Vitally You, Feeling Younger While Growing Older

65. Last Solo Episode for 2022. Reflections on this Holy Week with Dana Frost

Episode Summary

As we enter this very sacred Holy Week, I’m reflecting on our temples and the need for a national reset.

Episode Notes

Today marks the beginning of Holy Week in the Jewish faith and Advent Season for Christian denominations. In this episode, I talk about my own quest to amplify human connection and celebrate what’s good in this world. 

This time of year inspires me to reflect on what a temple is and what it represents. For me, my body is a living temple. By tuning into what it asks of me, I can honor my mind-body-spirit connection and live in harmony. I hope you will join me for the next couple of episodes as I share conversations with experts who specialize in achieving homeostasis. 

This year, the holiday season also coincides with the World Cup. I share a few observations about how this global gathering acts as a uniting force that transcends the division created by politics and media. 

Listen in to hear my reflections on this very sacred Holy Week. 

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Episode Transcription

Dana Frost  00:07

Welcome to Vitally You, a podcast created to introduce you to the tools that will be your roadmap for feeling younger while growing older. I'm your host Dana frost, a wellness expert, life coach and energy medicine practitioner. Here's what you can expect conversations about vitality from the inside out with guest experts in the field of health, culture and spirituality, and solo episodes along the way from me where I do deep dives into the topics of aging, heart intelligence, energy, medicine, and your innate capacity to heal. If you want to feel younger, while growing older, this is the place for you. 

Dana Frost  00:52

Hi, everyone. I'm Dana frost your host and this will be my last solo episode for 2022. So on Christmas, I'm just going to let you share what's happening over the next few weeks on Christmas. I'm bringing one of my nutrition colleagues, as a guest to discuss women's health and hormones. There's just so much that we can talk about on this topic and Janelle Anderson is an excellent practitioner. Janelle is program women's hormone club and reset begins in January. If you are interested, I want you to check it out before her show next week. Especially if you think that your hormones need some TLC, starting at the beginning of the year is an excellent place to start. You will be you will have a cradle of support. And we will talk more about that next week. I will include a link to in the show notes to her website. So you can check her out before she's a guest. 

Dana Frost  01:47

Okay, I wanted to mention my favorite podcast guest insight from 2022. And it was from last week's episode when I had Dr. Beth Westie on. And when she said she has a term that she's coined, and it's from her book, the female fat solution, but she used the phrase the seven bodies of Eve I don't know if you caught that episode. If you didn't go back and have a listen. So fascinating to me because women's bodies are dynamic, and they change to meet the needs of the season in life. How cool is that concept of the seven bodies of Eve it's really the ultimate permission slip. To stop being in a war with our bodies, and to embrace the changing landscape of the female body. It is a gift that our body has this capacity to change and flow with our different seasons of life. So you all know that I became a grandmother this year it was the highlight of my year and I was honored to be with my daughter when she gave birth and while while Wow. It really blew me away and I want you to consider this for a moment. 

Dana Frost  03:13

A woman's body is the incubator of the human race. A woman's body is the incubator of the human race. Drop that pin in your heart and mind. This is why we are having another conversation about female hormones next week, so soon after my last episode. Because this topic is so important. There is no feeling younger while growing older when a woman's hormones lack harmony. And there are places we can start we can bring harmony back into our hormones but it requires that alchemy of a Mind Body Soul system. Okay so moving forward to new year's eve because I have the the way the calendar falls I have a Christmas episode that will post and I have a New Year's Eve episode that will post in my guest is going to be lira regio. Lera is a very dear friend of mine. She's an energy practitioner in New York City. And I'm really excited for you to receive Larison inspiration as a kickoff to 2023 Okay, so here we are today, the beginning of Holy Week for the Jews and Advent season for Christians. 

Dana Frost  04:42

This episode is going live on day one of Hanukkah, which Hanukkah this year will end on Christmas. So we have this very sacred Holy Week that this episode is landing on and holy days and celebrations from all faiths are worthy of our honor. We can turn our hearts towards what is sacred to our fellow humans. Okay, so I know you know Hanukkah expert. I'm not a Jewish and expert on the Jewish faith, I know bits and pieces. But this is so this is just my perspective. In essence, Hanukkah is an act of reclamation. Okay, Hanukkah is a time when the Jewish people remember the reclamation of their temple after a period of occupation, and in the spirit of Hanukkah, let us reflect on what is your temple? What is my temple, what is a temple, I believe that my body is a living temple. The body is the soul skin, it's the earth suit. You need your body to fulfill your soul's mission for this lifetime. Temple. 

Dana Frost  06:03

What does temple represent? It represents a place where we gather to worship, something to worship something that transcends our humanity. It represents community and coming together for common adoration, common purpose common petition, the prayers of our soul, in community and inspiration, and your body if our body is a living temple. It is in our bodies that we moment by moment we express adoration for our connection to the divine, we express our purpose. Our Temple is a living petition for what our desires are on this earth. Our bodies can be an inspiration for ourselves and for others as we just move through this through this earth experience with our temples infused with our soul. So I asked you during this Holy Week, what or who do you look to for guidance and assurance, a power or a force that is bigger than you? What is the force that holds the universe where the sun, the stars, the moon, the planets and galaxies are perfectly aligned. It's just really miraculous. 

Dana Frost  07:34

Nothing is imploding upon itself. Now, it's been my observation that people who do not hold reverence and the assurance in a transcendent force. They stumble over the paradoxes of life, and they're easily eaten up when something can't be explained, like why do bad things happen to good people because they do. And we witnessed in justices on a daily basis. If we don't believe that there is a higher power and actually a force for good in the face of suffering. We really struggle in this life. There is much that is unacceptable about the human experience. But there are equally miracles and generosity. What we focus on expands, if we focus on the injustices, they expand, and I feel that that's what our focus really just keeps getting amplified on everything that's wrong in the world instead of everything that's right in the world. And more than ever, we need skin to skin human connection. And this idea of focusing on our differences, it's just not working. There are divisive forces that have a stranglehold on our collective.

Dana Frost  08:59

So I want to share that in my own quest to find footing. In this modern world that we live in, I filter messages with these energies because the truth and I say that in air quotes is spun in 1000 different ways. And we need to foster discernment with all the messages so I filter messages to these energies. Is it edifying and uplifting? Is it tender? Is it accepting? Is it non judgmental? Is it kind? Is it peaceful? Is it compassionate? And is it generous? And you can feel your way through that discernment with your heart because your heart knows your heart is going to be able to discern what truth is because it's not truth from a mental landscape.

Dana Frost  09:54

It's truth from the heart where love resides. Okay, Please get ready because it might seem like I am taking a grand detour. But hang with my thread, okay, because I promise it's going to circle back around. Okay, I want to talk to you about a few observations related to the World Cup. I'm going to use the word soccer because I'm a US citizen. And in the US, we say soccer instead of football. But I wholly recognize that really, it's football. But just be patient with me as I use the word soccer. Okay. I know that soccer, it's not as popular in the US, but it is the pinnacle event, everywhere else in the world. It draws the world together and rallies countries behind their teams, much like the Olympics. But I will say soccer is wholly unique in that common people, if they are skilled, and they have the talent, they do have the potential to represent their countries, as opposed to the Olympic athletes who compete in, you know, a lot of the sports are super specialized. And most people don't have access to these super specialized sports. And most of those specialized sports, they need access to resources, and they need money for the training. However, nearly every young kid across the globe play soccer and a field or a street. Soccer is the world's common language. 

Dana Frost  11:32

And it is a global gathering that transcends governments and politics. Okay, yes, there's corruption in whatever FIFA and all of that, but you're going to find corruption in everything under the sun. And regardless of what's happening in any country around the world, the citizens will rally around or rally behind their national soccer team with freaking abandonment. So my husband and I were talking as we were we spent last weekend. I mean, we don't watch TV a lot. And we're not actually sports, spectators. But we do because of living in South America, we just have this strong affinity for soccer, especially the Brazilian team in the Argentine team, because we lived in those two countries. So we were talking as we were watching, about the commentary that both of us had heard from the US media about the Brazilian soccer team. And both of us independently had heard media in the US say that Brazilians would not be wearing their national colours, because of the politics in Brazil. And we were like, What are you talking about? No, not so no way. Brazilians do not allow politics to be a wedge between them and their national soccer team. That is a flawed analysis by a US journalist with so many times the US their analysis of what's happening in around the globe, and in other countries. They just miss it because they just miss it. Okay, and this isn't about that. 

Dana Frost  13:06

But I wanted to I wanted to point that out because globally, soccer unites countries, its solidarity and unity that is transcendent of the games politicians play. Okay, it, it rises above the every day, gross issues in politics. So where I'm going with this, on my own personal heart level is my own country. The US because watching the Brazilians unite behind the Brazilian team, and even though that loss was heart wrenching, and watching the Argentine and just being so happy for their victories, what we saw, and what we experienced is that as a country in the US, we are so divided, we need a national reset, we need to be able to just push the on and off button and reset. We need to find that uniting force that is transcendent. The media and the propaganda machines are dividing us. There is no shame. So people they don't feel shame and spinning falsehood and be pretending that it's truth if they have something to be gained if whatever side they're on, and we know those who are divided, they will be conquered. And I feel like forces are really trying to conquer us. Remember what we focus on expands. And we are being puppeted to focus on our differences. And this is dividing us. 

Dana Frost  14:44

And there's this cultural this collective cultural stress. And it's adding to disease, anxiety, depression, and we know that disease multiplies when we're in sympathetic mode. And our collective consciousness is in hyper sympathetic mode. We need to just take our deep breaths and center ourselves with our deep, slow, quiet, regular breath, and focus on our humanity and let just release the triggers. And remember, at the heart, the seed of every human is this need to be seen, to be heard and to offer to see and hear our fellow humans. We cannot experience this sacred seeing and knowing one another. If we are in sympathetic mode, which is fight, flight, and freeze, we cannot see and hear one another if we sit in the seat of judgment. So let's reclaim our collective temple. This is where I'm coming back around everybody. I'm bringing it back around. We need our own modern Hanukkah moment. So this week, light a candle, reclaim your temple. What is your temple asking of you? What care does she need so that you can feel vitally you so that you can feel younger rock growing older, she will speak up if you quiet the external voices and tune in. 

Dana Frost  16:35

I was have been talking since my last episode with people engaging on this idea of, you know, the healing path. The path of feeling younger, growing older, it really is. It is the alchemy of the mind body system. And it's in slowing down. It's in quieting down it actually is in resting every day connecting with yourself every day, when we do that we're reclaiming our temple. So what can you do as you reclaim your temple? And a lot of times it's going to be in an attitude and you will add to our collective temple what can you do to add to the collective temple in your own temple that is tender edifying, accepting, non judgmental, kind, peaceful, compassionate, and generous, tender, edifying, accepting, non judgmental, kind, peaceful, compassionate and generous?

Dana Frost  17:45

Okay, so let's talk about Christmas. I come from the Christian faith. I will tell you getting to know Jesus saved me as an adolescent. And I know that sounds dramatic, but honestly, as a teenager, it felt really dramatic. I needed direction, I actually want a direction. I needed a place to belong. I wanted to be seen and heard and my relationship with Jesus in community provided that foundation and Christ Consciousness it is humility. So this week, let's just embrace the Christ consciousness. It's humility, it's taken care of the collective, it's forgiveness over judgment, it's redemption, energy. Redemption, to be redeemed means all situations and relationships can be transmuted into the energy of love and light. And I will tell you, I have experienced this on a visceral level in relationships in my family and my relationship with my husband in my relationship with my parents, in my relationship with my brother transmuting. Energies that feel broken energies where there's betrayal, and they're transmitted into love and light, that is, read redemption. Christ consciousness is that the weakest among us are elevated. 

Dana Frost  19:19

The strong become weak so that the weak can become strong. And I will confess, I am no longer a church going Christian. However, the Spirit of Jesus is a life and well in me, every moment of my life. The Spirit of Jesus is, I speak to Jesus every day I'm United at one with the Spirit of Jesus. And as this Christmas week begins, I want to highlight that Christ came not with Glitz or glamour or fanfare. There wouldn't have been a perfectly staged social media image for his birth. Nope. He was raw. There was little protection between his new born body and the elements. No heater, no AC, you know, I'm not sure if there were walls, maybe there were I really don't know if so I imagine they were made from the dirt they would have had to have been made from the dirt. That was the material of the day. But we do know he was side by side with the animals. He was under the stars. He was more attuned to the van life culture than the high rises in the suburban nights. His was a birth stripped of ancient and modern comforts. He came as a living temple. And his invitation is for you to embrace your living temple. 

Dana Frost  20:46

So here we are reflecting on our temples for this very sacred Holy Week. Will you join me in lighting a candle this week in honor of your temple, and my temple, and the one holy temple be a beacon of tenderness, acceptance, non judgement, kindness, peace, compassion and generosity. I look forward to seeing you in 2023 Happy Hanukkah and a very Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family. As always, I am streaming love from my heart to yours. I have a favor I have a Christmas wish. Would you please if you have not done it yet? leave a review in Apple podcast on my behalf. Hit subscribe, download, rate, the show on Spotify, my dear friends cheers for this very sacred Holy Week.