Vitally You, Feeling Younger While Growing Older

17. Anger and Longevity with Dana Frost

Episode Summary

If anger is allowed a stronghold or becomes chronic, it fast tracks the ageing process. I believe this happened to me prior to my health crisis in 2011. And when it hit me, it took me by surprise. Join me in today’s episode as we discuss the different physiological and spiritual manifestations of anger, various tools and techniques for combatting negative feelings, and I share some of my personal experiences combatting this tumultuous emotion.

Episode Notes

Sometimes we need to get physical with our anger, and I don't mean harmfully. It needs to be released physically. So, ask yourself: where is this negative emotion being stored in my body? What is the story behind it? Is there authentic forgiveness in order for it to be expressed and released?

If anger is allowed a stronghold or becomes chronic, it fast tracks the ageing process. I believe this happened to me prior to my health crisis in 2011. And when it hit me, it took me by surprise. Join me in today’s episode as we discuss the different physiological and spiritual manifestations of anger, various tools and techniques for combatting negative feelings, and I share some of my personal experiences combatting this tumultuous emotion.

Physiologically, the body responds to anger by increasing your heart rate and initiating a cascade of stress hormones that releases toxins into your system, disrupts your digestion, prevents the production of healthy hormones, and impedes your metabolism. Regardless of how anger manifests in your body’s system, it can affect anyone at any time — even after being dormant for extended durations. Curious to learn more? Listen in to today’s episode to find out how you can pinpoint these feelings of anger to then acknowledge and release these negative emotions in order to live a longer, healthier life.

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Episode Transcription

[00:00:00] Dana Frost: Welcome to Vitally You, a podcast created to introduce you to the tools that will be your roadmap for feeling younger while growing older. I'm your host, Dana Frost, a wellness expert, life coach, and energy medicine practitioner. Here's what you can expect: conversations about vitality from the inside out with guests experts in the field of health, culture, and spirituality. And solo episodes along the way from me, where I do deep dives into the topics of aging, heart intelligence, energy medicine, and your innate capacity to heal. If you want to feel younger while growing older, this is the place for you.

[00:00:52] Happy second week of 2022. Everybody. Welcome to this year's second podcast episode. I'm coming to you solo this week to talk about an emotion that is misunderstood misjudged and has a profound impact on longevity. It's. I'm no stranger to anger are you? I want to highlight the way we engage with anger and how we can embrace it without compromising our health.

[00:01:21] If anger is allowed a stronghold or becomes chronic it fast tracks the aging process. I believe this happened to me prior to my health crisis in 2011. I honestly had no idea. I had deeply buried anger. I really didn't. It took a very sneaky entrance into my life. And when it hit me, it took me by surprise.

[00:01:46] I had suppressed anger from earlier traumas and spiritualized my feelings under the guise of forgiveness and a belief that good girls don't get angry. They forget. I want to set the record straight and say that anger and forgiveness are not mutually exclusive. Anger is a natural human emotion.

[00:02:07] Otherwise it wouldn't exist in the human experience. However, if it is given full reign, anger has the power to take dominion over our thoughts, our desires, and our dreams. Anger is potent as it should be. Physiologically anger increases the heart rate and it initiates a cascade of stress hormones that down-regulate immunity these chemicals in the system, disrupt digestion, healthy hormone, production, and metabolism.

[00:02:39] You know, that's the body's innate design of self-preservation and protection, but it's meant to be short lived, but isn't it just beautiful how intricately we are designed for self-protection. If anger is unresolved and not metabolized, regardless of where it hides in the system, anger can lie dormant for long periods of time, which I think was my situation.

[00:03:05] It sat there under the wraps until an appropriate trigger came around and it did because they always do. Let me back up to move forward as a child, I was afraid of my parents' anger. I'm sure you can relate. In hindsight, they met no harm and they were never abusive. They were truly just normal people.

[00:03:26] Having a normal life, working and raising a family. They made a lot of things, fun, like camping holidays, boating, Sunday dinners. But I know they felt adult human pressures, just like I do. They bought a bar in their twenties. They were very young and began life as entrepreneurial. Now as an adult, I've learned that I'm a sensitive person and I can easily feel other people's emotions and energies.

[00:03:52] Maybe you can relate with being an empath. And I kind of assume most kids can feel their parents' emotions without ever having a verbalization or explanation because we know emotions are energies and they're transmitted regardless of verbal acknowledgement, but children are too young to process the complex realities of.

[00:04:15] For children, life is very black and white to a child. Something is right or wrong. You know, I had no framework for understanding my dad's anger as most children don't I was simply afraid of it. And I didn't know these following truths that I learned as an adult, working through my own emotional experience.

[00:04:38] I can feel anger and still love you. My anger is not directed at you. I'm angry, not because of you, but because of something else, I'm angry at myself for my own behavior. And I'm just expressing it to you. I'm not even aware of my anger, an unconscious anger and the angry person does need, even though that they're expressing it now as children, our system is very busy in training.

[00:05:07] Neuropathways on a moment by moment basis. This becomes patterns. And this is how we instill our beliefs that we hold on to for decades until we do our work, if we do our work, but we have these patterns and beliefs that they were in trained when we were children, the body, which includes the nervous system is recording all the micro happenings and reading them as constriction or flow or what I call fear or.

[00:05:38] The root behind every energy that we experienced, the root is either fear or love, fear, and love are the emotional bookends for the spectrum of feelings. That's my perspective in my case, because I was afraid of anger. I created a belief that anger was wrong or bad. So I ask you, what's your early history with anger and how have you experienced anger as an addict?

[00:06:04] If we believe any emotion is wrong or bad, we will resist feeling it. Now let me explain the ways I've discovered we avoid anger. Number one, we discount it. I'm not angry, but others can clearly see that we are, but we just say we're not angry. Number two, we hide it. We bury it so deeply that we are completely unaware of it.

[00:06:28] Number three, we disguise it. We disguise it through false happiness. False piety, which means we cloak our emotions and religious platitudes. Number four, we tamper it. I'm not allowed to feel my anger. So I have to transmute it into any emotion. I believe I'm allowed to express. We replace anger with emotions whose energy current is less strong, like frustration, irritation, or disappointment.

[00:06:57] Many times sadness can also be underneath. The ancient part of our brain referred to as the reptilian part of the brain includes the amygdala, hypothalamus and hippocampus. This ancient part of the brain acts out of self-defense to protect us by shutting down memories from past traumas. And it does this by hiding.

[00:07:21] Or it lights it up like a fuse causing it to burn, destroying anything in its pathway. So we've got two ways it's hidden very deep or it's explosive. And I'm sure you've experienced this for yourself personally or through other people. Now the mind might be able to play a game with our anger out of self protection by hiding it or setting it on fire, but the body keeps the score.

[00:07:49] And eventually anger will get our attention through our body and ask to be seen. This is always an invitation. So what are we to do with our anger? If you've heard me talk before, you've probably heard me say, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. So number one, just be open to the presence of anger.

[00:08:15] It can be as simple as saying. If there's anger, I'm open to it. I acknowledged that I might have buried anger, or if you feel explosive, call it what it is. I feel name it. I feel angry. So then we move into being open to the presence of anger and acknowledging it, call it what it is. Number three, feel it dialogue with it.

[00:08:40] Where is it felt in the body? What's the story behind it? How does it need your. Conscious assistance to be released. Is there authentic forgiveness to be expressed and let's agree? No shame or guilt, but only forgiveness of self and others. Oftentimes I find forgiveness is necessary. We don't have access to the other party and that's okay.

[00:09:07] We can always work with a counselor or an intimate friend. But sometimes we need to get physical with the anger and I don't mean harmfully, so, but it does need to be released physically. So be curious, as I said earlier, where is it in the body? It needs to a physical outlet. It expresses itself somewhere for me.

[00:09:29] I can tell you, I literally felt in anger episodes. Also Rachel episodes. I felt like my heart was on fire. It literally physically felt like it was on fire. Well, guess what, how it spoke to me, the electrical conduction of my heart burned out. So we want to know where are we feeling it physically and the way that we feel it physically it's as varied as there are people because we are all human.

[00:10:00] But what I can tell you, there are ways to release it. There are people who work on the body, body healers, and they're trained in trauma release. Another method that I was exposed to a number of years ago in a coaching workshop is shaking and listen up people. This is what animals do. It's a real. Thing that helps release trauma, putting your body in a place where it can shake and you really want to hake shake at the hips.

[00:10:28] And I wish I could remember the workshop and the technique I can't. I'm going to try to find it and put it in the show notes, but it's what the animals do. And it comes from nature and it really helps release trauma. So number four, we want to be ready to release it when the anchor is ready to be released.

[00:10:46] And this is our conscious partnership with our bodies. And I believe that you will know, because I knew, and I'm no different than you. I promise you will know, and you will be invited to let it go to release it. But what I want to give you a warning is don't be surprised if it resurfaces later. After you think you've already released it.

[00:11:08] This is this retrograde situation that I'm in the middle of right now. It's not really well, anger is a little piece of it, but we are like onions. We have so many layers to our humanity and we really want to be able to embrace it if it comes back and just, it is what it is, embrace it. When things come back around the very cool thing after you've worked through your angry.

[00:11:33] You will recognize it when it comes back as a normal emotion, because you're no longer trying to hide discount, disguise or tamper it. So you're actually free to feel it when you're exposed to a situation that brings up anger after you've done your work, you, you're not afraid of it. And you just, you feel it.

[00:11:56] And actually the amount of time it takes to release it, it's just, it can be done. Enlightening speed time. And so I invite you, this is the journey with anger, embrace anger as one of the multitude of emotions, we are privileged to experienced as humans. And I want to thank you for taking this deep dive into the fiery flames of anger with me.

[00:12:23] The light in me sees the light in you. You know what feeling younger while growing older is meaning to me these days. Being honest about my feelings and I invite you I along the same journey. So, and tell next week I am streaming love from my heart to yours.

[00:12:46] Thank you for joining me on the vital you podcast. If you like it, please spread the love with a review and share it with your friends as a thank you for the first three months of my podcast, one reviewer each month will be selected to win a sleeve of Lifeway X 39 stem cell activation. Lifeways X 39 patch is the only product on the market that resets the body's own stem cells.

[00:13:13] So they behave like younger, healthier cells without injections, chemicals, or pharmaceuticals, experience the power of the patch on your journey of feeling younger. While growing older, to be entered, to win, leave a review, screenshot your review and send it to Or pop it into a direct message on Instagram at Dana frost, vitally free.

[00:13:37] Don't miss a Vitally You episode drop sign up for my newsletter on my website or Instagram link tree and tell next time streaming love from my heart to yours.