Vitally You, Feeling Younger While Growing Older

33. A Candid Conversation about Detoxification

Episode Summary

The word “detox” has become somewhat of a buzzword, but there's a lot of misunderstanding around what it means. I’m joined by detox specialist and Ayurvedic practitioner Tracy Stonaker to broaden the conversation around this concept and help you see it through a few different lenses. Detoxing is a deeply personal experience and more about the full mind-body system than an abrupt juice cleanse or fast. Tracy and I discuss the starting point for learning about toxicity, ancient and modern practices, and our top recommendations for daily detoxing.

Episode Notes

The word “detox” has become somewhat of a buzzword, but there's a lot of misunderstanding around what it means. I’m joined by detox specialist and Ayurvedic practitioner Tracy Stonaker to broaden the conversation around this concept and help you see it through a few different lenses. Detoxing is a deeply personal experience and more about the full mind-body system than an abrupt juice cleanse or fast. Tracy and I discuss the starting point for learning about toxicity, ancient and modern practices, and our top recommendations for daily detoxing. 

Detoxing is a lifestyle, not just a one-off thing. So many of us today are exposed to toxins through the food that we eat, the water that we drink, and the air that we breathe. In fact, we start ingesting them while we are in our mother’s womb. As we grow, we also face another type of toxin: negative thoughts. Besides doing physical detoxes, we need to bring our mindset into it as well. When emotional issues are not resolved, they show up in the body. 

It can feel like a daunting journey, but Tracy and I share ways to approach detox in a relaxed and playful way. The simplest things, like getting out into nature, sleeping when it’s dark, and eating fresh food are the most impactful ways to change your health. Listen in to learn more about detoxification and how you can implement cleansing practices today. 

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Episode Transcription

[00:00:00] Dana Frost: Welcome to Vitally You, a podcast created to introduce you to the tools that will be your roadmap for feeling younger while growing older. I'm your host, Dana Frost, a wellness expert, life coach and energy medicine practitioner. Here's what you can expect: conversations about vitality from the inside out with guests experts in the field of health, culture, and spirituality.

And solo episodes along the way from me, where I do deep dives into the topics of aging, heart intelligence, energy medicine, and your innate capacity to heal. If you want to feel younger while growing older, this is the place for you.

Welcome to this week's episode of the vital you podcast. I'm Dana and I'm your host. And this week I'm. Excited. Well, you know, I'm excited every week. So it seems silly that I say that every week, but I am this week, we are going to talk about a topic that has impacted my life and it's detox. And, you know, detox is a word that's just tossed about.

And we go on juice, detoxes, and intermittent fasting, which I see as a detox, but there's a lot of misunderstanding around this word detox. And in 30 minutes, we're not actually going to be able to. Totally break down the idea, but really the goal of this conversation today in my mind is just to broaden the conversation and to help you see it through a few different lenses.

So we have a guest today, Tracy stone occur. I've known Tracy for many years in the Chicago wellness industry. She is an aerobatic practitioner and a detox specialist. She is a disruptor of the status quo. Working with Tracy is a game changer. She encourages people to see the world from a new perspective.

She challenges them to release old habits and to consider new possibilities to live a fulfilling life. She's really into turning something old into something new her twenty-five plus years of experience and health and wellness is deeply rooted in the ancient wisdom of Arivale data and is functionally grounded in modern science and technology in today's episode, Tracy and I look at detox from a variety of lenses.

Different stages of life. I think that you are going to enjoy our conversation today. Tracy, welcome to the show. I'm so happy to have you as a guest

[00:02:32] Tracy Stonaker: this week. Thanks Dana. So glad to be here. It's about time. We've we've made this magic happen. I know for sure. Yeah.

[00:02:39] Dana Frost: Tracy and I have known one another for at least I feel like it's been

[00:02:43] Tracy Stonaker: 10 years and we just kind of chasing each other around and finally we've nailed it.

That's awesome. Well, Tracy,

[00:02:51] Dana Frost: you talked me through some detox questions that I had, and that's why I'm invited you to the show today, because I really do look to you as a detox specialist. I know that you're an elevated practitioner as well, and you're a long time yoga teacher and you have so many things that you've done and specialties in the wellness area, but I really wanted us to focus our conversation today on detox.

And I thought we might just open up with. When we hear that word, it gets tossed around. And for years where we're, I really guided my clients in general is just that daily 12 hour detox. Like if we can just get that right. I think that's such a solid foundation. What do you, is that something that you follow as well?

Just that daily practice with their circadian rhythm.

[00:03:44] Tracy Stonaker: Of course. Oh yeah. And without that, the rest of it is kind of moot, right? Um, in our, you beta it's called Dina, Charia their daily rituals. Right. So morning, routine evening routine. And what you're doing in between following circadian, rhythm, eating your largest meal at the middle of the day is a big part of our, you Vedic philosophy following the energy of the day, doing the right things.

I mean, for those of you that don't know, are you, Veda is extremely system. Down to what color to wear and you know, and so much depends on your born constitution, where you live, what season it is, what your imbalances are. So detox can look different for every person. This is what I love about our you beta.

And the conversation that we're having is because it's not about a cleanse. It's not about taking juice for 5, 7, 10 days and expecting the body to reregulate itself. That is helpful for some people. And trust me, I'm a recovering raw vegan. So I lived on juices and smoothies and things like that. And over time I learned it was really doing more harm than.

But when we come to the, you know, what does detox even mean? It means something different to everybody for us, and the way that we approach detox, it's more gentle than an abrupt seven day fast or a 10 day fast. Cause that's more going to be focused on the gut and maybe getting into autophagy and cellular turnover, which is so valuable.

But when we're talking about these deep rooted issues, especially if you are somebody that deals with mold toxic, Mycotoxins can live in the brain. They live in the tissues, parasites. Most of us know that, you know, liver flukes, they love the liver, right. But other parasites love other parts of the body and they're really hard to get to.

Um, and then you're looking at heavy metals and the environmental toxins are probably. A big, big, big player right now because we all have them. Babies are born with them. It's a horrible state of affairs of what we have to deal with. And so I think almost to the point where it's mandatory to do a more intense detox over a course of time.

And then daily routine, your Dean of Sharia, your regular rituals, your regular routine, eating the right foods at the right time for your constitution and the right season. I mean, that's layered. And then doing. So it's not a one and done a lot of people were like, oh, I did my detox. It's a lifestyle, right.

We have to adopt the lifestyle and it gets harder and harder every year with regards to the amount of toxins in the environment. But the amount of toxins we're exposed to in our food. And then on top of that, our food is depleted of nutrition. So we have to supplement, I feel like we're at a place in our culture where the soil.

Is depleted of nutrients, therefore, anything growing in that soil is going to be depleted. So therefore the body is not getting what it needs to naturally detox. So we have to support it the best that we can. And, you know, we're so lucky in this day and age. Because of all the toxicity out there, companies are coming along and these genius people and creating things that address those specific toxins, you know, you're, you're talking about specific mycotoxins when it comes to mold, even the different variables of Lyme disease that can come with that, you know, the Bartonella, the Borrelia, the Easy-A.

So there's a laundry list of toxins out there now. Not all of us have it. Doesn't represent the same amount. So that's a whole another conversation when it comes to personalizing a detox for you, somebody that's younger, that probably lives a pretty clean lifestyle. That's not necessarily living in a toxic environment.

Like, you know, I'm in Chicago. I can't say the air quality is that great, but the younger you are the less toxins you've accumulate. But the biggest misnomer is how many toxins are carried from mother to child in the womb. And so then babies are born with this toxic burden and therefore we're seeing these childhood diseases that should be adult diseases, but they're happening younger and younger.

And then you look at add ADHD, pick a D and you know, it's a problem. Yeah.

[00:07:54] Dana Frost: So yeah, this is really interesting because you, I want to bring us, I want to bring us back here because that was such an amazing, like almost overview and reason. I could feel it energetically like, reason why we want to be concerned.

I could feel it just in your voice and in the tempo. We need to look at this because we are exposed to toxins that. You know, humanity in the past, they were exposed to other things, but the load we talk about, what's the load on the system and what's the capacity. What are the resources we have? Well, in the past, The soil actually was more mineralized.

So, but I wanna, I want to actually take us way back to this idea, because I know you have your latest business is for preconception, for couples, preconception and detoxing. And so when you talk about, you said babies are born with toxins, and then when we talk about the. Uptick in childhood diseases and conditions.

What we're finding out in the communities that we live and breathe and work in is that there's, you know, a lot pointing at toxicity. And so let's just go back for all of us. We all started in our mother's womb. And so let's just go back to that and this new venture that you have when we're talking about.

The womb and what we were, what, you know, babies in the womb today are exposed to. Can you just speak into that a little bit? And I mean, this podcast is, it's a shorter podcast and I feel like we could talk on forever. So I really want to hit some highlights of how I want our listeners by the end, to be able to think for themselves, even if it's just one or two.

Ideas that have been sparked that allow them to say, I want to go search a little bit more. So that's kind of what we're aiming for. So I'll be quiet and let you talk into this the wound time and pre

[00:10:08] Tracy Stonaker: wound time pre womb time. And we have to, you know, we all understand how, where babies come from. I hope.

And there's two contributors, right? And are you Veda? You know, they list out what's necessary to make a baby, right? A man. That is non-negotiable until someone creates something in a Petri dish, a man, a woman, good nutrition, proper mindset, which is a whole conversation in and of itself, which I can't even, that's going to be a longer conversation for sure.

And you know, the physical activity and, you know, there's a, there's a long list of things, right. But man, and woman being first and foremost, and so therefore you have two contributors to create a child. The DNA from each person. Is what dictates the genetic expression of that child and, you know, women, we do carry the burden.

You and I both have had children. We understand the burden that it can take on the body, but we also have to understand what we're giving to that child while they're in our body, because they are taking in everything we're taking in being I'm always about the input equals the output, right? So whatever inputs you're taking is going to be represented in the output of your child.

So I look at two parents. Ben have been kind of left out of the equation when it comes to responsibility for fertility. And as we see in the last hundred years, there is a direct correlation with the increase of toxins in our environment and the decrease of sperm count and sperm quality in men. So fertility for men has dropped 50% in the last hundred years as agriculture.

And all this big pharma has, has, has increased. So it's like. Duh, you know, I don't need to be a scientist to read that data. Right. So the whole point. Two people come together. Let's clean slate, right? Let's give this child the best chance possible so that while it's in the womb and in the mother and the mother is nurturing this child in her own being that she feels comfortable doing it because if a child, you know, sometimes moms aren't that comfortable during pregnancy.

And I can speak from my experience. I had horrible traumas happen to me during both of my pregnancies. And I, I see it at my. Yeah, my daughter with her scoliosis and I'm just like, oh, I remember the day that I found out this and you know, and that, that, that how, that, that mental anguish cascaded into the wellbeing of my child.

Right. And I love in our Aveda, they knew this thousands and thousands of years ago. So they have this whole system around. The care of the mother, listen to gentle music, think positive thoughts. The man should be very kind to his wife while she's pregnant. You know, like all of this. This is what I love about our, you, it, they talked about the whole person, but when, when a child is in the womb, that toxins that we're taking in, think about the placenta is a filter of sorts, but think of it more like the liver.

Okay. Not everything gets filtered out. So the baby is going to be taking in. If you're drinking water, that's riddled with, you know, chlorine and glyphosate and, you know, pick a drug that's in our water supply. Your baby's getting it. And that's going to affect its brain development, all the pathways of the entire body.

And as a mother, I think you could agree with me and every mother out there, all we want is the best for our kids possible. My goal is to make that happen before they ever get pregnant and to create an environment that's going to sustain a healthy pregnancy and a thriving baby. Well,

[00:13:49] Dana Frost: I love that. That's just a beautiful mission and what a great, what a great offer my oldest daughter is pregnant and yeah, I can see it made me think back to my own pregnancies.

And I was like, oh my gosh, I'm going to go give my husband a big hug. And I thank you because. He was so supportive and so loving and yeah, I mean, it all, it all contributes every little, you know? Mind

[00:14:17] Tracy Stonaker: emotion. Yeah. And for those of us that didn't have that support and that caring partner, we had to create it, or I had to create it myself.

And I was very fortunate that I was already in the yoga world before I ever had kids. So I already knew about massage. I knew about, you know, foot massage and how that can help sleep. And I knew all these things and I knew to rub oil on my belly. And I knew all of that because I was already in that world.

I was a prenatal yoga teacher for a year. But most women aren't, they don't have this, they haven't done this work in this study when thinking, you know, not everybody needs to, they just need to talk to somebody that has gone to work. And it has experienced the negative effects of especially emotional trauma during pregnancy, because it's not fun.

It's not easy to deal with. It's not easy to talk about. And I can tell you. From my experience, anytime there's a toxic thought, the body doesn't seem to understand the difference between it being a toxic thought or like life to say, right. It's going to create a reaction, a response in the body that isn't always positive.


[00:15:22] Dana Frost: I love you're bringing us back to, you know, so as we move on that really takes us back to being in the womb. And then as we move on, you know, here, let's just say, here we are today. The body today doesn't know the difference between our toxic thoughts and toxins. And so when we talk about detox, we really are talking about the full body, mind body system.

[00:15:52] Tracy Stonaker: Yes. Reframing thoughts. One of the things when I work with couples, especially when it comes to when they're pregnant and I was a hip number, the natural childbirth educator for years. My biggest takeaway from learning that system of childbirth is it basically puts you into self hypnosis, which is an amazing experience.

I can't even tell how magical I was like, oh my gosh, this is the coolest thing ever. Every woman should experience birth this way because it's beautiful. And the first thing we did, the first thing you learn are different. Meaning your water doesn't break. That sounds horrible. And kind of traumatic. We say your water releases, right?

So it's a much gentler. So you now have this in your head versus what you've seen on TV and what you hear in doctor's offices and things like that. It's like your water releases, right? So it's just reframing the mind and we can do that because so much of what we have in our lives and everything we experience is all perception.

Anyway. So if your perception of childbirth is bad or your perception of whatever is. The body's going to respond and go, oh yeah, you're right. I got this. It's going to suck versus this is going to be great.

[00:17:02] Dana Frost: Any listener who is having issues and they're interested in this because they see that it's about detox.

So I know for myself, I have. Parasites that were causing disruption. We all have parasites, but disruptive parasites in my system. And I really had to reframe the way I was thinking about it because I was really disturbed by it. And so. Where would you say the mindset for anyone who's having, you know, who really is having some challenging, some overload, toxic exposure, just besides doing the physical detox, we need to bring our mindset into it as well.

Would you agree with that? Or what would

[00:17:44] Tracy Stonaker: you, how would you speak into that? Andrew percent agree with that? Um, in our, you Veda, all disease begins in the mind. I know Hippocrates says it begins in the gut, but this makes the decisions. So. When we're talking detox it's so multi-layered right. The most tangible is the physical body.

This is why the Asana part of yoga got so popular because it's tangible versus yoga is actually all about the mind, right? And the body is a vehicle to access the mind. The breath is the vehicle to access the mind or calm the mind. And that's a whole nother conversation too. So would we, if we start to think about disease beginning in the mind, why wouldn't we start.

Right. I know a lot of people are afraid to talk about it. I know there's lots of laws and regulations around therapists and whether or not you're certified or licensed or whatever I speak from experience. And I just speak from the, the teachings of our you data and yoga. And there's no way around it.

You cannot address the body without addressing the mind. You just cannot, you can't address someone changing their habits without addressing the mindset around the habits. Like why do you even want to do. And I, you know, I think it's pretty clear why people would want to detox before conception, but I worked with a lot of women before.

I'm like, why do you, why do you want to fix your hormones? Like why? And, you know, they're like, I'm tired all the time and I'm like, Y, what does that mean for you? Like, you know, do the five wide deep and really get to the core of the issue? Like why, why do you want to feel better? Well, yeah, most people it's like, I want to lose weight.

Well, why do you wanna lose weight? You know, there's way more to it than fitting into those cute jeans. You know, it's more about the feeling I think then than physical for most of us. So therefore that that's a mental, emotional component. And when we're talking about detoxing, what do you want? You know, what are the inputs that you're seeing every day, if you're watching the news every day, I'm sorry.

That could be a little toxic, you know, you're seeing the same traumas over and over again. Your body starts to perceive it as a, as a threat. And then therefore you're perceiving life as through fear-based lens versus. I got this, you know, and, and becoming more resilient versus thinking in this scarcity mindset.

And I think that when we can remove the veil of toxicity and sometimes parasites can hijack and make you think bad thoughts. So, you know, that's a whole conversation in and of itself. So for looking at parasites, those are kind of the easy bugs to get rid of, you know, was like the first ones out, the most exciting cause you see it, you take pictures, at least I do.

And if I wou you know, When you start to really dig deep into the mind, it's hard because people have to face things they don't want to, whether it's trauma and we've got so many tools out there. I mean, EMDR is amazing. Tapping is amazing. There are so many amazing tools to help us overcome a lot of the emotional issues that we're all dealing with that are unresolved.

And when they're not resolved, they just reside in the body and they create toxicity in and of themselves. So. I can't tell you how many times teaching yoga and, you know, doing some poses, especially yen poses. Cause you're holding it longer, the crying, the release. And it's like, finally, yeah, we're getting we're once again, accessing this through the body.

So I think it's amazing when we can really flip the switch on understanding the connection that we have. With our body, through our mind and vice versa. Yeah. And I think

[00:21:22] Dana Frost: there's a part of it too, that, because we hear about detox. So much, it's become kind of casual and also a little bit. Fear-based like we started out talking about the exposure that we have to toxins in our modern world that can in and of itself the conversation, this conversation can create fear.

And I really don't want to do that. I actually want people to be, you know, to be encouraged that they have agency and it really does start with a mindset and even. I know when I was in 2020, when I discovered the different exposures I had and I was working through those, I felt constriction. And I actually had to get myself to relax and to approach it with more playfulness.

[00:22:17] Tracy Stonaker: It's interesting. You say that because during this whole quarantine, I had a podcast and it was called detox decks. And it was literally just for fun. And I was interviewing people on their detox journey and my goal was to make it fun, make it funny, make it like, not make it not fearful, but more approachable.

When you, when you talk about parasites, sure. People can freak out, but then like better off than in like, you really want that thing in you, it's taking your nutrients. Um, you know, it's crazy. Yes, it's scary. But they come out dead the way that we approach it, they die first. Then they come out, you know?

Cause I I've had conversations where it's been otherwise for some people back in their traditions. Put a child in a bowl of milk and parasites come out and it's like, you know what? I look at it from the perspective of like any dog owner, you walk into that bed every year with a bag of poop and guess what?

They're testing it. And I'm like, we don't, why don't we think to do that for ourselves? Why don't we think that we're living with these creatures, we're kissing them, making out with them, whatever, sleeping with them, picking up after them that. Maybe I could have that too. If that household member of mine has, you know, so I want to make it more, my goal is to make it fun.

I make it, I try to make everything fun because it doesn't need to be fearful because we have the beautiful thing, you know, going back to what you were saying, it's like, yeah, it could be perceived as fear of all the toxins. But there's fixes for it. All of it. There's a fix for all of it. And that is the coolest thing ever.

Your fix might be different than mine because we're different constitutions and maybe your liver functions different. Maybe your genetic expression is different. You know, it's like, there's so many layers. That's why I think it becomes more fearful. In my opinion that if there's a one size fits all approach to it, that kind of makes me afraid because we all are so different.

And this is what I love about working with people. One-on-one are you beta approach because it's very personalized. It's customized. It is personalized medicine. Well, and I

[00:24:25] Dana Frost: think that that would, okay. There are a few things that I want to make sure we touch on and, but I've got to follow my curiosity because when you said that they put the baby in a bowl of milk, Can you, I'm just imagining if I'm curious about this, we've

[00:24:41] Tracy Stonaker: got listeners who stopped dead at that point, it

[00:24:45] Dana Frost: was like, what is she talking about?

So tell us, I want to hear more about

[00:24:48] Tracy Stonaker: that. Okay. In south America, that was a tradition that when, um, children had upset stomach and it's so interesting, I was just talking to. A friend of mine from south America last week. And she was telling me, oh yeah, she's like, yeah. Granny's recipe was that if the child presented with what they thought could have been parasites, granted, they were much wiser that they just assumed.

Yes. They would put, sit the child in a bowl of milk with no underwear on just sit them in the milk. And the parasites were drawn to the milk and they just come out. But they're alive. Yeah, that that freaked me out. I was like, wait, what? We don't do it that way. We do it much, much more modern approach. Yeah.

Something about the milk, draws them out to my,

[00:25:37] Dana Frost: that that is like jaw dropping to me. I've never heard that. That's so interesting.

[00:25:43] Tracy Stonaker: But think about it. They would do. And they would do regular parasite cleanses in other cultures because they knew. You know, when it comes back to, are you Veda the idea of the digestive fire, which is called Anthony, one of the meanings of it.

And if that, if your fire, your ability to kill off pathogens as they come in, if that's in any way compromise, that's when the parasites take hold, and then other toxins come in because they're like, oh, it's a pathogen party. Let's have fun here. You know, this con this system is compromised, you know, and all it takes is one major stress.

You know, pick something, job, divorce, moving, whatever to, for it, to just start to really run rampant through the body. And that's when people are like all of a sudden, I don't, I'm having these issues and I'm like, they've been knocking on the door quite awhile. It's just, we aren't aware of the signals.

We're not reading the body the way that we. Back in the day. I

[00:26:47] Dana Frost: think that that's an important, um, red flag for people to understand is the role stress plays when the body is ability to the, when the immune system's ability to fight. Uh, pathogen is compromised because of stress that's when there's, you know, the crack in the door is opened.

So I really liked that. You mentioned that. I think that's an important thing for people, again, mindset and just framework to be thinking about if they're having symptoms. And was there a stressful situation? I can think of three people recently who got sick and. All of them. When we talked about leading up to actually getting sick, they could identify something stressful that had happened.

The other thing I really want to point out Tracy, that you mentioned when we talked and I don't know, I know very little about area Vedics. I know enough to be super, super dangerous, but when we talk about the fire in the belly, and I know from my functional lens, We want our stomach to be highly acidic because the body is designed.

To fight off any pathogen that comes its way. And it's really when it isn't acidic enough that these things can slip through. So I wanted just to mention that for our listeners to be aware of, because there's this myth that I need an antiacid and. And we know it wreaks havoc for me, a number of years ago, taking antacids.

That really is a myth in our, through the conventional lens that has people confused.

[00:28:33] Tracy Stonaker: It's interesting. Just to piggyback on that for a second. Usually when people have like heartburn or. They feel like they need those antacids it's because there's not enough stomach acid. And on top of that in our, you beta the energy flows in multitudes of ways.

And every one of them is labeled, but it just means that the energy is going in the wrong direction. It's going up versus down. And yes, it can be contributed to so many factors, your dosha, your, your born constitution. I try not to use Vedic terms, but I was around a bunch of aryuveda people last week. And, um, just understanding that sometimes it's just not enough.

And just like you said, we don't want, we want the stomach to be extremely acidic. That's its job it fire, right? I mean, there are ways to create more fire in the stomach. We don't necessarily want the rest of the body to be on fire and acidic and inflamed, but the first line of defense. Is that stomach acid that we have, and if it can't neutralize something or help to digest and break down things downstream, there's more problems.

You know, then you're looking at an inflamed gut. You're looking at a multitude of Crohn's disease, IBS pick an autoimmune disease, right? It does start with making right food choices. Nutrition is extremely important, but also understanding. Sometimes the conventional way of thinking has steered us in the maybe not best direction.

And that I look to more every day I get impressed with how modern science is proving. Are you Vader right over and over and over yoga are you made all these ancient wisdoms, even traditional Chinese medicine. And for those of you that don't even really understand. Aryuveda it's the traditional medicine science from India.

So they were talking about surgeries and numbing and you name it. I mean the texts, I mean, I'm looking at my library. It's insane. Like there's volumes and volumes of information and it's very clearly laid out. So when people are like, I wish that I was born with a handbook or wish I had, my kid was born with I'm like, they are it's right here.

You know, are you going to lay it out for you? You know, it's when there's something wrong, there's a fix mother nature is the first line of defense. It's not a drug. And if we could get back to that and understanding how the most impactful way to change your health is probably some of the simplest things that you could ever imagine.

Get out in nature, sleep when it's dark eat, when it's light and taken fresh, clean water and food.

[00:31:12] Dana Frost: Well, I love that you say that those are best practices. And what I want us to end with is if you could say, we talked about the, the ritual daily ritual and how important it is. If you could name a few, like two or three best practices, when it comes to detox, I know this is really hard, but what would some of the best practices or ways to frame this idea of detox?

What would those.

[00:31:39] Tracy Stonaker: So I would say the most accessible ones that are super easy. Tongue scraping, a huge one. I can't, I could not imagine my life without tongue scraping. It starts to deepen scrape every morning. Yeah, all it takes 30 seconds. It's so fast. Like there's no excuse. Um, top three, I mean, lymphatic drainage.

So moving the body and doing some kind of movement and you can use dry brushing to do that. gloves to do that. Uh, Bianca, which is basically an oil massage, um, which oil is king and are you beta? They use oil for everything and just doing a quick oil massage before. Pooping. Can I say that? Cause it's one of the most important things you can see it.

[00:32:20] Dana Frost: No, it is. It is. So actually I'm really glad that you bring that up because. If

[00:32:25] Tracy Stonaker: you are not pooping, you're not, you,

[00:32:28] Dana Frost: you are not detoxing. And any of us who have been involved with the daily ritual of detox and helping the body detox every day, we know that two to three times a day and making sure you have that full elimination, if you aren't doing that, that's just where you see.

[00:32:50] Tracy Stonaker: You start right where you start. And I can, I can tell you from a recovering constipated person of 35 years, that I was dismissed by traditional medicine. Um, that's your normal is to go once a week. Meanwhile, I've got massive acne cysts growing on my face. I was miserable, um, bloated. It was not fun. And as a yoga teacher, Being constipated is pretty miserable, you know, forward fold, come on, then you start to become reliant on stimulation.

Right. Which aggravates the situation. So I have spent, it's been 10 years that I've been pretty regular and you know, if I was going, you know, just like you said, two to three times a day, it's pretty great. The fact that I go once a day is the biggest win on the planet for me. So because of where I came from.

So understanding where you are. Too, if you go once a day, if you're going from seven, every once, every seven days. So once every day that is like, you're, it changes your life completely. And then you know that you are actually. Eliminating toxins that have accumulated the excess estrogen for women that deal with estrogen dominance and, and just the PR all of it.

You just start to, and then you feel on top of it, you just feel better. You're not as moody and grumpy and yeah, probably a little more pleasant to be around.

[00:34:17] Dana Frost: Well, I love, those are things that we can all reach to. Those are completely doable. And the other one that I just kind of popped into my mind.

Encourage people to do quite often as well. When we are talking about the liver is castor oil packs. You know, it's just a great way to filter the liver and support the liver and help it do its job. And, you know, you can YouTube casserole packs and you'll get a nice video in terms of how to do that. So those are all really great suggestions, clean water.

I think I would add making sure you're really well hydrated to support elimination. So Tracy, I, you know, we're at that time of, you know, the, our podcast is about 30 minutes, but what I wanted you to share with the, with our listeners is you have besides so ham wellness, which is geared towards preconception, detoxing, preconception, you also have a new venture.

And so could you tell our

[00:35:15] Tracy Stonaker: listeners about that? So like yourself, I have a podcast launching hopefully this week. So, um, we have, I have brought in some really. Interesting conversations, nothing is off the table. Everything is bring it right. Um, it's called gracefully disruptive. So it kind of says it all right there.

And we are, we are diving deep into these conversations going, you know, I've interviewed Dr. Lindley and our entire conversation was about glyphosate and the dangers of glyphosate. And if you don't know glyphosate, it is the main ingredient in. And it is widely, widely used, which is created by Monsanto.

When now they create seeds for growing that are resistant to all this stuff. So it's like they're monopolizing the industry, which is pretty scary. Um, if you think about our future generations and our wellbeing, we talk about Mayan, abdominal massage. I bring them lose. And she's talking about that, which most people don't know of.

And my goal is to bring to the surface, these tools to help people detox. In a way that works for them. Right. So, and, and to really bring to the table, the information that most people. I don't have access to, and it's really hard to find some of these studies and, you know, they've been, they've been hidden for her while,

[00:36:39] Dana Frost: so that was great.

So bringing to light some things, some conversations that we want to have.

[00:36:44] Tracy Stonaker: Yeah. Medical, my daughter. Yeah, that's great. Yeah.

[00:36:48] Dana Frost: So it's gracefully, disruptive. We will put a link in the show notes for everyone to make sure they can find you there. And

[00:36:56] Tracy Stonaker: thank you so much,

[00:36:56] Dana Frost: Tracy. It's been wonderful to have this conversation with you, and I know we could keep talking forever.

We could keep talking forever, but this has been a great conversation.

[00:37:05] Tracy Stonaker: Thank you so much. Thank you for having me.

[00:37:09] Dana Frost: Thank you for joining us on the Vida Leah podcast. We have two special guests for you today. You can download my free ebook checklist for daily vitality. You'll find the link in the show notes, and Tracy has a gift for you today.

It's a quiz. Find out your toxic load burden score link is also in the show notes. If you're enjoying these conversations, please hit subscribe and download. Spread the love with the review and share it with your friends. I do select one reviewer each month to win a sleeve of Ian patches. LifeWay's Ian anti-inflammatory patch moves the nervous system from fight and fight to rest and heal.

Experience the power of the patch on your journey of feeling younger. While growing older, to be entered to win, leave a review, screenshot your review and send it to or pop it in a direct message on Instagram at Dana frost Vita. And tell next time I am always streaming love from my heart to yours. .