Vitally You, Feeling Younger While Growing Older

10. Feeling Younger Growing Older with Myriam Lluria Sitterson

Episode Summary

On this episode of Vitally You®, I chat with holistic health coach Myriam Lluria Sitterson about how she manages to feel stronger and healthier at 62 than she did at 16. We talk about how her childhood of processed foods and chronic illness left her feeling lethargic and desperate for change in her late teens. She details her journey of living a non-toxic lifestyle and following an anti-inflammatory diet, and also gives tips on how listeners can make small, but impactful changes, too. Tune in to hear more about Myriam’s inspiring story and how you can take control of your health and longevity at any age.

Episode Notes

Myriam Lluria Sitterson shares her story, starting with her early years as an immigrant from Havana, Cuba. As a child, she experienced violent reactions to vaccinations, chronic upper respiratory infections, and severe digestive issues. Like many Americans, her diet consisted of cheap, shelf-stable basics like Velveeta and Spam. She was in and out of hospitals and prescribed antibiotics for about three years, which wiped out many of the beneficial bacteria in her microbiome.

Her teenage years weren’t any easier. Menstrual issues, acne, fatigue, and migraines held her back from enjoying life like the rest of her peers. At age 19, she discovered a natural health food store and started her healing journey with a week-long water fast at a wellness retreat. For the first time in her life, she felt free from the toxins trapped in her body. 

Shortly after, she sought out the advice of one of the top gastroenterologists in Miami. When the doctor dismissed her by telling her that she was too young to be experiencing the issues she was going through, she knew she had to find another solution. 

When she started having kids, she finally connected with a pediatrician who affirmed her ideas about the connection between health and nutrition. She cut out wheat, dairy, and sugar for herself and her family, and has only continued to feel better as she ages. 

In this episode, Myriam and I discuss tips for how to create a non-toxic household and lifestyle. She shares her strategies for how she supports herself in terms of the level of toxic exposure in her environment, and how her entire life is structured to support her health. Listen in to hear more about how Myriam is feeling younger while growing older! 


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Episode Transcription

[00:00:00] Dana Frost: Welcome to Vitally You®, a podcast created to introduce you to the tools that will be your roadmap for feeling younger while growing older. I'm your host, Dana Frost, a wellness expert, life coach, and energy medicine practitioner. Here's what you can expect: conversations about vitality from the inside out with guests experts in the field of health, culture, and spirituality. And solo episodes along the way from me, where I do deep dives into the topics of aging, heart intelligence, energy medicine, and your innate capacity to heal. If you want to feel younger while growing older, this is the place for you.

Welcome to the Vitally You® podcast, feeling younger, growing up. I'm Dana and I'm your host. And I am so delighted today to have my nutrition colleague and friend Lluria Sitterson as my guest today. Myriam is a functional nutrition practitioner, a certified holistic health coach, and herbal medicine and integrative oncology student.

Myriam believes that given the right conditions, the body is able to heal itself and experience balance and vibrant wellness. Myriam consistently takes cutting-edge courses and trainings. She's listened to hundreds of hours on health summits regarding digestion, depression, women's hormones, thyroid health, brain health, detoxification, functional medicine, the microbiome, arthritis, and cancer to stay up to date on the latest in nutrition and science, so that she can better serve her clients.

And I have to say, Myriam is a real role model for me in terms of how to feel younger growing older. Myriam is a vibrant woman in her sixties and she just exudes radiance and joy. And I'm just so excited for her to tell her story. She has such an interesting life story. Her family immigrated from Cuba as a young person.

She took the reins of her own health as a young person and healed herself of depleted system from childhood through her young adult years. And so Myriam, welcome to the Vitally You® podcast. I'm so excited for you to share your story with our listeners today.

[00:02:34] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: Hi Dana. I'm so honored to be here with you. I love and appreciate your work, and I respect what you do so much. You have so much knowledge and so much experience and so much to share with your list.

[00:02:47] Dana Frost: Well, thank you, Myriam. It's just such a pleasure to bring people who really I see are on the cutting edge of this idea of changing the narrative around longevity. And we know that that starts, we have to back it up to the previous years of how...

what are the signs and symptoms? How are we feeling? And previous decades, and began to really work on the root cause issues of why our system might be depleted and Myriam, you did that from a very young age. I would love our listeners to know a little bit about your immigrant story. I think it's really fascinating. Would you be willing to share, just give us some context of your story.

[00:03:28] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: Yes, of course my mother widowed with me in Havana, Cuba. I was the youngest child of four. She had four children in five years, so that's probably where my health journey really began because my mother, by the time she had me was quite depleted and we came when I was two years old.

We were given government assistance in the form of a blessing because they gave us food. But honestly it was very processed food. When I was very young consisted of spam, Velveeta cheese, Carroll, corn syrup, peanut butter, how did milk and powdered eggs? That's what I can remember. And my grandmother would do marvelous things with those staples.

My grandmother, who had never cooked a day in her life because she had a cook in Cuba. But so that was the beginning. I also remember going to public health centers. Because we didn't have money to pay for doctors. So we went to public health centers to get vaccinated. And my mother says of the four of us, I had very, very violent reactions to vaccinations.

I had high fevers of unknown origin, which put me in the hospital. I remember Miami children's hospital like monthly. I had chronic upper respiratory infections. I had severe digestive issues, GI issues I barely ate. So they had me drinking cow's milk from a bottle until I was seven years. And I had warts.

I had so many health issues and the way they took care of it was with pharmaceuticals, antibiotics. And so what we know from our training is that, you know, long courses of antibiotics can completely wipe out many of the beneficial bacteria in your microbiome. My mother says I was on antibiotics for three years as a child.

And I'm going to guess she's no longer alive. So I can't ask her. And nobody else remembers that it was probably from about age three to age six, which then they took my tonsils out because they were so inflamed that they, they no longer worked. And, and as we know, the tonsils are part of the immune system.

And when they're infected, it means that the immune system is like clogged up. It's it's, it's got toxic levels. So I felt toxic before I even knew what toxicity was. And this continued a great deal of our food was processed foods. And when I was older, I ate out a lot with my friends, and we ate Burger King and McDonald's and pizza, and...

[00:05:47] Dana Frost: Like a good American teenager. I do. I want to just go back and, and highlight those foods that you had given when you immigrated. Those were really, you know, amazing American shelf stable essentials. I definitely grew up on Velveeta cheese, not powdered milk, but Velveeta cheese. Mixing with that Rotel dip. I don't know if you ever had that, but classic Americans would buy a can of Rotel tomatoes with spicy chilies and you Velveeta melts nicely and you melt it all together. And then you dip your Dorito into it. This was seventies, eighties, and you have this amazing appetizer.

[00:06:29] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: Okay. So this was the sixities. I came in 61 and my grandmother would make us dessert with shredded Velveeta cheese with Carroll corn syrup on top of it, I can still remember that to this day. Because she was trying to do the best you could with what we had. And then we had double ham, a lot of tuna fish high in mercury, and a lot of other processed foods. And of course the teenage years, I never, I never felt...

[00:06:53] Dana Frost: I don't know about, I mean, I have always loved tuna salad. I wonder if tuna back then was high in mercury.

[00:07:01] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: Well, I also had mercury fillings put in, so that contributed to, I just never felt well. I never felt well. In high school, I remember watching my friends play sports, have all this energy to do so much. And I felt like I was slowly losing all, basically losing my life force. This, this already I started to feel. It probably got worse when I hit puberty, because I remember I didn't feel great. I didn't have the kind of energy or digestion or vitality that my other friends had, but I was okay. I could, I could handle it until I hit puberty. And then it's like, all hell broke loose, you know, between I'm sure all my hormones were off balance from the antibiotics.

[00:07:43] Dana Frost: What were some of your signs and symptoms?

[00:07:45] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: So as a teenager, I had horrific menstrual issues. I would have to lose a day or two of school when my cycle started. Not always, but sometimes I remember having a heating pad on and taking, I don't think it was Tylenol back then. It was something probably Motrin or one of these was Motrin. The one for menstrual cramps. I can't remember

[00:08:06] Dana Frost: Ibuprofen advil.

[00:08:09] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: No. It was something specific that they would for menstrual cramps. It basically ran my life, and then I started to get acne, which later turned into cystic acne. I was fatigued. They checked me for anemia, which I had anemia all the time. They checked me for mano. They checked me for, uh, they said, everything's fine. And I felt like death. So I knew there was something very wrong with whatever the conventional medical system was trying to diagnose. It definitely did not line up with how I was feeling.

[00:08:40] Dana Frost: Yeah, that's really interesting, Myriam, because this is what we find with, with many of our clients who have these chronic issues. They just don't feel right. And the doctors can't put a diagnosis on it, but clearly the individual feels like, well, there's something that's not right.

It's how I felt after my pacemaker was implanted, I was told, oh, you're going to feel like your old self again, only I didn't. I was still incredibly fatigued, really the way I experienced my body was no different than prior to the pacemaker being implanted. So Myriam, you took yourself on a journey. Tell us about the time that you discovered the local health food store

[00:09:23] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: In my teens, my best friend and childhood, and I used to go to Coconut Grove. Um, go rollerblading in the park. And there was, there was a few natural health food stores there. When I was growing up, it was, things were very natural. I remember reading magazines and they were saying, make oatmeal masks for your skin.

Honey, use all these food things from your kitchen. We would put all the condos in our hair. We would put mayonnaise in our hair. We would do all kinds, everything was natural. And so I was very drawn to the natural, but that was also what the magazines of the day. We're advertising it. Wasn't all this toxic chemical field product that we see now in the market, even though we're going back to the natural, but I'm talking about the seventies and things were very natural.

So I was very drawn to a mom and pop health food store in Coconut Grove. And I started to read things about health. I knew that my digestion was off. I didn't really understand the human body, but I knew that my menstrual cycles were awful. My digestion was terrible. My skin was terrible. I didn't, oh, I had migraines as well.

That's another thing that came on with my puberty. I had terrible migraines, debilitating migraines, and I started to read little, their little pamphlets. They were basically probably no more than 20 pages, long, little paperback pamphlets that they had an internal. And I started to read about Candide. I started to read about chronic fatigue and I said, wow, I have all these things.

And so in one of their publications, in a publication, and it was a little newspaper publication for Florida, I found something that said Russell House in key west. I don't remember what it said. To be honest, probably change your life, you know, change your health, change your life, something like that. This is seven day long fast.

And so I signed up for that and a water fast, my best friend and my eldest sister drove me down to key west and dropped me off.

[00:11:10] Dana Frost: How old were you Myriam?

[00:11:12] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: I was 19. I felt so toxic. So sick. I honestly felt on the brink of death several times. And now I understand my mitochondria couldn't work. My mitochondria couldn't work. My entire body was toxic. I was also about 10 pounds overweight. I did not go to the bathroom except for like once a week. Unless I took laxatives. So I was very, very clogged up and toxic. And so I was willing to do anything at that stage.

[00:11:38] Dana Frost: That's so interesting because 19 to take yourself to a seven day water fast is quite remarkable. You know that I did the seven day water fast in February as a 54 year old. And it was quite challenging, was remarkable. The outcome was remarkable. So that's really fascinating. I find that when we, when the pain point is so severe, we will do whatever it takes. And so at the age of 19, you took yourself to the seven day water fast and tell us what the outcome is.

[00:12:18] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: I felt mental clarity for the first time in a long time, I, my headaches went away. My skin started to clear up. I lost 10 pounds of, I will say fecal waste matter. I started to learn how to chew my food, how to eat more mindfully because in between. It was a supervise fast. And so you were given a daily schedule of what you had to do.

And we had to give ourselves dry brush massage every morning. We had to give ourselves an enema every morning. I can't remember if they required it three times a day, but I did it three times. Because I felt so toxic and they suggested that we do saunas. They had sauna there dry sauna. They had a massage therapist there.

So I had my first massage at age 19, and I never looked back and I met people from all over the United States. I connected with a woman from Texas and she was on a health journey also. So everybody there was on a health journey because they felt very sick and they were not getting the answers they needed from conventional medicine and they gave us health lectures every day. I honestly can not remember exactly what I learned, but I learned a lot. We had a few hours of a health lecture every day, teaching us about natural health and wellbeing, basically.

[00:13:29] Dana Frost: Yeah, it sounds, it really was your fork in the road, right? That it is your before and after story. So you had really your entire upbringing, you felt depleted and, you know, lacking the radiance of youth. Right. And then you go to this seven day water fast. And what happened afterwards, Myriam?

[00:13:51] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: It was not a linear journey, as we know, cause that's normally not what happens. So I was all gung-ho but here I was with my best friend who ate terribly as she listens to this she's going to laugh, but I would drag her into the places to drink wheat grass and eat sprouted foods, and she was dragging me to the Cuban restaurants to eat steak sandwiches with French fries. We had very different health habits.

And so she was my best friend, and I could take her more than half the time I could get her to eat healthy, but you know, I fell back on my old habits and then of course my skin got worse. I actually came down with cystic acne, terrible cystic acne. I experienced depression. I ended up taking Accutane, which now we know causes damage to the liver. Accutane and antibiotics in my early twenties for several years.

I think the Accutane must have been for a year or two and, and the, uh, antibiotics again. And so that threw me into another health crisis to a degree. And I started learning about colonics and I, and I did colonics, but I didn't fully understand everything about the human body then. So I continued to learn more as I went.

And actually when things really came to light was when I had my children. My children's pediatrician, the third one. Or maybe the fourth one, I left three different offices to go to him. And he said to me, you want your children to be healthy. Don't medicate them. Don't give them antibiotics, cut out the wheat, the dairy and the sugar.

This was 30 years ago. Wow. He was so ahead of his time. And so I not only started to do that for the children. I did it. I started to do it for myself. It was really an affirmation of how important nutrition was and not to have processed foods and not to have dairy, sugar. And I never gave my children dairy.

I hadn't ever planned on giving them dairy because I remember I was so sick and in great part, it was because of dairy because I was, instead of eating, I was having milk in a bottle with probably sugar or condensed milk and other things to fatten me up because I was, I was very thin cause I was sickly.

So that was another affirmation and little by little, I started to, um, reduce gluten as much as possible. And to pay more attention. I did not take medications. I didn't, I never really drank alcohol. It didn't make me feel well. So I, I wasn't touched with my body and the older I got, the more I was in touch. And especially since I was raising children, I couldn't drink alcohol because, you know, I had so much responsibility to get up with children.

[00:16:23] Dana Frost: The reason that I am really delighted to have you here, Myriam, is because you really are an original granola woman if you will. Just going back and the path that you, you were just naturally led to take. I think that for our listeners to understand when you get these little inklings, that something isn't quite right, you are right. When you feel something in your body and it's just doesn't feel right, you need to follow that curiosity and be mindful to not accept what your doctor tells you and, you know, allow your curiosity to, to chase different ways of healing and different possibilities.

Because we look at you today and Myriam, I mean, today you are vibrant. How are you feeling today? And what would you say, I love the fact that being a mom really allowed you to kind of hone in on the lifestyle. Right. That's kind of what I'm hearing is that it gave you that routine and that purpose, raising your children to really hone in on, okay, how do I want to nourish them? How do I want to nourish myself? And, and then you made decisions accordingly.

[00:17:42] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: I want to add a little story also. So when I was in my twenties, I went to see a gastroenterologist who was the top gastroenterologists in Miami, early twenties. And I said, I have all these stomach issues. And he said, well, how old are you? I think it was about 22. And he said, you're too young to have stomach issues. And I looked at him in a state of disbelief and his questions to me were, do you like your job? Do you have a boyfriend? What are the fun things that you like to do?

And those are important questions to ask holistically. But to say that I was too young to have stomach issues when babies have colic and little children have food sensitivities and allergies, and I couldn't believe it. And I think that's where I said, okay, they have no idea what they're doing. And this was the top gastroenterology office. So I walked away from there saying, okay, they don't have a clue.

They don't have a clue. And I need to take this into my own hands. And now I feel better than I have ever felt. I'm 62 years of 62 and a half. I don't have arthritis. I don't take any medications.

[00:18:49] Dana Frost: Your skin is amazing.

[00:18:50] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: Yeah, I don't, I don't have any skin issues anymore. I also live a very nontoxic lifestyle. I don't color my hair. I use non-toxic products on my skin. I did a detox training with Laura Adler. And I also did one out of the UK. So that was very important for me. And when I was raising my children, I built a home and try to do everything as non-toxic as possible. I eat an anti-inflammatory diet. I can have something that's not anti-inflammatory once in a blue moon, like I did with you that delicious Peruvian food we ate. And then we had a big dessert, but I can't do that often.

So I don't even follow an 80/20 plan. I really follow a 99 or maybe 98 clean eating and maybe a 2% not clean eating because that's how I feel the best. So I really listen to my body. I really tap in. I practice yoga. I do weights. Occasionally I ride a bike. I use a trampoline for, um, lymphatic health. I meditate, I do deep breathing. My entire life is to support my health. And so when people say, why don't you drink? I can drink like a third of an ounce of red wine. And I think it's delicious, and I love it. And at this point I can handle a third of a third of a third of a glass. Let's put it that way, but I don't want any more than that. And I don't want it to be part of my life. And I think I'm as in touch with my body, as I have ever been in my life at this age, and I feel great.

[00:20:17] Dana Frost: Wow. That truly is aging backwards. Uh, your story really is feeling younger, growing older. And I think that when we think of a podcast on longevity and feeling younger, growing older, we might be tempted to believe that it's only for people midlife and beyond, but we know that our younger people are sicker than they've ever been. We know that actually breast cancer is on the rise in women in their twenties. We know that chronic disease and autoimmune disorders have been rising in young people. We have the highest level of psychotropic medications being used by our young people.

What if our young people could also feel younger growing older, you know, you've talked a lot about toxicity. I'd like to give our listeners just let's give them some clinical pearls, because you talked about having a non-toxic household and we talked about skincare and one of the things I did a couple of years ago was to clean. I had a clean skincare line and that means it doesn't have any known toxins. The U.S., for those of the listeners in the U.S. we basically have no regulation on prod of ingredients for topical things that you put on your skin topically.

If you compare that to European countries and other countries, they have a list that's thousands of and thousands of chemicals and substrates that aren't allowed in products. And so the beautiful thing that we have today is all of these clean skincare lines have been created because people want clean product. So that's one of the things clean products are absolutely available. And I will make a note in the show notes. I'll just list what I use in terms of clean beauty.

And when we talk about our home, Myriam, maybe you could touch on that. What are some of the ways that people can be thinking about cleaning up and having a home that's not toxic?

[00:22:23] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: So I do several things. I have a water filter, have a Berkey water filter in my kitchen, which takes out 99% of all kinds of pathogens, bacteria, leftovers from pharmaceuticals. I also have shower filters in my home. I don't use toxic cleaning products, but I've been on this path for 30 years when I started having children is when I really honed in on what do I need to do to have a non-toxic household? So I also use non-toxic cleaning products.

[00:22:53] Dana Frost: Are there any that you recommend Myriam?

[00:22:55] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: Seventh generation is one that I like a lot. The best way to find. And those that still has its issues. The best thing to do is do it yourself. Um, vinegar and water. I use a lot vinegar and water with some essential oils in it.

The best way to find out if the products you're using are toxic or not. And you'll be amazed how many you think are so clean are not is They have a wonderful resources. So I have shower filters as well. I also have HEPA filters around the house. I don't have carpeting. I use, well, I do have like two rugs and they're cotton, so I don't buy anything that's artificial that has VOC.

If I paint anything in my home, I use non VOC paints so that they're not they're volatile organic compounds that can make you sick. I have a special UV light in my air conditioning unit for bacteria. You can find those on Amazon or somewhere else.

[00:23:50] Dana Frost: See that. Okay. I have never heard of, I haven't heard of that. Can you, it's a UV light that you...

[00:23:56] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: Yes, you can put it inside your air conditioning unit to help with bacteria and mold and things like that. Because I have a history of, of being exposed to mold. Every time I move somewhere, I check I do a mold test, which mold is very important by the way, for people to know.

People can get very, very ill from living in a moldy environment. And I think they said 70 to 80% of all buildings have, have had water intrusion, especially in Miami where we have hurricanes and a lot of rain. So that's important to look at. Also, I don't put lights on after sundown. I use a salt lamp and I have all my glasses have blue lights on them.

[00:24:35] Dana Frost: Yeah. Speaking of that, I am going to be having an engineer on in December, as a guest who has a company that has glasses that emulate actually the sun and exposure. So they're a little more advanced than just blue light blockers. They're emulating the degrees that were exposed to the sun from morning tonight.

[00:24:59] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: Oh, interesting.

[00:25:00] Dana Frost: Because the body let's preface this, the body is set to the circadian rhythm of the light cycle with the sun and moving into night. And so our bodies function best when it is in rhythm with a natural exposure to light from sunrise to sundown. I'm glad you brought that up because I think that that's.

Well, you mentioned the anti-inflammatory diet. So that is, you know, in a very simplified way. It is just removing, known inflammatory foods. And the known across the board inflammatory foods would be gluten, sugar, corn, dairy and soy. Those are the big five I would say.

[00:25:49] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: Yeah, I don't need any of those. I also wanted to say EMF, so I don't plug my wifi in. I did plug it in for this, but I don't normally have my WiFi, my router plugged in, and I put my phone on airplane mode at night and I don't put any electronics on my body. And I use defender shield headphones that supposedly protect your brain from the EMF of that regular headphones don't do.

[00:26:12] Dana Frost: So, so many things that we've said, I will be having somebody on in the future to talk about EMF. So we're not going to get into that right now. But when we talk about a nontoxic lifestyle that really supports growing older in a way that we can feel better as we grow older. Really one of the number one things we really want to think about our exposure to toxins. So many of, you know, I went to the biohacking conference, actually, Myriam was there as well in September.

And from the stage, one, they had the highlights of ways that you can biohack your health. And one of the things, one of the main things you need to be concerned about is exposure to toxins. That basically everyone has exposure to toxins and you need to havea strategy, which is what Myriam is talking about. Having have a strategy for how you're going to support yourself in terms of the level, the load of toxic exposure that you might have. And there are all sorts of tests that you can take.

And we might we'll talk about that one day on the podcast, but really today's episode was an effort to highlight someone who truly feels younger growing older, and someone who at a very young age, knew she did not feel vibrant. She did not feel vitally herself. And she took her health into her own hands.

And I say, really, the only way forward in terms of health is to take your health into your own hands. You know, your body better than any professional. And because today we have access to so much information, amazing resources, books. We can learn so much on our own. We really can follow our curiosities where our health is concerned and we can, through our choices, make a, a remarkable impact on our health. A remarkable impact.

In my twenties, I was already starting to have arthritic pain. I looked into it. I started juicing. I eliminated dairy and no arthritic pain. Very, very simple lifestyle hacks that can turn off gene expression and eliminate a lot of our dis-ease. So Myriam, as we close, I like to ask each one of my guests, what does feeling younger while growing older mean to you?

[00:28:39] Myriam Lluria Sitterson: Feeling younger while growing older. Well, to me, age is a mindset and I think being healthy and vital kind of breaks all these constructs of age. Right. I feel much better than many of my friends, even some of my daughters who are you know, 30 years younger than me because of my lifestyle.

And I have a friend of mine who I played tennis with who said you have the energy of somebody my age, she's 45. So somebody 17 years younger than me. And it's basically knowing that you can regenerate your cells. You can regenerate your body. Your organs, food is information for yourself. And so you have control over how well you age or how well you don't age, basically. I think that's really important for people to know they have more control than they have any idea. And it does begin with nutrition.

[00:29:34] Dana Frost: That is such a beautiful note to end on. I want to thank you so much for your time and sharing your, your immigrant story, your history, your health journey with us. And I am as always streaming love from my heart to yours. Thank you listeners for joining us this week on the Vitally You® podcast.

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