Vitally You, Feeling Younger While Growing Older

64. Women's Health and Hormones with Dr. Beth Westie

Episode Summary

Female hormones rule your body; your brain and your gut are such an interconnected system, medication is not the only option in finding a solution for an imbalance. Dr. Beth Westie is here today to share the hormone health connection and her solutions for achieving your weight goals.

Episode Notes

The history of nutrition is built from the male body and not the female body. Here lies the advocacy women need to have in doing their own research beyond the pharmacology of what the Doctor prescribes.

Dr. Beth Westie started her journey in female hormones by finding a different solution for eliminating ovarian cysts. There has to be a different route other than birth control. There is. Through her findings, she built an empire in female health education and her mission is to help women everywhere manage their hormones more organically.

In this episode, Dr. Beth Westie and I discuss how everything in the body is interconnected with our hormone production. When our brains are in a period of transition, our bodies are in a period of transition. The key is to listen to your body and give it what it needs. For most, it is a lack of sleep or, in general, rest. Take a nap, skip the workout, and give your body time to heal.

Another angle is to look at your nutrition intake. Are we getting enough of what our body needs to function properly? Protein, carbs, vitamins, and minerals? Our body needs fuel to run or even walk.

Listen in as Dr. Beth shares all of her resources on the Seven Bodies of Eve and how to accept the body you’re in, the season you’re in, and what to do to achieve your goals.

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Guest Info:

Dr. Beth Westie works to educate and empower women to take their health into their own hands. She uses nutrition to help women work with their natural cycle of their bodies to achieve lasting weight loss results. She is a Doctor of Chiropractic, Author, Speaker of Women's Health and Nutrition expert, and Founder of Eat for your Cycle and Nutrition for your Hormones. She is the author of the best selling book, The Female Fat Solution. She is the creator of the 12-week Female Hormone Solution, the Eat for your Cycle Method, and the host of the Female Health Solution Podcast.

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Episode Transcription

Dana Frost  00:07

Welcome to Vitally You, a podcast created to introduce you to the tools that will be your roadmap for feeling younger while growing older. I'm your host Dana frost, a wellness expert, life coach and energy medicine practitioner. Here's what you can expect conversations about vitality from the inside out with guest experts in the field of health, culture and spirituality and solo episodes along the way from me where I do deep dives into the topics of aging, heart intelligence, energy, medicine, and your innate capacity to heal. If you want to feel younger, while growing older, this is the place for you. Hi, everyone. This is Dana frost, your host of the vital EU podcast. Welcome to this week's episode with Dr. Beth Westie. Beth is joining me to talk about women and their hormones. Okay, if you're a man do and not abort your plan to listen to today's episode, men, we want you to understand our bodies and our unique hormonal fluctuations. Now recently my son who was raised in a female centric home, one son four daughters said he was glad for the education in formulas that was that he received because easily relates to women. Yep, I nailed raising a son. Okay, so Dr. Beth Westie comes to us from my favorite state, Minnesota. We live there from 1990 to 97. And I fell in love with the people the culture, the outdoor centric lifestyle. We always said that Minnesotans they work so that they can live they don't live to work. Okay. Dr. Beth has made it her mission to change how women view their health. I really resonated with Dr. Beth by the way, she's works to educate and empower women to take their health into their own hands to use as nutrition to help women work with their natural cycle of their bodies to achieve lasting weight loss results, is a Doctor of Chiropractic author, speaker women's health and nutrition expert, founder of eat for your cycle and nutrition for your hormones. She is the author of the best selling book, that female fat solution and the creator of the 12 week female hormone solution, the eat for your cycle method and the host of the female health solution podcast. As you can see, Dr. Beth is very well qualified. She's done a lot in support of women and their health. And I'm so excited to share this episode with you this week. So Beth, welcome to the podcast. It's just such a pleasure to have you this week. Yay.

Dr. Beth Westie  02:52

Thank you for having me.

Dana Frost  02:53

You have such an interesting background working as a health professional. We would love to know how you found yourself where you are today. I know that you practice virtually with women. But how did you get to this place today?

Dr. Beth Westie  03:07

Yeah, so I am a chiropractor by training. But I'm also licensed in acupuncture and Chinese medicine. And it was that training that I did that really specialized in female hormones, fertility, menopause issues, hormone balance overall. And I really loved that work in and of itself and just learning more about you know, Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, all of that stuff. But what really got me fired up. What really got me going on, it was actually after I had my third baby, I started getting ovarian cysts that would burst every month. So my youngest was born a couple months early. So she was a preemie she was healthy, you know, fine, just early. And so she was in the NICU for over three weeks I had started my new business was, you know, started my new clinic. And just stress right I had a two year old, a four year old and a preemie and a new business, stress, stress, stress up the wazoo, and the result of that was cysts. I could not get ahead of it every single month for about a year and a half. I had a cyst that would burst. Yeah, and it would put me on the floor. Like if you've ever had a cyst that has burst, it just drops you completely. And it was absolutely horrendous. And it was finally one day my husband was like, You need to go in you need to figure this out. Right. Like I knew what it was. I knew like the timing of it, everything else. So he put me in the car because I couldn't even get in the car by myself put me in the car, brought me to the ER. And the ER doc was like, it's assist. I was like, Yeah, I know. And he was like, here's your birth control and here's your Viking in and I was like Is there anything else? I get a lot of side effects from birth control like being on the pill. I'm not a candidate for other types of birth control. And my husband's had a vasectomy. So like we I don't need it for birth control purposes. It was. I was like, like, like, my family is complete. We're good there. But so what other options do you have for me, sir? Because I can't say no to the pill and to be on Vikon forever. He was like, Yeah, you're just gonna obsess. So here's your literal lifetime supply of Vicodin. What I was like, this doesn't work for me. And I went through with him. I was like, Listen, I'm eating really clean, I cut out all sugars, I put out alcohol, I've cut out all this stuff. I'm still struggling. And he was like, well, without the pill, unless you keep getting pregnant, you're still gonna have sex. And I was just livid. So went home, started diving into research other things with PCOS, specific hormone issues, all that stuff. And that's where I started diving into the history of nutrition, how it's really set up for the male body, not the female body, and then started applying some different hormonal things from my Eastern medicine background eating for your hormones in your cycle. And that's really where I start. I was able to it didn't happen right away. It took several months. But I was able to stop my sis from coming back. And it's been my youngest is 12 now, so it's been about a decade, and I haven't had a cyst

Dana Frost  06:22

again. That's awesome. So undulations. Yeah,

Dr. Beth Westie  06:26

yeah. So that's where I really got started with the world of women's hormones was because I struggled and then saw this one er, doctor that was I'll just call him a turd burger. Yeah. Yeah, you know, birth control, if you're not going to listen that I can't help you. Oh, okay, sir.

Dana Frost  06:48

Yeah, well, I think that, you know, it's so it's not unlike many of us who are working to support people on their health journeys. We've had our own crisis. And from our own crisis, we did this the answer that we were given, it was not acceptable. To us, it was not acceptable. And so, you know, we decided to do our own research, and see what are our other options, and then you discover this whole other world of possibilities for healing the body. And when you stumble upon something that makes a difference, then you are in essence, and many of the people I speak to are beholden and inspired to share with other people.

Dr. Beth Westie  07:31

Yes, yeah. Yeah. It's like the the painful time that you went through ends up being the push to make make a difference. So

Dana Frost  07:40

and you know, we are we are talking about women's hormones today. And I just want to, in case listeners haven't heard this before, during my health crisis, I went to I was looking Why am I so tired? My pacemaker was implanted and I'm looking for other answers because I still feel tired even though my, the electrical conduction on my heart is working, and I go to my gynecologist and, oh, well, you need antidepressants. And I'm like, but I'm not depressed. women your age, go on antidepressants during this perimenopause transition, and I said, No, I'm not going to do that. It's not acceptable to me. And I kept searching. I just kept reading and learning and searching. And so it's so interesting that and that was a female gynecologist. So it's really interesting that male female conventional practitioners, I find just, they have pharmacology like that's that is that what they have, for us, for the most part is pharmacology.

Dr. Beth Westie  08:40

Yeah, they have a very limited set of tools in their tool basket. And one of the other things that I think is really frustrating with that is like they don't ask about your whole health. Did anybody ask you about your gut health, anybody asked about how you're sleeping, or your stress levels or things like that? All those things severely impact your hormones, how your system responds and everything else, right? Which, I mean, the same for me when I was struggling really, really bad. I was trying to stay afloat with my life. Right? I of course, would have said, Yeah, I have stressed but it's fine. It's fine. It was not fine. Like looking back, that is honestly one of the most stressful times in my entire life. And my body showed it. My body was letting me know

Dana Frost  09:26

the body does. It's always in communication. 24/7 It's like knocking at our door trying to get our attention. Will you just listen to me, please? Yeah,

Dr. Beth Westie  09:37

the body never does anything without a reason. Yeah. And if you can remember that it's easy then to look at it in a different way and really try to get to the bottom of what it's trying to tell you.

Dana Frost  09:47

Yeah, I think especially with the hormones and we want the quick fix but hormones like you said it two months. Two months is not that much time. Yeah. You know when you think about it, my healing journey I would say like after a year I'm doing acupuncture once a week. And as I traveled, I started to, you know, like, there was steady improvement. But I was like, Okay, I'm out of, I'm out of the darkness, basically. And I could I have something I can build from. But we forget that it didn't take, we didn't get into the situation we're in overnight and the healing journey, it does take time, the body responds, but generally, it responds slowly by train over the internal soil by, you know, it's just this slow response that, but it's a it's a Forward, forward progress, but it's a slow response. Do you agree with that?

Dr. Beth Westie  10:40

100% 100%, I find that when we finally realize we are in a tough spot, it's like, there's so many different things going on. There's like a bunch of different fires that need to be put out. And so how do you focus on like, just one thing, putting up that one? Fire? Yes, it's helpful, but you still got four other fires to deal with, before you feel better. So one of the things and I do a lot of hormone testing, that just really helps you get a good, you know, deep look at what's happening in your system. One of the things I do Dutch testing, and one of the things that looks at is nutrient levels. And I can't tell you how many women I talk to on a daily basis, that not only have hormone issues, they're exhausted, right? They've got brain fog, all these other things. They're also nutrient depleted. And what I find is that right, women are smart, they're resourceful, like, I never talked to somebody, and they're like, No, I haven't tried anything. No, I haven't, you know, whatever. You know, like, I'm usually a last resort. They've tried everything else. They've done all these things. And it's not that the things are bad, it's that they're trying things, oh, this supplement is supposed to be for stress. And I'm like, and they're like, Yeah, but I don't think it's working. And I'm like, well, it's not a bad supplement, per se. It's not that it's you're doing the wrong thing. You're just missing the other pieces of the puzzle. You know, you're also deficient in B vitamins, you're deficient in glutathione you're deficient in these other main nutrients that your body needs to actually have the stress levels improve. So we have to do all have it like work on all the fires.

Dana Frost  12:08

Yes, amen. I love what you're saying, Beth? Because it's, it's it's a complex, our human body. And then you bring in like the physical body, and then the mind and the emotions. It's a complex system. And it's all interrelated. So you can do all of the inner terrain, you know, the physical work, and and you also have to look at the mind and the emotions to like it's all related. Yes, and especially more talking about the hormones.

Dr. Beth Westie  12:41

Yes, yes. And how your hormones respond to things, how your system responds, hormones are related to your gut health. How will your liver can process things your liver can get overloaded from stress, from environmental toxins that you're exposed to the number of women that I talk to on a regular basis that they'll say things like, oh, you know, yes, I get hot flashes, you know, things like that. And then when I have them track, they'll notice when my stress is worse, my hot flashes are worse. And I'm like a

Dana Frost  13:12

and food can trigger hot flashes as well. Oh, sugar.

Dr. Beth Westie  13:16

Yes. Because the inflammatory response on your system. It's all that yes, like a hair trigger. Most cookin thing,

Dana Frost  13:23

I think people I think people who have exposure to mold can be triggered with hot flashes. Okay, so Beth, I have been listening to your podcast, and I am. I love your podcast, the female health solution. It is an excellent podcast people you should tune into it. I because you have so much great content I can you. So a woman who's having perceives or having some hormonal issues. Take me on the journey of what you do. Like let's say I contact you we have a virtual meeting. I would just love to know like, how do you work with somebody? Because some of our listeners may want to work with you. So what's that? What does that look like?

Dr. Beth Westie  14:04

Yeah, yeah, depending on what they've already had done. You know, oftentimes, people have had blood labs run things like that, which is, which is fine. But what the hormone testing that I do is called Dutch testing. It's a dried urine test for comprehensive hormones. So it actually tests not just what your levels are, but also how your body processes it. So I can see all phases of estrogen metabolism, is your body actually detoxing estrogen the way that it should? You know, are you methylating you know, do you have inflammation in your body, you know, it shows all of that in detail. So the majority of contact point is going over a Dutch test. You know, seeing what your levels are seeing what's going on in your body and then again, sometimes it's okay, let's go over your other labs if you have like a thyroid panel that you've run other things like that, we'll dive into that what we're seeing and then talk about the the best recommendations from the okay, you know, what, are you getting enough protein? Are you getting enough nutrients? The number one thing that I find that women are missing is enough protein is enough nutrient is like it because we're so stuck on I literally I talked to somebody earlier today, same thing I was like you need to with with everything that this gal is gonna has going on in her life. She's almost 50 is just getting divorced. So that's tough, stressful, just moved again another stressful thing to have happen, even though it's a positive change for her right, you know, good skits get better for her overall, yes, but stressful, and she was worried about calories. And I said, You are so depleted, everything on your report says that you're depleted, everything is completely tanked. You have no gas in your tank, the engine in your car is not even started, like you need to eat and you need to get protein in and she was like, but I'm worried about the calories. I was like, if you're, if your gas tank is empty, your metabolisms not going to work for you. You know, it doesn't matter any of that stuff. So it. So getting that nutrient and getting that protein in and getting your body to function better, so you can feel better is the best place to start. So that's really to fully answer your question, looking over hormones, looking at your specific case is where I like to start blanket recommendations. There's the general stuff of like, Hey, make sure you're getting enough protein. But I really like to make sure that people are getting individualized recommendations because every body is different. Yes. What you've been through is different how your system response, some people are very sensitive to certain supplements, or to certain nutrients or food groups. So we have to really tailor things just so you get the best results and stop spinning your wheels. You know, it's like most of the women I work with, it's like you've suffered long enough that we let's not guess let's just make sure we know exactly what to target for you. I

Dana Frost  16:54

like that this Yeah, that's thank you for sharing that. And I was listening to one of your episodes where you and you were going over the Dutch test, you have a series of episodes about the Dutch test. And you were talking about the you're noting that cortisol, you're seeing really high levels in cortisol across all of your clients. Do you want to speak about that? Because I think that meant, you know, when we're going through menopause, and until I had my training, I didn't understand that, you know, your glucose levels are related to your estrogen levels are related to testosterone, cortisol, you know, they're all interconnected. And we think that we just need to deal with the sexy sex hormones, when in reality, we don't even start out dealing with those because we've got to deal with this other you know, the other things first, so could you speak as cortisol is a part of that? So maybe you could speak into that?

Dr. Beth Westie  17:54

Yeah. One of the things that I like to just kick this off with when talking about cortisol is that cortisol is not all bad. It's not we need it. Cortisol gets a bad rap. I had somebody asked me that recently, last week, she was like, Oh, my gosh, I have cortisol. That's bad. You should

Dana Frost  18:14

we need it. You need it. Yeah, absolutely. Need

Dr. Beth Westie  18:17

Yeah, it's what gets you up out of bed. You know, you should have a certain cortisol awakening response in the morning, get you out of bed, get you going get your brain working, and help you have normal, you know, reactions responses throughout the day, it's when cortisol gets to be too high or too low, that or you're in your body can't bring it back into that regulated point. You know, I call it the baby bear. Right? Now, the three bears, you know, the mama bear, the Papa Bear, the baby bear, you want to just in the middle, not too much, not too little. So it's tough, though, if you have been through stressful things, and the thing that I see again and again, for people is that it's not because you did stuff wrong. It's not because you mess up really bad. Sometimes it's literally just life. Like the gal I was just telling you about that she got divorced. You know, she's getting divorced, right, she's moved out, she had to move to a different place. When we look at the top stressors for humans. It's birth, death, marriage, divorce, moving, having a job change, illness, or and major injury. Those are major life things. And it can take your system months, if not even a year or more to regulate. So I like when women have hormonal issues. It's always when we dive into the history of it. What I find 99% of the time is it's related to stuff in life that just happened where you'll look at a six month span of time and you'll think Yeah, I had a somebody in my family die and then this happened in the relationship and or maybe it's a close friendship that fell apart or something and then I had to move across the country and this all these big life changes happen. really quickly. And if you don't stop to let your system mentally emotionally process these things, it's going to come out somewhere. And that it's that stress. Yeah,

Dana Frost  20:08

we tend to muscle up and I can even go back in my own life and reflect the times when I muscling up to get through life, the big things that life knee and hands me, I'm so focused on the muscling up and the doing that I'm not really thinking about the impact that it has on my physiology, you know, because I'm focused on the muscling up and it's always in hindsight, that you, you know, you look back and you realize, oh, man, that was a lot. I wish I would have been, I wish I would have like created little islands of respite for myself, I wish I would have been more gentle. I wish I would have rested a little bit more and, and I know at least for me, once I have, you know, that health crisis that I know when I start to get tired, oh, just rest. And then you didn't in essence, you allow your system the time to catch up?

Dr. Beth Westie  21:03

Yes, exactly. And I feel like too, part of this is our, our society or we just get trained to think that resting is bad. I talked to somebody this is a few weeks ago who very sweet gal had worked her way through grad school, all these things is now into the workforce. She's a veterinarian, who works at like a really busy emergency clinic, all these things. So to her hours are varied, you know, day night, all that stuff. And, you know, she's wicked smart. And the crazy thing about it is that she was super frustrated with how fatigued that she's been. And she's like, I don't understand, I don't know why. Because she's so dang smart. She's like, like thinking I should be able to outsmart everything that's going on. And she said that when she does get a lunch break, or whatever, throughout the day, because of the timing of her shifts. It's a two hour break. And she said she'll eat and then have to take a nap to finish her other shift. And I said, Good, take a nap. If you need a nap, take a nap. She's like, but it's sometimes an hour or an hour and a half. I was like, that's a sleep cycle. That's the sleep cycle, get that nap. She's like, I feel really bad though. She feels bad. She feels guilty for taking a nap. And she's like, so you're telling me that one of the biggest things that's going to help me is to actually just nap every day. I said, Yeah, with your work schedule with how you burned yourself out, you know, get your protein in, get your fuel in their specific recommendations based on what we're seeing. There's some other wonky stuff with her hormones and stuff. But I mean, again, she went through years of busting her butt through school working while she was in school. And then it's just been a couple of years that she's been in the workforce. And she is, it's like an engine that overheats and seizes up, you know, do you let it rest for a little bit just to try and keep it going again, I was like you need more rest overall, day to day. And that's been one of the things that's been completely transformative for her energy levels. Yeah. And her and her stress response. So yeah,

Dana Frost  23:01

it took me actually just a couple of months when I was having my health crisis, and I met with a mentor of mine. And he said, I have seen cases like yours. And he said, I promise you, Dana, you will not heal until you start napping every day. The body heals when it's resting, it heals in parasympathetic mode. And so for whatever reason, when he said it, it landed, he had enough weight, like his words had the way that landed. And I said, I surrender. Basically I surrender. And I started napping every day I gave myself their permission. So instead of having a narrative that that was somehow wrong, I allowed the narrative that oh, I'm napping on my body's healing, and just really shifted everything to give myself that permission in a in a way that felt like this is self care. Yes,

Dr. Beth Westie  23:57

yes. And I feel the self care piece of it. So easy to think of it as like, I'm gonna go get a manicure and spend some time for myself. And that's a one off thing. You know, this self care is every day making sure if you have not slept well, if you have been burning the candle from both ends, now. Now, it makes a world of difference. And for people who are listening who are like, Oh my god, I would love to nap. I don't have the schedule to nap. I know. I know. I have had women that they've literally changed jobs. They have changed jobs, gotten a different job to work a different shift so that they are not burning themselves out like this. Because it otherwise you can't you can't out supplement this. You can't run this. This is you

Dana Frost  24:44

know, it's so true. Beth, I'm so glad you said that because supplements to me have almost become like popping a pill. It's no different than taking I mean it is different but it's still reaching for that thing and one meaning that thing to solve the issue when to solve the issue. It's everything as we talked about initially, it's the whole system has to be cared for. And that includes your nervous system. And that's where the rest comes in. Because the body rest when we're in that parasympathetic mode, and there's just there are no quick fixes. I know we want I wanted them. I remember leaving the doctor's office, I finally got into this doctor, and she actually became the one who finally sat down. You remember earlier in the episode, you said, when does somebody sit down a doctor and like asked your whole story? Tell me your whole? Well, she asked me my whole story, we were together for two hours. And she's the one who sat me down, like discovered the terrain stuff going on discovered, like the different pieces and said, Okay, you can go down, these are different options for you choose one. So you're focused on one. And that's when I chose traditional Chinese medicine. Instead of you know, I didn't want to pop a bunch of pills. I got the herbs, I got the herbs, a Chinese medicine. But yeah, I don't know why I mentioned that. But that that whole story is so important. And we know we want to muscle up and we want the quick fix. And it's really in surrendering, and allowing the system to start releasing the things that we're holding.

Dr. Beth Westie  26:24

Yes, because the body has an amazing ability to heal. And to function well, as long as it has the opportunity. If it doesn't have the opportunity. It's like trying to run a race with weights on your ankles and your wrist. You know, it's so hard to get anywhere. And it's such a fight. And I live in Minnesota. So sometimes I'll say things like it's trying to rowboat across the lake, and you've got an anchor down.

Dana Frost  26:52

I love that. I love that. That's great. That's great. So Beth, I want to ask you, because we're getting near the end of the episode, but we were going to touch on this idea of resistant weight gain. Because I do have so many people who you know, they get to perimenopause and menopause. And they they have this way that they've gained and it's not about calories, it's not about restrict, like losing the weight has nothing to do with cutting back quantity of food. Can you talk a little bit about that best?

Dr. Beth Westie  27:23

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So I have a couple of books out, one of them is just called the female fat solution. And in that book, I have a whole section that is called the seven bodies of Eve. And it goes through these different bodies that we live in, throughout our life. And keep in mind that when you live in a certain body, that body is going to need certain recommendations nutrient wise, then all of a sudden you grow you check your body at 25 is different than your body at 55. So nutrient wise, oftentimes what we're missing is that it's not that we're eating too much, or all these other things. It's just, we're not eating for the body that we're living in, because our bodies are so dynamic and changed so much throughout our lifetime. Whereas the male body doesn't do that. They have the same body all the time.

Dana Frost  28:12

Okay, I just am I want to burst right now. Because I love what you just said the seven bodies of Eve, you like had me, I'm still back at that title, the seven bodies of Eve, you are freaking brilliant. But because I love that, and I can't wait to get your book. But I've told I mean, I've told myself, this is the body I feel really I feel healthy and strong. My body looks different than it did. But I think this is my body for today. Because I feel healthy. I'm not tired, I wake up, I feel good. I'm tired. When I go to bed. I have sustained energy. My body looks different. But I think this is just my body. This is what my body wants to be now. So the seven bodies of Eve. Okay, you need to say a few things about that.

Dr. Beth Westie  28:59

Yeah, so one of the things that I talked about is like the body you know, pre puberty right, what you need when you're younger going through puberty, what your nutrient needs would be how your body needs to support that. Prenatal Natal, you know, during pregnancy post natal nutrient needs, you know, stress responses, all this stuff. And then again after that just because your post natal, that body that you have, you know pre menopause, what your nutrient needs are, what your sleep needs are. All of that stuff matters and then going into the perimenopause phase, which is I'm gonna say a total crapshoot sometimes because because it's so varied with your genetics or your stress levels, chronic stress levels. If you've spent years being on diet after diet after diet, it makes a difference and it's going to be way harder for your body and hormones going through parent menopause, I have seen it hundreds of times. So to understand that your health history, your story, like we, like we talked about matters and going through these different bodies and phases, especially if you have expected your body to respond or produce at a level that it's just not there. And again, I don't want to say that it's bad, it's not bad to go into perimenopause or into menopause. It's just, it's just different. So it's important to recognize this is the body that I'm in. And with the goals that you have, the path that you would take would just be a different route than what you did you get in like your body at 55. To get to your goals, it's going to take a different route than the body at 25. That's the biggest thing to look at. What body are you in? What are your goals? And are you really listening to your system and doing it in a way that's going to functionally give you the best results long term, so that you don't have to keep starting over and over again, because when we talk about that weight loss resistance, it's often because we're trying to force things or push things and make it happen, or there was somebody I talked to, and she had been, she had started a gym, and they had this, you know, workout challenge to like weight loss and all this stuff. And again, those aren't bad. It was just that they were trying so hard to push something to happen in a short amount of time. And I was like, Listen, this is not going to be helpful with a body that's under a lot of stress. You know, and you have a lot of stress. So of course, adding in crazy workouts six days a week is more stress. Sure you're getting stronger, but the weight loss piece is going to take a heck of a lot longer for you. And that's okay. But just to kind of realize that, well, I

Dana Frost  31:41

love how you were I love your framework and your perspective. And I feel such a balance of empathy and knowledge and meeting people where they are. So Beth how, number one how can we get a copy of that book? I want that book?

Dr. Beth Westie  31:59

Yeah, I have I have a couple of books. One is the female fat solution. And then the other one is the female menopause solution. And those are just on Amazon. And there's

Dana Frost  32:08

Yeah. What's that tuck?

Dr. Beth Westie  32:10

It's in the it's enough. It's in the first book, I really detail it out in that first book. And then I do have a lot of other resources online, YouTube, I have 1000s of videos on YouTube talking about a lot of different things. And then I'm on Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok. All the things, all the

Dana Frost  32:27

things. I love it. I love it. Well, I'm sure our listeners are going to be searching you out and I've sent my daughter to your podcast. So. Okay, we're at the end of our session today. Beth, tell me what does feeling younger while growing older mean to you?

Dr. Beth Westie  32:44

Yeah, ooh, this is a really good question. Feeling younger, while growing older, I feel like as I'll say this, from my perspective, as I have aged and gone through different phases of my life, I feel young, being able to physically do all the things that I still want to do whatever my interest is, whatever I want to dive into for a new hobby or a new, you know, whatever. I hear so often that you know, your energy levels and everything can hold you back. So if you have the energy, the mental capacity, right, not having brain fog, not having your hormones take you down and out for days at a time, that you can still do all the things that you want to do in life. It doesn't matter if you're if your age gets older, that you can still live the life that you want to live every single day. You know, that is, you know, still feeling young as your as your body ages to me. I

Dana Frost  33:43

love that. Thank you. Well, Beth, thank you so much for being a guest on the podcast. And it's just been such a pleasure to have you here. Hey, thank

Dr. Beth Westie  33:53

you for having me. This is so fun.

Dana Frost  33:55

Thank you everyone for joining us on the vital you podcast this week. I want to share a recent oh, I need to grab it. I have a recent review and I love sharing the reviews. So I wasn't quite ready for that. Okay. This comes from Holly Getty. Actually Holly was a guest a couple of weeks ago and she says Dana understands the depth and complexity of living vitally in today's world. This is not a superficial approach to wellness. vitally you goes deep on the most current topics and helps me improve my day to day life. As her subject for podcast number 62. Life styled style is a feeling from the inside out. Dana immediately communicated my approach to styling as an internal experience. Her empathy, kindness and curiosity created a perfect expression of my work. Thank you, Dana. Well, Holly, thank you. So everybody, please make my heart sing. Leave me a review on Apple podcasts so that vitally you can continue to rising through the podcast traffic jams. And I have to say, leave a rating on Spotify, y'all. Spotify created amazing graphics and analytics for me. And I am now a huge fan of Spotify for as a podcast platform. So if you haven't tuned in to me on Spotify, please go tune on on Spotify. And until next week as always, I am streaming love from my heart to yours