Frost  07:29

My feet are heavy and warm. my torso is warm and heavy. my torso is warm and heavy. The sun is beaming down upon my torso, and my torso is warm and heavy. my abdomen is calm. My breath moving and inflating my abdomen and the breath and the abdomen are calm. And the sun is beating down upon the abdomen. There's ease and flow and calm in the abdomen and there's warmth from the sun. My heartbeat is calm and steady. My heartbeat is calm and steady. My forehead is cool. And my thoughts are quiet. My thoughts are quiet. And my forehead is cool. The whole body feels the warmth of the sun beating down and warming all of the skin receptors on the body. The body is warm and heavy. And now I want you to bring yourself back to the past year. And I want you to call forth something that you experienced that might be lingering. And I want you to just invite that aspect to come forward. Name it see it, feel it something that you actually don't want to bring in to 2023 name it, see it, feel it, what's the emotion that's associated with it.

Dana Frost  09:26

And I want you just to invite it to leave. Just release it I want you to pull up all of the strength that the the pull of gravity that you feel from the earth holding your body cradling you. I want you to pull that strength from Mother Earth up through your body. And I want you to visualize your arms reaching to heaven. And there's this connection there's a ray of light that comes down for the Mind guidance enters the top of your head comes down into your body. So you have the connection of earth and heaven meeting in your heart center. And that which you want to release that which you don't want to bring in to the New Year, I want you to invite it to leave, just release it, open the heart release it. And where there is that space that it left behind, draw in the divine energy to fill all the crevices in the heart. So the heart is being filled with this divine energy and we're releasing, releasing that which we don't want to bring forward, we're just really clearing the slate. I'm allowing a little bit of space, a little bit of quiet for you to continue to process, I don't want to hurry anyone along and we all have a different amount of time that we need in a meditation.

Dana Frost  11:13

If the mind starts to wander, just simply redirect it, redirect it to your breath, visualizing the inhale and exhale to flow to and from the heart center with the feeling of inner ears and bring back your focus into your body. And that sensation of heaviness, calm and warm. So now we're going to move on to what we want to draw in. So maybe you have already created an intention. Or maybe you have a goal or you have a word that you're working with for this year. And I want you just to open yourself up to anything that may not, that may not be that which you've already created. Maybe there's something new that wants to come forward. So just tell yourself that you're open to receive any new information for the upcoming year. Opening the heart to receive, what is it that you want to bring in to 2023. So I want you to visualize yourself, actually, on New Year's Eve at the end of the year. And I want you to visualize yourself gathered around a fire with people you love people who are in your intimate circle, and there's this beautiful fire in the center of the circle. And you're together with this group of people you love and trust. And you're telling stories about 2023. What is the story you want to tell? What is it that what's that? 

Dana Frost  13:03

What do you want to talk about what is it that you accomplished that you experienced this year, and that you're going to tell your people about so just receive whatever that is, so I can share for me I one thing that I'm really focused on is this idea of strength training, and really building muscle that I can physically see with my eyes. So I feel functionally strong and I do a little bit of strength training every day. But for 2023 I'm really going for building the longevity organ that is the muscle muscles rather. And I really at the end of 2023 I want to say look at my biceps, look at my triceps. Look, I have some abdomen muscles, I don't need a six pack, but I want to be able to visually see some muscles that I built in 2023. So what is it it may be a relationship you form it may be something that you accomplish in your work, it might be someplace you travel, it might be a feeling state that you nurture throughout the year. So what is it and I want you to how does it feel in your bones in your cells in your tissues? 

Dana Frost  14:29

Coming back to the body, how does it feel to have accomplished that which is coming forward for you. We have to be able to visualize it. We have to be able to see it and feel it in order to accomplish it. Okay. That's a really important to embody it before it happens. We know that all optimized athletes, they go through this visualization process so I want you to really feel and see what that's like for you? What are the feeling states that come up for you, when you accomplish that what you want to accomplish such a beautiful visualization to see ourselves in, in that state of accomplishing something that our mind body system desires. So now I want you to be observant and curious about what, what are a few steps, maybe just one to two steps you need to take to start the process to accomplish this goal. Okay, so identify and ask your system to remember what those steps are when we're finished with the meditation. So what, what are a few steps you're going to need to take to accomplish that goal. And I want you to see yourself doing those steps. And let's go through the timeline. 

Dana Frost  16:03

So let's go through February. And you know, your calendar, your potential calendar, see yourself in February. And as we move through the months, I want you to think about the things that you have on your calendar, and what are potential hurdles that you might have to be persistent and dedicated to accomplishing this intention, goal desire. So we're in February, okay. And I want you to visualize yourself being able to to hurdle over the potential obstacles. Now we're in March. And we'll move to April. We're in the spring, and now we're going to move through may think about the busy, you're busy times, and how can you support yourself so that you remain consistent. Now we'll move to June. And we'll move on to July, you can feel that, that change of the seasons as we move and how that impacts the things that we want to accomplish. And we'll move to July, and August. I think we made two stops in July. So we're in August, and now we're rounding, rounding to the end of the year. And we want to finish strong, I want you to see yourself fully supported by Mother Earth, that gravity that makes you strong.

Dana Frost  17:52

And the rod that moves through your spine through your heart up to the heavenly is up your divine support, connected, coming down through your head and connecting in that. It's that movement of energy between heaven and earth. It's supporting you in what you desire, and your heart energy through your heart focus breathing and the feelings of inner ease. Moving throughout your system and visualizing yourself. Actually doing the things you need to do to accomplish what you need to accomplish so that I New Year's Eve, you can tell the story. I know I have to have a plan because I have a lot of travel this year. So I need a plan for when I'm traveling. How am I going to work out too hard. Not just move but hard strength training twice a week, even if I'm on the road. So these are the things that I'm visualizing. So we're in September. And now we're in October. And now we're in November, and how are we going to be strong come December, November and December when it gets so busy with holidays and parties and work tends to ramp up at the end of the year with all of those variables or maybe something happens in our life. And you know, we have some sort of a trauma or an accident. How is it that we could still remain committed to the thing that our heart desires? 

Dana Frost  19:33

What kind of support do we imagine we might need to call upon if something happens? There is so much love and support available to each one of us when we just stay open. We keep our heart open, and we're willing to ask for support to receive support. Visualize yourself receiving support when you need it. Now I want you to to see yourself back around the fire in a circle with the people that you know and love and trust, and you're sharing your story with pride accomplished in 2023 want you to feel it in your bones. And whatever it is that you feel I want you just to visualize that flowing to and from the heart center, flowing to and from the heart center. Invite your system to remember everything that came forth for you so that after the meditation, you can write it down. And you're in the hammock, you're rocking back and forth, and the sun is coming down. All of the receptors on your skin can feel the heat of the sun warming your body, your body is warm and heavy, your abdomen is calm, your heartbeat is calm and steady. Your forehead is cool. And when you're ready, you can come back.

Dana Frost  21:16

It is such a powerful process. Thank you for trusting me with that meditation. It's such a powerful process to use visualization. And when we connect it with our physical body and our breath, we're actually using the alchemy between the mind body and the soul. So that's what we want to do this year in 2023, we're going to alchemize that interconnectedness and bring along everything the body has to offer everything the soul seeks and desires and, and using our you know, the intelligence of our mind, using our mindset, because we start with mindset, the mindset will determine our ability to take the steps we need to take. So we need the mindset that we are going to move in that direction with a strategy. And then from our mindset, our feelings are going to come forward. And then from our feelings, the body will be moved along along with us. And when we bring our breath, to heart focus, breathing, and the deep, slow, quiet regular, we're literally tapping into our soul. 

Dana Frost  22:40

Maybe you've heard me say this before, but the breath is the expression of the soul. The first thing we do when we come when we are born is we take our first breath. And that sets in motion, just this expression of the breath moving through the body through the heart rate variability. And then from that the body is responding with the nervous system. And these different chemicals get released based on the emotions that we're feeling. And so it's just that synchronicity of the mind body system. So I would love to hear if you want to share, I would love to hear what you have set for what's the story that you want to tell at the end of 2023. If you would ever be willing to share it on the podcast, it could be really fun to have an episode where for accountability, we're sharing what we want to talk about at the end of 2023 I would be so down to bring you on and then at the end of the year, we could bring you back and we could talk about how that transformed for you. So thank you so much for being with me this week. You know how much I appreciate that you're showing up and you're being a part of this community, the vital EU community where we truly are feeling younger while growing older. 

Dana Frost  24:05

Let's see. I don't think I have any announcements. If you have not yet subscribed, please subscribe, hit subscribe and download. So many of the algorithms actually are impacted by the number of subscribers and downloads and reviews if you've never left left a review. My heart gets so excited when I see a new review so please leave me a review. And I will see you next week and until then I am as always streaming love from my heart to yours